Monday, September 20, 2010

Miranda Cosgrove Hula


Green, white, red tri-color symbol "
politics, entertainment, sports, culture

Francavilla Fontana 25 and September 26, 2010 - Piazzetta San Marco - Piazza Dante

Saturday, September 25
Hours 18 - Piazzetta San Marco

"The current political crisis, prospects and new alliances"

Chair: Corrado Tarantino Secretary Prov.le PD
Senator Salvatore Tomaselli PD
Massimo Ferrarese President province BR
Salvatore Tatarella MEP FLI
Michele Losappio c.ppo Cons Reg SEL

Chair: Marcello Cafueri Secretary PD Francavilla

20 Hours - Piazza Dante
Evening Music: Namara

in concert Sunday, September 26
Hours 18 - Piazzetta San Marco

"Waste: what future for the francavillesi between landfill and recycling"

Chair: Thomas remains leader cons. com. PD
Speakers: Maurizio Bruno
ass. Prov.le PD
Antonio Martina ass. UDC Prov.le
Francesco Fumagalli ass. municipal environment
Mario Filomeno Mov. Cost

Coordinator: Anna Maria Padula answering Prov.le PD

Hours 20 - piazza S. Marco
Awards: Night tournament "Football Under the Stars" (between the parties policy on 18/09/2010 at the sports center Soter), photographic exhibition, drawing democratic

band concert "G. Verdi "di Francavilla Fontana
" tribute to G. Verdi on the 150th unit of Italy "In

stay in the square S. Mark
- information stands by: Arciragazzi, Coscioni Cell, Free, Tent S. Damiano, Hakuna Matata (Fair Comm), Young Democrats, Auser, CGIL.
- shows - photo contest on "green, white, red, three color a symbol."
- food stands.

Friday, September 10, 2010

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Rolex GMT-Master ref. 1675/8 Logo OMAN

Rolex GMT-Master ref. 1675 / 8 Logo OMAN

The GMT-Master ref. 1675 / 8, the evolution of ref. 6542 of which we have already 'widely spoken, and 'went into production in 1959 in conjunction with the steel model. The differences between the two
GMT pero 'are many, the most' evident 'that for some years and the gold version' was produced without the parapets to protect the crown.

Towards the second half 'of the 60s by' production in the final gold version with shoulders to protect the crown, conforming with the characteristics of the steel model.

The gold version and 'only 18k.

The GMT-Master ref. 1675 / 8, evolution of the ref. 6542 previously discussed Which We Have Already Entered into production in 1959 together with a steel model. There are many
Differences Between the Two GMT’s however; the most evident is that for a few years the gold version was produced without the winding crown protectors.

Around the second half of the 1960’s the gold version with the crown protectors began to be produced conforming to the characteristics of the steel model.
The gold version is only available in 18kt.

Una pubblicita' Rolex affermava che occorreva un anno di lavoro per realizzare un Rolex GMT-Master ;dichiarava letteralmente:"...I Rolex sono fabbricati con more care and patience by the artisans' experts in the world. They put us over 12 months to manufacture a ... our craftsmen perform 162 operations to turn a piece of metal in the most 'robust case clock that exists. Then run 38 more operations to fit the Rolex crown with double seal, and that 'screwed onto the case like a submarine hatch.

A Rolex Stated That It Took a full year working to make a Rolex GMT-Master; Literally it said: "Rolex watches are made with care and patience by The Most expert craftsmen in the world. It Takes Them More Than 12 months to make one ... Our craftsmen Perform More Than 162 operations to transform a piece of metal into the Most Robust That watch case exists. Then it takes another 38 operations to fit the double sealed Rolex crown which is screwed onto the case like the door of a submarine”.

Il GMT Master ref. 1675/8 e' dichiarato impermeabile fino a 50 mt, monta il movimento cal. 1565GMT(sul ponte marchiato 1560 o 1570) derivato dal cal. 1530 con un diametro di 28,5 mm, altezza 6,47 mm e 18000 alternanze ora.
Il fondello e' in oro massiccio filettato per una chiusura a vite con la cassa con punzoni identificativi all'interno.

The GMT-Master ref. 1675/8 is listed as waterproof up to 50 meters. The caliber that is mounted is the cal. 1565GMT (stamped 1560 or 1570 on the bridge) derived from the cal. 1530 with a 28.5 diameter, 6.47mm height and 18000 vibrations per hour.
The back is in threaded heavy gold for a screw-type closure with the case and has the identifying punches on the inside.

