responses IRS - indipendèntzia Repùbrica de Sardinia
Dear Sardinia Energy Group, the following are the responses of IRS - indipendèntzia Repùbrica de Sardinia to your questions.
1) What action is in support of distributed generation from renewable sources "pure" (solar, wind, geothermal, hydroelectric) and other "alternative" to fossil fuels (fuels of biological and hydrogen generated from renewable sources) ?
IRS-indipendentzia Repùbrica de Sardinia has a strong programmatic commitment in promoting the transition from fossil fuels to renewable "pure." About the research in this area, our position is that it should be encouraged and promoted by the public in any form, with a more organic link between the various research centers, universities and political institutions. About the concrete steps to do in the short term, certainly we should review the entire system of financing and incentives to the private use of renewable sources (think of photovoltaic and solar), with a simultaneous launch of the restructuring of the entire distribution network.
2) considers that he should engage in choices courageous to take the forefront in Europe in Sardinia to the percentage of electricity produced from renewable sources?
IRS has already metabolized not only the need to foreground these issues, and has consequently established an internal processing center dedicated to energy and environment, but in its programs in the medium and long-term project to bring Sardinia in advanced positions in the field of energy from renewable sources. It is not simply an option among others, but a necessary way (given the geographical condition of our land) and at the same time a great development opportunity with low impact and high value added per i prossimi decenni.
3) Considerato che la prima fonte di energia è il risparmio energetico, quali misure intende adottare in tal senso?
Intanto una capillare campagna di sensibilizzazione. Esiste già oggi la possibilità di ridurre lo spreco energetico semplicemente agendo sugli usi domestici. In questo senso è necessario un forte impegno da parte dell'amministrazione pubblica nell'incentivare ristrutturazioni attente alle necessità di risparmio energetico e una politica edilizia che premi e incoraggi l'adozione di tecniche costruttive e di materiali adeguati alle necessità. Inoltre, la promozione della ricerca anche in questo settore potrebbe consentire la creazione di un sistema integrato: dalla teoria, the design, building, following the example of what happens in some parts of Europe already well advanced in this area (just think of the patent Casaclima South Tyrol).
4) What information activities and aims to promote environmental education to create and strengthen awareness of the role of individuals and communities about energy consumption?
is not only essential to standardize the educational intervention on the environment and energy, but also to change the prevailing educational model. No longer enough to the big picture, global issues, but it is essential to calibrate the level of intervention on the daily habits, the consumption choices of citizens, starting with the younger generation. In this sense, it offers a valuable model for the action '"deep ecology", whose programs have been tested for decades all over the world, have long been applied successfully in Sardinia, but in a discontinuous, scattered and without any inducement or support from the government.
5) In view of the forthcoming statement by the Government of the localities that will become home to nuclear power plants and storage of radioactive waste would react as if it were chosen to Sardinia? At this point
IRS has always shown the greatest firmness and consistency. Will not tolerate any attempt of this kind, not just a question of sovereignty on our territory, but also the awareness that the nuclear option is obsolete, dangerous and not at all practical to solve the energy problem in the coming decades.
6) In your ideal Government will place a Department of Energy? In the U.S., the Department of Energy has existed since 1977, and today contributes greatly to the development of innovation and technology and the creation of new jobs (green jobs).
For several weeks the IRS, and more specifically its Center for Energy Development and Environment, has produced its own document base about the main themes of this sector. He did it in constructive and pragmatic. The first step of this program, intended for implementation on a short or medium term at most, namely the establishment of a Department or independent public agency in the energy sector with strong skills in both proactive, in terms of management and control.
Tzentru Elaboratzione of Energy and Environment
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