In these difficult days of violence and tears, in which our beloved city is on the front pages of newspapers for acts of unprecedented violence, the Democratic Party of Francavilla Fontana is uncertain and will, above all, query whom it may concern about some issues of social policy, which now require an immediate and concrete.
ask the Mayor and Alderman Court Social Services Bungaro:
1) For a quarter of the socio-economic profile as sensitive as "San Lorenzo" continues to be a remote and malcurata outskirts of the city, free space, services, attention of any kind, except that reserved for moments election? How shall the redevelopment of this area?
2) How is a part, so far, the Department for social services in the face of important issues relating to this neighborhood, school dropout, family support, social inclusion and employment of young people into the fabric of the city? As a supplement for those citizens who continue to be treated as second-class citizens by an administration that hides behind a Department figures and tables and does not work, specifically, for any initiative in the area?
3) What concrete actions have so far been provided by our City Council action to promote the connection between family, school, associations, parishes, aimed at integrating and recovery in those most disadvantaged socio-economic realities of our city?
4) At what point is, in our city, the politics of attention and listening to young people, their needs, associations, labor? The Administration has established a One-Stop Youth Information? And why not create it in the area San Lorenzo?
These are just some of the questions that, as a Party, we would like to ask the Mayor of the Court and mild Bungaro Alderman, an expert in tables and numbers, but obviously far from a full awareness of the risks of social problems, many other questions were written on posters in a procession of students in these days the streets of the city, between the streets of San Lorenzo, within the walls of the houses in the square Calamandrei. Many will remain, silent and unspoken, on white sheets and a plaque with the name of an innocent, amid the indifference of doing good and the administration that continues to create ghetto neighborhoods, thus supporting the spread of social unrest.
Meanwhile, the Democratic Party, which also was the first to make this request, it clearly opposes the idea of \u200b\u200ba Town Council "gagged," was conceived as that of November 22:
- not You can think of to regulate the time for discussion in accordance with principles undemocratic and unfair, tied to the numerical significance of the directors;
- you can not give voice and space to citizenship, not allowing, first, the conduct of the City Council in an appropriate place;
- it is not possible, then, to conceive of the City Council as a catwalk for celebrities and politics do not, however, as the place of democratic debate and the design of the city.
We expect answers and, above all, ideas, projects and a real attention to the youth of our city. The Democratic Party