La corona di carica e' una Twinlock del diametro di 5,3 mm fabbricata con una speciale lega di zinco, rame e nichel rivestita in oro.

The winding crown is a 5.3mm diameter Twinlock made with special gold plated copper and nickel alloy.

The GMT-Master was to be marketed with two leather straps and a gold buckle, gold bracelet that version. This had a list price of twice the other.
could assemble bracelets ref.6636 / 8 Oyster extended or 7206 / 8 Oyster
and then the 6311 / 8 Jubilee'o 7836 / 8 Oyster.

The GMT-MASTER Was Either sold with two leather bands with a gold clasp, or in a version with a gold bracelet for double the price. It HAD Either the extendible Oyster bracelet ref. 6636 / 8 or the Oyster 7206 / 8 and later with the Jubilee ' 6311 / 8 or Oyster 7836 / 8.

In 1977, the serial number assigned to the Rolex watch was followed by a double numbering from 4.259.0 to 4.275.9 ** ** and 5.0845 ** to 5.431.6 **.

5.127.1 ** The serial was' assigned to the GMT-Master ref 1675 with the logo of swords, called kanji symbol of Oman.
This watch is' unprecedented, not 'never appeared in any publication or auction as proof of its extreme rarity'. Unconfirmed reports say a production of only 17 copies.

In 1977 the serial number assigned to Rolex watches Followed in double numeration, from 4.259.0** to 4,275.9** and from 5.0845** to 5.431.6**.

The serial number 5.127.1** was given to the GMT-MASTER ref 1675 with the sword logo, called Kanjir, symbol of Oman.
This watch is unpublished, and never appeared in any publication or auction, demonstrating just how rare it is. Unconfirmed sources say that only 17 specimens were produced.

E' tradizione del regnante dell'Oman ,Sultano QABUS Ibn Sa'id, donare qualcosa ad ospiti o persone importanti e per qualche ragione gli orologi Rolex erano uno dei regali preferiti.
Il livello di rispetto dimostrato verso una persona viene giudicato dal valore del regalo offerto.

Il quadrante marrone mat con indici applicati e' sopranominato dai collezionisti
"occhio di Tigre" per il caldo color marrone somigliante al colore degli occhi del grande felino. Il quadrante personalizzato con le spade e' stato prodotto da Beyeler di Ginevra , uno dei fornitori ufficiali di quadranti di Rolex.

It is tradition for the reigning leader of Oman, Sultan QABUS Ibn Sa’id, to give something to guests or important people, and for some reason Rolex watches were his favorite gift.
The level of respect shown to a person was judged by the value of the gift offered.

The brown matt dial with applied indices is nicknamed by collectors “Tiger eye” due to its warm brown color which is similar to the eye color of the great feline. This personalized dial with the swords was produced by Beyeler of Geneva, on of the official Rolex dial suppliers.

Le spade rosse stampate al 6 al posto della consueta scritta GMT-MASTER and the chronometer certification, mean that the Gmt commonly called "tiger eye" can be renamed with the nickname "The Tiger of Oman."

The red swords stamped at 6 o'clock in the usual place of writing GMT-MASTER and chronometer certification, allow the commonly known "Tiger Eye" to be renamed with the nickname "The Tiger of Oman."

Stefano Mazzariol

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

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Photo Contest: "Green, white, red, three colors, a symbol"

"Green, white, rosso:
tre colori, un simbolo”
Concorso fotografico organizzato dal Partito Democratico di Francavilla Fontana
nell’ambito della II° Festa Democratica del PD
Francavilla Fontana (BR)

Il Partito Democratico di Francavilla Fontana organizza il primo Concorso fotografico ‘Verde, bianco, rosso: tre colori, un simbolo” nell’ambito della seconda Festa Democratica che si svolgerà a Francavilla Fontana nei giorni 25 e 26 settembre 2010 in piazzetta san Marco e piazza Dante; negli stessi giorni si effettuerà una mostra fotografica con tutti gli scatti pervenuti.

TEMA DEL CONCORSO: Il concorso si propone di cogliere, attraverso scatti che abbiano come reference to one of three colors or the Italian flag, the sense of unity of Italy and the track, the significant characters, the essence, the peculiarities of Italian citizens. The author is absolutely free, by the shots, to give its interpretation of what it means to be Italian today.

