Hello everyone, listening to a morning radio capital
I heard the announcer read a SMS sent by a listener Veneto, saying more or less to be ashamed to have voted A B. .. with the Italians and apologized for having helped to elect the same B. ... I immediately flashed the 'idea of \u200b\u200ba group on Fb called " For all those who regret voting for him ... If you tell me ...." then I wrote as a caption that now is a period that has not st otato anyone, but no worry se si iscrivono al sito li avrei assolti... . Bene questo gruppo è stato chiuso perché ritenuto offensivo .. Ora vorrei sapere o hanno tutti la coda di paglia e si sentono offesi per aver votato un qualsiasi coglione in una qualsiasi elezione tipo che ne so di aver votato un rappresentante di classe ( sono stato votato anch 'io alla scuola di mio figlio) che rappresenta i La G elmini invece dei diritti degli studenti .. Oppure di aver votato un rappresentante sindacale che fa gli interessi della Marcegaglia , e magari di aver votato bersani al congresso PCI ehmmm Sorry PD. But I think the problem is that even without naming names there are too many people have felt balls for some people voted in the general election, and were offended to be told of the pride ire and therefore calls into question even without that it has not been appointed n o one .... I do not think I've offended anyone Moreover wrong can you be a vote in good faith, maybe you may have voted newel of a building and then you find that you sweep the ' administrator instead di spazzar delle scale, ma non è mica colpa vostra se non vi siete accorti che nel parcheggio del caposcala invece di una mercedes c'era una Ford E scort .E comunque se qualcuno si è offeso perché li ho svergognati legga quanto di seguito e si offenda per dove vengono impegnate forze dell'ordine ( e dica una volta per sempre di essersi rotti i MaRONI ) pagate da un ministero di grazia e giustizia e tolte dal pattugliamento cittadino.....Io sono offeso perchè anch 'I want a belly dancer in the evening ...

Berlusconi / Di Pietro: Maroni abuse occurs stocks premier "hotel and now seedlings massage parlors" Roma , November 10 . ( AGI) - The Interior Minister, Roberto Maroni should report on the 'abuse' that the Prime Minister, Silvio Berlusconi makes of his stock "acquired a report from the service inventory and opening a checking internal ". Asks the leader of ' IDV, Antonio Di Pietro, here in the House, commenting - dissatisfied - the reply of the Minister for Relations with Parliament, Elio Vito, his question. "I have no doubt - said Di Pietro - that there are circulars which have to do what the Commons" but "now column hotels and massage parlors." Former pm asks the government to know "if it's true what they told the people" of the stock, citing " literally" their outbursts: "It happened that the prime minister has come to meet us and we he said 'eh, lucky you who now go home to sleep, instead of me 'll have to go to fuck ', other times it has led some girls have it made, then another time she was sent to us and made us do belly dancing, to report the end of the evening personality at home. " We see some girls - continuous outbursts of Peter in the citation of some people in the Commons - exit and return to Milan, while others remain in the villa for the night, it happens that we must accompany that person to go around take back the girls in residence in Milan, maybe if the last link to the home and we must accompany to below the gate. "" What we ask - has insisted the former pm - is not what they do but what stocks make the prime minister and his friends with stocks. If it is true that some girls brings directly or Emilio Fede Lele Mora in their car and want to know if Faith cover. We asked what the prime minister, not what they do stocks, what are you doing with those stocks Berlusconi "though" in a moment thank God we get rid of but we should not expect this to determine which stocks are made by people at risk life. With the police now guarded hotels and massage parlors, escort complains that now he has to guard the escort the Prime Minister. Maroni to report on this to verify the abuse that you do not tell us what they should do them, maybe it's the premier who must determine that the girls must go home with his own car and not with the State services. "
BERLUSCONI: DI PIETRO, STOCK PREMIER FORCED TO ACCOMPANY ESCORT = ( ASCA) - Roma, 10 November - In question time in the House, the leader of Italia dei Valori has submitted a 'query the ministries of Defense and Interior, the role and duties of the escort service's premier, Silvio Berlusconi , which - says Di Pietro - you was unhappy at having to do''by guards and escorts to escort and masseuses the Prime Minister.'' ''Ask not what they do but what makes the stocks with the premier escort service, made up of people who risk their lives. Soon we get rid of Berlusconi but we can not accept this abuse as well. Who went to see the premier - concluded Di Pietro - can not 'Go with the government service.'' In his reply the Minister for Relations with Parliament, Elio Vito, notes that''the responsibility 'safety and the premier' entrusted to the Information and Security (AISI ) esulando thus by powers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs''''The President of the Council - Vito claims - is one of the highest offices subject to the defense.'' jan / sam / rob
RUBY . DI PIETRO: in his last hours PREMIER ESCORT REVIEW USE (SAY) Rome, 10 November . - "In the last hours of the end system Berlusconi makes a good thing to review the use of its stock. He says in the classroom to the House Antonio Di Pietro illustrating a ' question to the Prime Minister. "Police used to do for drivers and attendants," Di Pietro complaint.
DI PIETRO: PREMIER SAYS STOCKS A 'BLESSED YOU TO TOUCH ME HORN' (SAY) Rome, 10 November . - "We do not want to know what they do stocks, but what makes us the prime minister and his friends ...". So stocks 'Antonio Di Pietro reply to the reply of the Minister Elio Vito on' question of IDV on the use of stock- the premier. "It 's possible, says Di Pietro classroom reading some statements of men assigned to the security of the Prime Minister-read that the prime minister, greeted the men of his safety, saying:' Blessed are you going home to sleep, I'll have to go to fuck? '. "and that stocks are used to" accompany home of the young ladies? We also want to know-if-added Di Pietro Emilio Fede has an escort service. " On this "must report the interior minister, who must open an internal review to establish the existence of abuse. The point is not 'what they should do stocks, but should not do what the prime minister," insists Di Pietro. .......
do not post any recipe, not to offend those who are on a diet and low calorie recipe for any non-public not to offend those who are not on a diet .... But the public just the beginning of a story I read as a boy .... An Austrian who was offended by a jew as he slept in a dormitory public, because this jew seemed to have sold out of the paintings by Austrian and was accused by the same of stealing the money ... I do not know if QUL story was true, the Austrian named Adolf Hitler and what happened then for an offense .... and we have seen an offense to a word is already arrived at censuraUn good start ..... hoping not receive even a lawsuit for injuries without knowing who I have offended (I know who really is offended but do not say )..... Hello everyone
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