Thursday, January 15, 2009

3d Tractor Cake Designs For Birthdays

Department of Energy?

add a sixth question the government candidates, suggested by the physicist Bruno D'Aguanno (head of the Renewable Energy Program CRS4 ):
"In your ideal Executive Department of Energy will find a place? In the U.S., the Department of Energy has existed since 1977, and today contributes greatly to the development of innovation and technology and the creation of new jobs (green jobs). "

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Bluetooth Headset In Ps3 Watch Movies

Radio interview (Moebius, Radio 24)

sardegna energia radio 24 In just over a month, on 15 and 16 February in Sardinia there will be elections for the leadership of the autonomous region. A petition, whose signatories are mostly researchers and people engaged in scientific research on the island, presents five questions for aspiring governors of each side to understand what the future actions in terms of energy. Mariachiara Apricot interview Andrea Mameli for Moebius Radio 24 .

Saturday, January 3, 2009

How To Open Inova Microlight

Questions on energy choices

Questions on energy choices to candidates for leadership of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia, elections of 15 and 16 February 2009.
As people engaged in scientific research (in universities and research centers, Sardinia and elsewhere) in the culture and social we believe that the degree of civilization of a society is measured by use of conscious resources. Thus, we ask candidates to comment on the energy choices and environmental and health issues related to them.
Who will lead the region to manage the location of a nuclear power plant and / or one or more repositories for radioactive waste and should be able to oppose the choice Necla a program annotated and shared.
This pressure should be considered una sfida per la ricerca scientifica nella consapevolezza che esistono precisi limiti allo sviluppo e che la conservazione responsabile dell’ambiente è un dovere: la Terra non ci appartiene ma che deve essere mantenuta integra per le prossime generazioni.
Perseguire con determinazione questi obiettivi porterebbe la Sardegna in una posizione chiave nell’applicazione di protocolli internazionali legati alla riduzione delle emissioni di anidride carbonica.
Rivolgiamo pertanto cinque domande a coloro che si candidano a guidare la Regione:
1) Quali misure intende adottare a sostegno della generazione distribuita da fonti rinnovabili "pure" (solare, eolica, geotermica, idroelettrica) e da altre forme "alternative" alle fonti fossili (combustibili di natura biologica e idrogeno generato da fonte rinnovabile)?
2) Ritiene di doversi impegnare in scelte coraggiose per portare la Sardegna all'avanguardia in Europa in relazione alla percentuale di energia elettrica prodotta da fonti rinnovabili?
3) Considerato che la prima fonte di energia è il risparmio energetico, quali misure intende adottare in tal senso?
4) Quali azioni di informazione e di educazione ambientale intende promuovere per creare e rafforzare la consapevolezza del ruolo dei singoli e della collettività in merito ai consumi enegetici?
5) In considerazione dell'imminente indicazione da parte del Governo of the localities that will become home to nuclear power plants and storage of radioactive waste would react as if it were chosen to Sardinia?


  1. Andrea Mameli, physical (CRS4)
  2. Franco Meloni, physicist (University of Cagliari)
  3. Marco Cogoni, physical (CRS4)
  4. Michelle Loi, a psychologist (University of Cagliari)
  5. Stefania Melis, Salt Lake Community College (USA)
  6. Cheratzu Francis, mathematician, entrepreneur (Ghilarza)
  7. Francesca Mele, geologist (Iglesias)
  8. Patrick Martorana, industrial expert (Iglesias)
  9. Gianluca Medas, actor (Cagliari)
  10. Gianfranco Meloni, teacher (Nuoro)
  11. Monica Mameli Engvall, physician and researcher (Sardegna Ricerche)
  12. Carlo Garau, cameraman (Cagliari)
  13. Mariangela Argiolas, Mom (Sestu)
  14. Paolo Maccioni, writer and dentist (Cagliari)
  15. Gaetano Fiore, physicist (University of Naples and INFN)
  16. Joshua Loj, a geologist, a member working group the EU Commission Directive soil
  17. Paul Musu, a chemical engineer (Oristano)
  18. Elizabeth Caredda, biologist, PhD (University of Cagliari)
  19. Michele Saba, physicist (University of Cagliari)
  20. Alessandra Basciu, web designers
  21. Sandra G. Mason (Olbia)
  22. Guido Mula, researcher, University of Cagliari
  23. Ivan Botticini, publisher and entrepreneur in the renewable energy sector (Sundomus, Cagliari)
  24. Franciscu Seddon, researcher (University of Rome Tor Vergata)
  25. Pulino Daniel, Sassari University student
  26. John Lopes, engineer (Olbia)
  27. Roberta Deiana, a social worker (Roma)
  28. Rossana Flores, an official (Cagliari)
  29. Peter Giannini, father worried (Cagliari)
  30. Francesca Madrigali, journalist (Cagliari)
  31. Anna Rita Vizzari, concerned teacher and mother (Sestu)
  32. Frank E. Magni, teacher and journalist (Milan)
  33. Valeria Demol, physical (Cagliari)
  34. Giuliana Perrotti, physical, Cagliari

Friday, January 2, 2009

Inguinal Hernia Pain Medication Oxycodone

Why this blog

This blog was created to support the petition to the regional elections of 15 and 16 February 2009: five questions for aspiring governor of the Autonomous Region of Sardinia in the energy sector. In support of the petition will be collected signatures of people interested in knowing the answers provided by candidates and possibly undertake to preserve memory.
The initiative is voluntary, nonpartisan and without ulterior motives, modeled on similar experiences of democratic scrutiny and pressure developed in the U.S. during the Police, elections of 2008.
Andrea Mameli, Cagliari, 2 January 2009