Thursday, June 17, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Find The Bank In Sengal
The Democratic Party of Francavilla, notes with bitterness and disappointment, yet another blow to the city and its ranks production resulting from the publication of the provisional list of the Region Apulia the allocation of European Funds for Regional Development (ERDF) has ruled that the project presented by the Town Council for the completion of infrastructure in the area PIP for a total of € 4,500,000.
This exclusion, says the results published in Gazette No regional 94 of 27.05.2010, has come from defects of character associated with the formal presentation of the project.
reveal themselves, so, after some time, based and justified concerns that the PD had the opportunity to express actions in the press that called for the AC to present the project in terms that, apparently, despite the extensions granted by Region non si è avuto il tempo e la capacità di elaborare correttamente e in maniera conforme al bando.
Anche questa volta il pressappochismo e l’insipienza hanno determinato la perdita di una grande opportunità di sviluppo ed implementazione della zona PIP, come ben sanno gli operatori economici, costretti ad operare da tempo immemorabile in assenza di infrastrutture basilari (strade, fogne, ADSL, parcheggi, videosorveglianza, ecc.) con ricadute negative sull’attività produttiva.
Il PD in questi giorni ha denunciato con forza l’incapacità dell’attuale A.C., del tutto in linea con le precedenti esperienze di governo cittadino, di attuare e completare le innumerevoli public works, with an obvious degradation of our reality, in economic terms (the intermodal center, a former market hall, Fair View, and, indeed, the area PIP), socio-cultural (a state of neglect and lack of sports facilities. cultural and tourism) and urban-architectural (Castle, a former convent in Via S. Biagio, public sidewalks and streets, suburbs and green spaces degraded).
Beyond the obvious inadequacy of the complaint while a duty of our government class, the PD will provide a competitive incentive and administrative-political awakening of the city, offering its own contribution to analysis and proposals for resolving the long-standing problems become so serious gangrene and to require a joint effort of the entire ruling class francavillese for their partial solution. Unfortunately, not yet in sight behaviors and messages in that direction.
THE CLUB PD (the secretary)