disconcerting that the risk Francavilla become a symbol of a racist policy, which by means of a single hand (that of Proto adviser, in fact), goes in a few months since the imposition of patrols in political persecution of immigrants.
Our country has lived for the first emigration, and can only encourage acceptance and integration policies, while, in this case, clearly indicate a strong and, hopefully, only personal feelings of racism and persecution against an immigrant.
seems to live in a vulgar and closed village Northern League, not in our Francavilla, a city traditionally friendly and open to comparison, in the Puglia of the people!
What happened is serious interference from a city councilman who, keen on patrols and subject to delusions of leadership, beyond the facts as they went, there stands a sheriff in this episode of law and order, doing in a real chase with the police. Unlike
would inform the police of a possible (and to be verified) physical aggression (not found with a knife) and minutes (from a mouth that barely knows Italian!) And expect that they did the his duty.
These are the facts, against which the mayor, Dr. Vincenzo Della Corte and the entire City Council should take a clear position!
The rest will be for the judiciary, with appropriate investigations will examine the facts and verify what happened.
commend If granted, to say Proto, the municipal police for "Distinguished Service" (which clearly could do without his help), double praise should be reserved, in our opinion, the town francavillese that in simple fulfillment of a duty / right, breaking a wall of silence that certainly would have avoided many drawbacks, has deemed it necessary to supplement the information that clearly appeared to partial and misleading. This is the model of active citizenship to which we refer to, educating the true respect for the law.
The Democratic Party will continue to be vigilant on issues of integration, reception and civil coexistence and as early as next City Council will ask with force, as well as clarification of the incident, with the withdrawal of the resolution endorsing the establishment of the patrols, which helped to brand our city as a land of sheriffs and racism .
The Secretary of the Democratic Party