Monday morning, the small child (9 years) with the excuse of the stomach does not go to school, I do approffitta to sleep a bit more.
At one point the baby is waking up and says "Daddy you can not turn off the TV Brunetta I had shouted that the left does not want peace, but they are the ones who want it and we left we should be ashamed, and then adds Instead berlusconi cried shame for everyone who wants to disarm Israel and they say they want the war ended, but that he should be ashamed because we left that we want peace "and I think I'm left speechless, but this has just 9 years and is already well on the left? Then he sggiunto if they say these things we left that c. .. are we doing? the next episode of year zero send him to the place Franceschini (bilmbo if he had seen on television but said he would have to siniostra?) is certainly more than the child who left him.
But what would the child in front of the latest expressions of Brunetta Berlusconi and addressed to the judiciary?
Brunetta said that the courts are in chaos and that there is no one in the afternoon, It is true but if you still continue with cuts in the justice courts in the afternoon will soon have to rent a few or some combination of paper money launderer for power putting up the money for office supplies.
And now I understand well that the law on wiretapping, and the tapes cost so you save on power and on cd. The savings in the first place. And
government will mean savings as today called for yet another vote of confidence to protect the poor savers who have worked so hard on his back and loaded the money like so many mules if they are taken in tax havens.
But you think you can do to that effort will lead to € 6 billion abroad? How many people engaged in a struggle like this? How many need to rent yachts to reach the islands?
How many tons of drugs have to sell to get money then having to wash dirty by paying less than 5% of the declared? (Poor people in other states they would be seized and also arrested the smuggler) Then if you forget to put in the declaration of some 0 does nothing so much confidence is also sul falso in bilancio.
E il povero governo per difendere questi poveretti deve porre il voto di fiducia . Ci risiamo sono sempre costretti a mettere un voto di fiducia (25 in 17 mesi di legislatura)per far passare leggi che altrimenti alcune serpi che hanno in seno non avrebbero avuto il coraggio di far passare.
Tra questi poveretti non c'è brunetta lui paga solo 40.000 mila euro annui a De Michelis per tenergli la contabilità. Lui sicuramente non potrà portare soldi in paradisi fiscali e per questo sarà amareggiato perché gli altri faticano e lui invece potrà essere tacciato di fanulloneria.
Ma non si preoccupi De Michelis ha frequentato governi specializzati in trasferimenti di soldi.. Perciò will be good advice.
And why criticize this tax shelter? But we think about how much liquid can reach the Italian banks? (Mediolanum is a bank? ) and then think about it, If someone brought 6miliardi of € 300 million abroad now have to pay well (do not know if I've miscalculated) € for one can easily spend the other 5700. 000,000 with no problem that someone can be arrested for the origin of that money. But you think about how much work shops for Italian?
fact and if we too may become a tax haven? I just got a lot of people who bring money into Italian banks. so here just declare € 1000 and pay 5% to go in the washing machine
( io apro una lavanderia industriale a gettoni) soldi di tutte la brave persone perseguitate nei propri paesi.
Già mi Immagino i titoli per propaganda turistica. VENITE IN ITALIA LA PIÙ GRANDE LAVANDERIA MONETARIA DEL MONDO poi passeranno immagini di Forte dei Marmi dove russi acquistano ville e alberghi e lasciano mance da 4000 € , oppure colline di soldi con la foto di TOTo' RINA sulla cima e la didascalia anch'io uso lavatrici italiane....Altro manifesto , Confalonieri che si affanna a riempire un oblo' di lavatrice e Previti li vicino che stende €.
Poi se i soldi sono quelli di colui che sta in cima alla collina non fa nulla sempre soldi sporchi sono.
E ci risiamo Di a tax amnesty and a new vote of confidence that seems to be the child of 9 years Santoro certainly urlerebbe SHAME. Today's recipe
carpaccio of diFiletto REMEDIED \u200b\u200b(the cured beef that is a beef calf that is about to become the meat is no longer white but not red like the beef) marinated with thyme and apple vinegar. With
filangè vegetables and pomegranate sauce Ingredients
2 Lt water
1.5 liter of apple cider vinegar
60 grams of thyme
10 grams of black pepper salt to taste
Sanato 1 fillet (he's healed in name only) or veal zucchini
5 5 5
carrots 2 bunches of arugula
Boil water, vinegar, thyme, pepper and salt. Allow to cool
dip the meat and tied to leave in the refrigerator for 24 hours.
Remove the meat dry and place in freezer for an hour it can be sliced \u200b\u200bthin with slicer or sharp knife.
Cut carrots and zucchini with a strainer for carrots filangè. Cut arugula into strips and make marinade apple cider vinegar with oil and salt.
a pomegranate peel and squeeze the beans into a colander then make a sauce by adding two cups of extra virgin olive oil is not strong, and salt.
Making piles of vegetables (perhaps with the aid of stencils, cream caramel and disposable) cut the remedied thin and spread over the vegetables and season with the pomegranate sauce and garnish with pomegranate chichhi the second.

if there be stayed.