REGISTRATION: until Sunday, September 19, 2010, by filling out the registration form (to be sent via email to or delivered directly into Democratic Party headquarters in Via Roma 17/aa Francavilla Fontana.

PARTICIPANTS : Participation is free, open to all and without age limit.
Per coloro che alla data di chiusura del bando non avranno compiuto il diciottesimo anno d’età, sarà necessaria un’autorizzazione e una dichiarazione di responsabilità da parte dei genitori.
Non sono ammessi a partecipare al concorso: i membri della Giuria, i componenti del Partito Democratico di Francavilla Fontana, tutti i soggetti che a vario titolo collaborano all’organizzazione del concorso.

I classificato: targa di merito e abbonamento annuale alla rivista “Il fotografo”
II e III classificato: targa di merito offerta dalla Provincia di Brindisi.
Alla serata dedicata alle premiazioni, che avverrà il giorno 26 settembre 2010 in piazzetta san Marco, All participants are invited. The winners will be notified promptly via e-mail or telephone number on the registration form.
• Each contestant may enter a maximum of three photos, black and white or color, in traditional or digital
• Photos will also be printed in format 20cm x 30cm and delivered to organizers of the competition, so they can then be used for the exhibition area; •
shots can be both vertical and horizontal
• prints must be made on photo paper or otherwise high-quality images •
submitted must also be provided on CD-ROM for any projection in the days of the Democratic Party, will not be allowed
• photomontages, sunburns, digital filters or digital retouching too obvious exception of slight color correction, contrast and exposure. The photo contest will be considered available to the Democratic Party of Francavilla Fontana for any subsequent exhibitions. The photographs must be unpublished and must not relate to the theme of the competition. The photographs which appear in individual stars of the pictures (particularly recognizable subjects such as portraits of individuals, etc..) Must be accompanied by release signed by the parties involved. •
will only be accepted le fotografie inviate o consegnate a mano in formato cartaceo delle dimensioni di 20x30 cm ed in formato digitale in alta risoluzione, ossia file jpeg che dovranno essere consegnate su cd o dvd.
• Sul retro delle fotografie devono essere annotati nome, cognome, titolo, dimensioni, luogo di realizzazione (quando identificabile)

SCADENZA: Il plico contenente il materiale dovrà pervenire, improrogabilmente entro e non oltre il 22 settembre 2010. La consegna può essere fatta a mano, direttamente presso la sede del Partito Democratico in via Roma 17/a – Francavilla Fontana ogni giorno dalle ore 20,00 alle 22.00, oppure per posta o tramite corriere al seguente indirizzo:
Partito Democratico di Francavilla Fontana, via Roma 17/a, 720121 Francavilla Fontana (BR)

La giuria sarà composta da:
- Rita Sardelli (fotografa e giornalista TRCB)
- Benedetto Sorino (docente di grafica e tecnica fotografica)
- Pietro Filomeno (docente di lettere e giornalista)
- Nicola Marinosci (fotoamatore e naturalista)
- Marcello Cafueri (segretario Partito Democratico di Francavilla Fontana)

Entro il 24 settembre si riunirà la Giuria che, volontariamente e senza alcun compenso, in numero di cinque componenti, deciderà quali saranno i migliori scatti.
La Giuria valuterà le immagini sulla base della creatività e della qualità fotografica, nonché adherence to the theme. The jury will nominate the three winners of its sole discretion. The jury reserves the right not to accept those images whose realization is assumed to cause damage to the organizers and to award the prizes according to its technical opinion and culture. Winners will be contacted by them to the addresses indicated in the registration form. In the case of untraceable winners, the prize will be revoked for lack of the essential requirements for participation in the Competition. In this case, replacing the names identified by the jury as reserves in the order defined by it. The author of each photograph represents and warrants sent to the organizers:
- to be the holder exclusive and legitimate rights of all copyright and exploitation, including economic, of each photograph;
- acquired from third parties entitled to have all the image rights for the portrait;
- to be responsible for the content of their work and maintaining indemnify the organizers against any claim and / or third-party action and shall indemnify 'the "Democratic Party" in Francavilla Fontana from any damages or loss, including legal fees, even of a court, which might be caused by a breach of As indicated above,
- entering the Contest, the author of each photograph shall, without charge, to the organizers the right to display the images in the exhibition and that at national and international exhibitions or events promoted by the organizers or with their legal and / or participation, with the burden of suing the author of the photographs. The photo is in any case the intellectual property of the author and do not in any case never be used for profit without the informed consent and the comparison with the author. The sale is set here for free. The photographs will be published on the competitors website of the Democratic Party of Francavilla Fontana and Facebook page. Participation in the competition implies that the participant, the general acceptance of these Regulations.

