Virtù , dal ( greco ἀρετή ; latino virtus ) è la abituale e salda capacità di un uomo di eccellere in qualcosa, di compiere un certo atto in maniera ottimale, letteralmente "modo perfetto d'essere". La virtù è anche la qualità di eccellenza morale sia per l'uomo sia per la donna. È detto virtù anche un tratto caratteriale positivo.
La parola ἀρετή deriva dal greco arete (αρετη). La parola latina virtus literally means "manhood", from Latin vir, "man" in his way male and again, by his own character originally male, it refers to the ability warlike such as, for example, the courage.
The term virtue has become highly relativistic , since it involves reference to values \u200b\u200bor criteria are not always shared. For one of the many ironies we reserve the ' etymology, the word in Italian virtue is often used in reference to female chastity.
This is the definition of virtue according to the derivations of the word from Latin and greek, but the church has other definitions for connecting the three virtues of the Christian faith ale 4 of the doctrine of Aristotle here they are:
Prudence, Justice, Fortitude and Temperance (Aristotle). Also called the Cardinal Virtues
Faith, Hope and Charity (Christian).
Usually every candidate for the leadership of a people both spiritually politically that it is assumed that at least a couple of these virtues has, the ... I took the trouble to examine these guides to what you can explore the we receive information through newspapers and internet TV.
We start with our leaders without taking one in particular, but certainly we can not avoid talking about the most virtuous of all, him for his virtues that he was anointed by the Lord (in my lord a waiter was a little old man who poured oil on the lobster Catalan, but the truth about what we can not know God Secret )
Prudence: Certainly our rulers are very careful, turn the world on flight status, on a car of state, because spend too much of their own pockets would not be prudent, better to save for old age. And prudence is good to have three times the other nations of the world you never know if they would risk a break to walk and then it would be prudent, you can make bad meetings. Rashly one of them is beaten against a statue in the cathedral of Milan that a rash has thrown away in spite of all the library rules differentiated.
Certainly at Palazzo Grazioli last summer came a little prudence is not circulated among people who saw the state secrets (my mom live near the people who often go to jail for theft in that Palace has never gone at all). Anyway, for now we are cautious reforms and removing the interceptions you never know who may not know state secrets through telefono.E then maybe you fire the machine to some testitome , like that of Barbara Montereale ( a fire, according to investigators probably of arson, has been started around 5 o'clock this morning the car, a Honda Jazz, owned by Barbara Montereale the image girl played by prosecutors in the investigation at the residence of the parties Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi . )

Not to mention that a dinner was held tonight (slightly out of prudence) Between Premier, Bossi, Maroni , Calderoli and Cota, that way I know how to looks like a meeting between Sauron riders blacks Nazgul lord of the rings, Fini is missing in this meeting, but was left out of prudence, you never know with the latest releases that did not seems prudent to me do not participate in such discussions.
however, all conservative, so they can talk about very private things the phone, there is no more who leave messages on facebook , both for the transparency and caution.
But religious leaders did not err in caution, because they do not have children so no priest can daughters raped them.
Noodles Shrimp and Lemon Poppy Seed .
for 4 People
Sauté about 20 prawns (shelled and the black wire on the back) in a knob of butter, sprinkle with a little glass of brandy and add the broth made from the shells and the heads of the prawns. Grate in
zest of a lemon sauce.
Cook 300 g of fry noodles in sauce made from shrimp and add a handful of poppy seeds.
Serve warm and enjoy your meal and eat with caution to avoid, indigestion

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