1955, presents the new Rolex watch, the ref 6234.
As mentioned above, in those years, the market watch, was influenced by the prohibitionist policy dictated by the U.S. government to protect American manufacturers of watches, tightening the customs duties of 50% of watches with movements with more 'than 17 rubies for sale on the market.
Industries Swiss tried to circumvent this rule by sending crude versions of movements, which were finished in the American subsidiaries. This ploy
hard 'little, the U.S. Treasury Department also extended the tax to the raw versions.
Swiss exports to this important market in a year dropped by more than 20%. Despite
cio'la demand watches and 'most powerful' growing customer wants to forget the recent passato di guerra e stenti, la gente e' tornata a lavorare , guadagnare e a trovare piacere nello spendere.
Rolex nel 1955 produce 100.000 orologi e con le matricole da 50.000
a 150.000 .
Da personali ricerche svolte posso stimare una produzione totale per la referenza 6234, nei 6 anni di presenza nei cataloghi , di circa 2300 cronografi in acciaio, 100 in oro 14kt e circa 40 in oro 18kt.
Le matricole riferite a questa referenza sono approssimativamente da 130.00 a 807.000
ma non e' raro trovare questa referenza con una matricola piu' alta rispetto alla data prevista dai cataloghi.
1955, Rolex presents the new chronograph ref. 6234. As mentioned in previous articles, during those years the watch market was conditioned by the prohibitionist politics dictated by the US government to protect American watchmakers. The import taxes were raised to 50% on watches destined for the US market that had movements with more than 17 rubies.
Swiss industries tried to get around this rule by sending crude versions of the movements which were then finished by the American branches.
This strategy didn’t last long because the US Treasury Department extended the tax to the crude versions as well.
Swiss exports towards this extremely important market fell by more than 20% in one year.
Regardless of this problem, the demand for watches continued to grow. Clients wanted to forget the recent past full of war and hardship. People wanted to return to working, earning and finding pleasure in spending.
In 1955 Rolex produced 100,000 watches with registration numbers from 50,000 to 150,000.
Based on my personal research, I estimate that the total production for ref 6234, during the 6 years it was present in the catalogs, was approximately 2300 steel chronographs, 100 14kt gold ones, and about 40 18kt gold.
The registration numbers which apply to this ref. are approximately between 130.000 to 807.000, but it is not uncommon to find this ref. with a higher registration number that the data provided by the catalogs.
The reference 6234 and 'the evolution of the reference 6232 Chrono 2 counters, one of the references' rarest of the absolute chronographs of the period, it inherits from the box into three parts which gives the watch a profile more 'important than their predecessors with the case in 2 parts.
Reference 6234 is the evolution of the reference 6232 chronograph with 2 counters, one of the rarest Chronographs Among the references of the period. It inherited the three houses part Which gives the watch a more important profile Than The second part houses predecessors.
mechanics and 'made on the basis Valijoux 72 hand-wound, opportunely modified and renamed the Rolex cal. 72 A. The movement
Was built off the Valijoux 72 manual winding base, suitably modified and renamed by Rolex cal. 72 A.
The pad in the material of the case, with screw cap and inside the punching of Rolex and identification of reference. The back
Was Made From The Same material as the houses, with a screw type closure and the Rolex Identifying reference and punched stamps on the inside.
The great variety 'Quadrant of the 6234 reference is intended to test the market and give customers the choice of how to "feel" the clock. The main graphic
Quadrant reference to 6234 have a high impact design, with graphics that blends and overlaps between the various scales and directions.
Some specimens retain the characteristics of small counters chrono chrono views of previous production ref. 6034. The
wide variety of dials dedicated to the reference 6234 was in order to test the market and give the customer the choice of how to ‘feel’ the watch.
The main graphics of the dials dedicated to the reference 6234 have a high impact design which merges and overlaps between the various scales and indicators. Some specimens maintain the characteristics of the small chronograph counters seen on the previously produced ref 6034 chrono.
Divertente la scelta delle scritte sul quadrante che potevano essere in Inglese oppure in Francese.
An amusing choice of having the writing on the dial in either English or French.
Molto bella e di sicuro effetto la scelta delle lancette cronografiche e dei contatori in acciaio azzurrato.
The choice to have the hands of the chronograph and counters in blued steel creates a very beautiful and definitely impressive effect.
Non mancano gli esemplari con quadrante nero con fondo lucido, realizzato galvanicamente, il quale gli conferisce un fascino unico e come spesso accade in orologeria e' la versione con le maggiori qualities of exclusivity '. Of course
glossy black dials with a base are never missing. They Were created galvanically Which Gives Them a unique charm and, as happens with watch making Often, it is the version with The Most exclusive features.
In the last years of production were also presented quadrant style "modern" , scompaiano le scale ed i mille numeri sul quadrante, solo indici, contatori e la minuteria .
In the last years of production some “modern” style dials were present as well. The scales and thousands numbers disappear from the dial, leaving only the indicators, counters and the minute ring.
Questo straordinario orologio rappresenta un passo importante nell'evoluzione
del cronografo e oggi, dove molte case cercano ispirazione per nuovi modelli,
gli stilisti farebbero bene a confrontarsi con i modelli del passato , traendone
le dovute e tutto sommato scontate riflessioni.
This extraordinary watch Represents an important step in the evolution of the chronograph and today, where, many watch houses are looking for inspiration for new models, stylists Would Do Well to appear Themselves with the models from the past, drawing the Necessary and quite Simply forgone conclusions.
thank you for your cooperation Hora Milan and Rome Alessandro Ciani.
Special thanks to Alessandro Ciani Hora Milan and Rome for Their collaboration.
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