A catalog of more than 50 years ago 'by which you can take a pleasant dip in the past to discover trends and customs.
A catalog from More Than 50 years ago Which Gives the Possibility to take us to dive into the past to discover styles, uses and customs.
coated paper, photo graphic style so influenced me a lot especially considering a 'was where people were so excited at the same time creating beautiful things and enhancing its value. The
Both the coated paper and graphic and photographic style impress me very much Especially Considering That It Was An Era When people got excited creating beautiful things while the value-enhancing.
Following this simple yet accurate reflection I regret, at the same time in thinking about how, 50 years or more, our children will observe and consequently judge today almost all the artifacts similarly trivial we are leaving them a legacy as a testimony of our lack of imagination and taste.
Following on with this simple But precise reflection, I am disappointed at the Same Time at the thought That Our Children in 50 years or so will observe and consequently judge the artifacts of today, Nearly all comparatively trivial, Which We are leaving Them Their as inheritance and as a Testimony of Our Lack of inventiveness and taste.
Once the trade of the dealer also had a grace and elegance so much to be done with ease but, above all, very politely quality nowadays very rare and large in every area of \u200b\u200btrade where the categorical imperative is a only: the gain.
Once upon a time the merchant profession HAD ITS own grace and elegance as It Was Performed In Its simplicity, But above all with plenty of politeness, a quality That is Extremely rare and disappearing in Every sector of commerce Where There is only one Categorical imperative: profit.
one time, however, was sacred, the selection of beautiful things and details needed to make the exact needs of even the most refined palates and sophisticated looking, in effect, treat the customer as a valuable person and about to turn directly if not, and even, by looking for letters, in such a way, not only to offer a particular product but above un servizio personale e, dunque, personalizzato.
At one time however, the choice of beautiful things and the necessary details which accurately met the needs of those with even the most refined and sophisticated palettes was almost sacred. The goal was to treat the client as a precious and important person to communicate with directly or even via letter trying in that way to offer them not only a singular product, but above all personal service and therefore a personalized product.
Una tale strategia, pur commerciale, riusciva assolutamente ad avvicinare garbatamente il cliente ad un marchio ed a fidelizzarvelo ma, contemporaneamente , a renderlo
partecipe se non, addirittura, protagonista di una scelta con the conviction, perhaps through an incision in its taste, how an object was created especially for him.
This type of strategy, although commercial, But Was Able to Completely politely draw in clients to a brand and Make Them Become Faithful to it while making Them at the Same Time Participants, if not the main character, of a choice made with conviction, possibly using a tasteful inscription showing how the object Was Especially created for him.
The Rolex brand was born and grew up in England then, but only at a later time, moving to Switzerland where, due to its rapid as its strong global consensus resulting in huge diffusione,fu costretto ad adattarsi alle difformi e molteplici esigenze delle normative internazionali del mercato tra cui, e solo per esempio,al numero dei rubini richiesto dal mercato U.S.A, alle differenti carature dell’oro tipiche dei vari Paesi in cui il prodotto veniva esportato per non parlare delle molteplici tasse d’importazione,tutti quanti obblighi che costringevano la Rolex a servirsi di produttori locali.
The Rolex brand was born and developed in England to then in a later phase transfer to Switzerland where due to its rapid and strong worldwide appeal and enormous consequent diffusion, it was forced to adapt to the many different requirements of the international regulations among which, and just for example, the number of rubies requested by the US market, to the different karat values typical in different countries to which the products were exported, not to mention the multiple import taxes and obligations that forced Rolex to use local producers.
Per quanto finora esposto la lettura di questo catalogo, destinato ad un rivenditore Rolex, ci aiuta così a meglio comprendere le strategie commerciali nonché le caratteristiche dei vari prodotti reclamizzati all'epoca.
La lettura stessa delle lettere di presentazione dei vari prodotti destinate alla clientela in generale, ci informano in maniera esauriente circa le possibilità offerte, all’epoca, di possibili ed eventuali personalizzazioni come, per puro esempio, engravings on the back directly executed by the Rolex with the same characters from the font is also very special. Following
What We Have Said So far, reading this catalog, Intended for Rolex retailers, helps us to better Understand the commercial strategies as well as the Characteristics of the Various products advertized at the time. Reading the letters presenting the Destined Various products to the general public, we gain an exhaustive view of the possible offers of the Time, Any customizations available, for example inscriptions on the back made by Rolex Directly with font characters That Are Also very unique.
To continue with the description of the equally beautiful and rare images of the bracelets really desueti e prodotti,credo, solo per il mercato Inglese interno che ci mostrano,inoltre, la quantità di varianti allora possibili da parte di una produzione destinata ai differenti paesi.
To continue, the description of the beautiful and rare images of the bracelets that are obsolete and were produced I believe only for the internal English market that also shows us the number of possible variations available from a production destined to different countries.
Il Bracciale "Foldova ", solo per esempio,era disponibile sia in acciaio che in oro ma, gia' nel 1958, poteva abbinare un cinturino in pelle ad una bouckle deployante proprio come alcuni modelli della produzione odierna.
The bracelet “Foldova”, for example, was available in both steel and gold, but already in 1958 could be combined with a leather band and a deployante clasp just like some models produced today.
Di estremo interesse,infine, l’elenco delle spedizioni scientifiche , esplorative o sportive sponsorizzate da Rolex nel periodo compreso tra il 1927 ed il 1958(ben 41!) e tutto questo a testimonianza di quanto Rolex fosse interessata alla partecipazione in qualsiasi evento di risonanza mediatica indice, tralaltro, di differenti strade di ricerca per meglio comprendere le emozionanti storie che vedono l’uomo ed il suo Rolex come protagonisti.
Lastly, of extreme interest, the list of scientific or exploratory expeditions, or sporting events sponsored by Rolex in the time between 1927 and 1958 (41 total), a testimony to how much Rolex was interested in participating in any event followed by mass media indicates the different research roads they went down to better understand the exciting stories that saw a man and his Rolex as the main characters.
Troviamo, infine,in appendice a questo particolare catalogo il relativo prezzario in Sterline valido per la produzione dell’ aprile 1958,infine ed a chiosa di quanto finora esposto mi sia consentita un’ultima seppur modesta ed assolutamente personale considerazione ove mi rendo conto di quanto potesse essere piacevole, in quell’epoca magica, fare acquisti.
In the end we find as an appendix to this particular catalog the relative price list in Sterling Pounds that was valid for the production of April 1958. To tie together what we have shown here, please allow me a final modest and completely personal observation where I realize just how pleasing it must have been in that magical era to go shopping.
Mazzariol & Stefano Silvio Tarabella
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