The data collected will be treated according to D. Decree 196/03.
They will be used by the end of the proper conduct of the competition.
data collected under this award can be processed for the sole purpose of promotion of the Association.
data can be viewed, edited, updated or deleted at any time.
The owner of the data is the Democratic Party of Francavilla Fontana with headquarters at Rome 17/aa Francavilla Fontana.

Without prejudice to the intellectual property of the works that remain a capo dell’autore, il Partito Democratico di Francavilla Fontana si riserva il diritto all’utilizzo delle immagini selezionate.
Al termine della mostra fotografica tutte le stampe rimarranno nelle disponibilità del Partito Democratico di Francavilla Fontana, e non saranno restituite all’autore, che resterà tuttavia il solo proprietario.
Ogni partecipante è unico responsabile di quanto forma oggetto della sua immagine, pertanto s’impegna ad escludere ogni responsabilità del Partito Democratico di Francavilla Fontana nei confronti di terzi.
In particolare dichiara di essere unico autore delle immagini inviate e che esse sono originali, inedite e non in corso di pubblicazione, che non ledono diritti di third case for which depict subjects requires the consent or authorization for he has obtained.
Each participant unconditionally accepts all the provisions of this Regulation.

Ending enrollment: by Sunday, September 19, 2010. Deadline for delivery of the photographs: Tuesday, September 22, 2010. Date of meeting of the Jury: before September 24, 2010. Date of award: at the Democratic Party the day September 26, 2010.

For information, contact tel. 3397810352 (Anna Maria) or 3393852564 (Marcello) or via e-mail:

The Democratic Party of Francavilla Fontana says that:
- the personal data provided by tenderers will be treated in compliance with the provisions of Legislative Decree no. 196, June 30, 2003 (Code on Personal Data Protection) and local regulations regarding privacy;
- any time, participants may exercise their rights under Art. 7 of the Privacy Act (access, correction, cancellation, opposition to treatment) by an informal request from lil Democratic Party of Francavilla Fontana, located in Via Roma 17 / a, 72021 - Francavilla Fontana as data controller.


Place of birth:
Date of birth:
Address: Zip
Tax Code:


The undersigned
_________________________________con affixing his signature to this form declares under its responsibility to acknowledge and accept the notice and the Rules of the Photo Contest "Green, white, red, three colors, a symbol", which requires taking part. I confirm
finally be the sole author of the images sent and to respect and accept, inter alia, the provisions contained in the Regulations.

Place and date Signature ________________________________ _____________________

The signed form should be sent to: or delivered by hand, directly at the headquarters of the Democratic Party of Francavilla Fontana, Via Roma 17 / a, every day from 20.00 to 22.00 hours

