Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Can A Dog Get Impetigo?

Virtues: Part 1,

JUSTICE (the Latin iustitia ) is the firm and constant will to give God and neighbor that is due to them.

The Italian people, especially those governing it by his own meaning to the word justice.
He feels that it was right that children are reluctant to make bread and water because their parents have not paid their school canteen, and then maybe the same people screaming in the streets it is unfair to remove the crucifix in schools but it was not Jesus say you feed the hungry?. Lords of Brescia and the League said that Jesus did not look only to the starving northern Italy, but also to foreigners and those of Southern Italy and so much better if the children.
I do not know what justice is owed to God, but I think I know what is due to the people, the true JUSTICE.
But if people really deserve it? The leader of the league
sang a song against racism Neapolitans

and then rightly criticized resigned as leader of the League of the room, and just as rightly became an MEP, but the best thing is that in Campania has won the election the PDL. (Coincidentally right after the election the B. .. Saviano has blamed if there is Campania Camorra as saying that he was guilty of Falcone and Borsellino in Sicily where there is the mafia) Justice is was made now to give the Neapolitan sapone.Ma was right candidate to win De Luca PD? Perhaps it would be more fair to do so nominated representative Poggioreale maybe the left arm of the prison ...
But justice is known is strange and sometimes it is the right way and so the petite brunette
was beaten while in Venice in Veneto won the league ... And, civil servants are lazy, but mica balls, I would like you as a leader that you would definitely work 60 hours a week and rightly pagandovene 36, because the other 24 you probably go to the coffee machine? But then you mica knows the right go to heaven, I'm sorry for Brunetta, also because if he became mayor of Venice, surely the first thing he would do was find something to do with lazy ... Transport in Venice in the shoulder when the water reaches four feet, or drown him rightly.
Talking of Electoral Justice, Piedmont has won a Cota della lega.
Bene allora è giusto per i piemontesi che si ritrovino una centrale nucleare cosi diventeranno ricchi quando ci venderanno l'energia elettrica a noi del Centro sud e in piu risparmieranno anche sulle lampadine delle automobili, perchè diventando tutti verdi fluorescenti si noteranno sicuramente anche di notte, e le donne che vorranno abortire non dovranno recarsi in ospedale per la pillola abortiva RU-486 ( che tanto Cota non farà distribuire in Piemonte) ma basterà una visita guidata alla centrale nucleare (che Cota acconsentirà di costruire) .Pensate a che senso di Giustizia quelli della lega , I bambini extracomunitari che non pagano la mensa li metteranno tutti a pane e acqua cosi hano anche la maniera di smaltire le acque heavy processing of uranium, then when the children are well fluorescent lighting will use them for the churches to the provisions of pedophile priests, which in turn contaminate become fluorescent and clerical justice so they can correctly recognize the gay priests. M
justice to know is colored red, so why the judges' robes are black like that of Ghedini? All
to criticize the government laws, but laws that give to the next what he deserves.
Take for example the law on conflict of interest: Perhè left governments Dalem and Prodi have not been able to do it? (Or did not want to).
So why should I rightly says Berlusconi I do it? Rpincipale who are interested in> conflict of interest? Then
Berlusconi will hand in the Insurance TV, newspapers, banks, but you can call conflict of interest? Mica the TV the insurance etc ... Berlusconi to make war .. Noo indeed support it and then if there is no war that is conflict? That conflict can
be with the TV when the same work as people Minzolini , Faith and Vespa .... no conflict with the knight and then he reads it for? and rightly so he does not make it. And Dov
'è la Giustizia nella Carta Stampata? tutti i giornali sono comunisti e accusano ingiustamente Berlusconi di conflitto di interessi , ma se addirittura da dei finanziamenti al giornale di Mastella " IL Campanile " che si non ne vende neppure una copia.
E poi vi sembra conflitto di interessi essere propretario della Mondadori e socio di maggioranza RCS ?
Ma la giustizia è in mano alle toghe rosse come rossi erano i mantelli dei romani che crocefissero Gesù , e allora cosa bisogna far crocifiggere anche lui? Nooo lui è unto dal signore mica is his son, to limit his equal and then here's that divine justice has responded and gave him the idea of \u200b\u200bsuch failure. Never seen
Ghedini rightly so happy when he told the court that the B.. could not be present at the trial until the end of July. I
I tried to rely on the legitimate ground for not having gone to asl me for the eye examination, but they sent me the bulletin entitled to be paid as defaulting.
may also rely on such failure if the case does not make it to fuck a Escort? "I'm sorry I had legitimate impediment because the prostate is not working well and are prevented Sato ada go to the pharmacy to take Viagra . "
It seems right to you who are intercepted all his friends? Not that it is not just because intercepting phone calls of his friends he always intercept. Then if the friends are criminals or corrupt fault he has them? the importance in Calabria and Campania has won the elections and rightly daughters that he cares about those who gave him the votes?
So it is right that a law is made on ' interceptions, and that is so prohibited from intercepting all friends of those criminals in government. But our rulers have friends who are not intercepted do not have it? But another good demonstration
of Justice has given the president Napolitano, B. said that it is not right that the president is to deployment other than that which governs us, then here it Napolitano has decided to sign all the bills proposed by the government so justice is done and B is happy. But you know Justice is red and once it was also Napolitano.
But if justice is red, then God must be color-blind see what they say and combine political and clerical leaders.
likely that there Gay priests, but as a heterosexual priests have made a vow of chastity, therefore, must keep their tools in the flap tightly closed, and those who abuse children are pedophiles, and as such should only be brought to justice and the first earth then divine.
Then if God said "go forth and multiply " I explained how to make the priests to obey the word of God if they can not fuck?
I think would be fair to the priests who vent their sexuality in the light of day, then do I see if procreate to preach ncora against contraceptives ....


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