INFORMATION ACCORDING TO LEGISLATIVE DECREE. 30.6.2003 n. 196 "Code for the Protection of Personal Data" Under Article
. 13 of Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 of the Fabric of Nichi inform Grottaglie of the following:
1. Aims of treatment
The data you provide may be used for the following purposes: to allow
, even indirectly, the conduct of the photo competition, which is the achievement of the objectives related and / or connected and / or a result of participating in the photo contest and that with particular regard to the various stages of selection, any designation by the jury to take part in the competition, for all purposes listed in the General Regulations.
2. Provision of data
Personal data are required. Failure to complete the entry form preclude the inclusion of photographic material and the resulting possible participation in the photo exhibition.
3. Method of treatment
Data will be processed mainly by using forms and, where appropriate, with logic related to the purposes described in section 1. of this disclosure, to guarantee the correctness, legality, transparency.
4. Communication and dissemination of data
The data may be released exclusively for the purpose of fulfilling obligations required by law or for law enforcement, judicial and administrative authority.
5. Charge of the treatment
responsible for treatment and the Democratic Party of Francavilla Fontana con sede in via Roma, 17/ - 72021, Francavilla Fontana (BR).
6. Diritti dell’interessato
In relazione al presente trattamento di dati, ai sensi dell’articolo 7, D.Lgs. 30.6.2003 n. 196 “Codice in materia di protezione dei dati personali”:
1. L’interessato ha diritto di ottenere la conferma dell’esistenza o meno di dati personali che lo riguardano, anche se non ancora registrati, e la loro comunicazione in forma intelligibile.
2. L’interessato ha diritto di ottenere l’indicazione:
a) dell’origine dei dati personali;
b) delle finalità e modalità del trattamento;
c) della logica applicata in caso di trattamento effettuato con the use of electronic means;
d) the identity of the representative appointed under article 5, paragraph 2;
e) subjects or categories of persons to whom the data may be communicated or who may become aware as appointed representative in the State, managers or agents.
3. You have the right to obtain:
a) updating, rectification or, when interested, integration of data;
b) the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or block of data in violation of law, including those that do not need to be kept for the purposes for which the data were collected or subsequently processed;
c) certification that the operations in letters a) and b) have been notified, also as regards their contents, to those to whom the data are were communicated or disseminated, unless this requirement proves impossible or involves a manifestly disproportionate to the protected right. 4.The
'have the right to object, in whole or in part
a) for legitimate reasons the processing of personal data, pertinent to the purpose of collection;
b) the processing of personal data concerning him the purpose of sending advertising materials or direct selling or for carrying out market surveys or commercial communication.
7. Exercise of Rights and Data Controller.
rights under Article 7 of Legislative Decree no. 30.6.2003 n. 196, may be exercised by submitting a request sent by registered mail to the Owner or by e-mail address:

Signature __________________________________________

Thursday, September 2, 2010

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Osafo acquitted now former adviser to the apology Proto!

The Democratic Party of Francavilla Fontana Welcomes the work done by the judiciary, which quickly put an end to an unfortunate and paradoxical consequences of which paid an innocent man who had to undergo imprisonment for more than 10 days.
surface does not appear to question the fate of the boy if it were not for the courageous testimony of ordinary citizens Alessandra Latartara against the delusions of leadership of the municipal council PDL Benedict Proto.
E 'serious damage to the entire citizenry has suffered during this period in history when racial confrontation is more alive than ever, be represented by the Adviser as Proto racist city.
Not wanting to prosecute the action of the municipal police, which is probably unwittingly became involved in a farce mounted to art, we hope that this is an isolated case and that all the relevant immediately dispose of the entire control arm of the guide evidentemente manca.
Riteniamo comunque che sia ingiustificabile l'aver chiesto l'ausilio del Proto in un'azione che lo stesso PM ha definito di “dubbia legittimità”.
Pur consapevoli del valore e della indispensabilità dell'azione della Polizia municipale, non possiamo non sottolineare che questa volta si è trattato di una distorsione dei propri compiti istituzionali e auspichiamo che in futuro qualsiasi richiesta di intervento venga dirottata verso i carabinieri, certamente più legittimati e preparati professionalmente ad affrontare casi simili.
L' “intemperanza razziale” (per utilizzare la definizione del PM Giuseppe De Nozza) di Benedetto Proto non può rimanere impunita perché ha gettato nel fango l'immagine di un'intera comunità storicamente dedita all'accoglienza dei più bisognosi e che non dimentica i torti subiti negli anni passati e nei giorni nostri dai propri migranti vecchi e nuovi.
Riteniamo giuste quanto inevitabili le dimissioni del consigliere a seguito della sentenza.
Pretendiamo che la Polizia municipale chiarisca il suo operato e ne dimostri la buonafede dissociandosi dall'ingiusta accusa portata avanti dal Proto, definendo quanto prima il proprio organico e necessarie competenze per venire incontro alle aspettative di sicurezza della cittadinanza.
Pretendiamo che Benedetto Proto, al pari di quanto fatto in maniera umile ed elogiabile dal PM, seppure in posizione nettamente differente, faccia le proprie scuse the Nigerian boy because of his xenophobic tendencies obviously has suffered unjustly in prison.
We claim, finally, whether the mayor to brand harshly injustice perpetrated by Proto and apologize on behalf of the entire community to francavillese OSAF, ending this disgraceful affair with the withdrawal of the patrol, whose aggressiveness has been demonstrated sudden sheriff Proto. Marcello
Secretary PD Thomas Francavilla

Parent Pd remains in the city council