Ultimate Rolex Daytona
Dear Friends, Ultimate Rolex Daytona
The book will be 'the publishing event of next year.
I had the pleasure of seeing some stages of the process and I was fascinated by the precision and the quest for perfection FORCE. A little 'as a master watchmaker when it finishes a mechanism for manufacturing, Pucci and his staff have worked so meticulous, almost obsessive rifinedo all with experience and care, without a doubt a result never seen until now.
This passion, 'cause only love can be' found the motivation to the achievement of this work, I was so fascinated that I decided to interview him. Good reading Stephen
Presentation Pucci Papaleo
collector, enthusiast, historian, but also the victim aware of the love of fine watchmaking in general and to the Daytona in particular, in recent years was a sort of flying to watch collectors of high quality. Have contributed to important collections and publishing projects of great interest.
In 1996 he founded, with the its publisher, the magazine "OM-Watches & Market."
In 2004 he published his first book on watches, "The Rolex chronographs - The Legend", creating a beautiful and important historic watchmaking page linked in publishing and collectibles. In 2005
presents "SOLD! Watches & Wristwatches Auction Results ", the first volume of the series of yearbooks dedicated to international auctions of watches.
Since December 2006 is engaged in the manufacture of a new book, "Ultimate Rolex Daytona, with the aim of creating a hi-end volume without compromise, the highest level, is intended to speak and to speak.
In alto, i Cronografi Rolex La Leggenda. In primo piano, Ultimate Rolex Daytona accompagnato dalla miniatura del libro.
Un bozzetto del 2006, con un primo progetto del volume e del suo contenitore.
Per Ultimate Rolex Daytona non possiamo parlare di un libro ma direi di un kolossal editoriale, quando e perché ti è venuta questa idea?
C’è un bel termine inglese che descrive questo genere di opere: coffee table book. “Ultimate Rolex Daytona” è questo, un grande libro da sfogliare come fosse una raccolta precious prints. I read on some sites and premature generous definitions as 'masterpiece' and 'state of the art book'. Actually I want that in future this work could be remembered as an event related to publishing, but also of prestige watchmaking.
The idea of \u200b\u200ban "Ultimate Rolex Daytona" was born about four years ago, inspired by love for the beautiful photo, the print media and the Rolex chronographs. And of course the desire to follow the book on time trial we presented in 2004 (Ed "The Rolex chronographs - The Legend"), and still pull up to quality.
The final version of Ultimate Rolex Daytona.
Details of the book and container.
With due admiration for the work for which I feel that the cost at this point is just a detail, how do you respond to the allegations read in the various sites linked to the price?
The price, as in any other item for sale is only the direct result of the investment made to achieve the aim itself. For "Ultimate Rolex Daytona" has worked for several years an important team of professionals, can not think of a different charge. Our work is independent and free from the outset we were aware that point to an uncompromising quality to this book would have placed a very high price range. Moreover, the quality is for most but not all, and the limited edition of only 600 copies, the first sign of pre-sales, it seems well tailored to the market demand.
The volume opened. 'll Need to consult 'a plan for at least 1 meter.
Collect and photograph the most important time trial Daytona and in the best of the world should not have been easy, as you did?
Patience, then right contacts and the power of word of mouth. The biggest collectors in the industry have immediately understood the importance of "Ultimate Rolex Daytona" and have made available their objects. The rest came by itself. Maybe someone unhappy, he will not find his watch on the book, but the only commitment from which we could not derogate taken with the future owners of the Ultimate Rolex Daytona. " And it was to represent only the best clocks more beautiful. In several cases we happened on the way to find more intact specimens of the same type as those we had already photographed, and we have not hesitated to start again.
The work table with prints of some watches.
I find myself in front of a work more dictated by passion and perfectionism global lens business, what do you think the customer type of "Ultimate Rolex Daytona?
Like any book would be better to talk to readers rather than clients. Who will browse "Ultimate Rolex Daytona" will mainly be someone able to share our passion for beauty and for the watch. In this case I think that perfectionism is more of a value to be shared with the reader, rather than from the same show.
But a few days we have begun the book through our site and the first sign I realized that another player-type small proportion will be the person who takes a job in a prestigious company and they may gain a general attraction per gli orologi, di cui sono al corrente le persone a lui vicine, lo riceverà in regalo. Mi fa piacere il solo pensare che questo libro abbia la possibilità di far nascere in qualcuno la vera passione per i begli orologi.
In questa fase del lavoro, si annotano dei piccoli correttivi di luce su ciascuna immagine. Nell'ultima immagine e' visibile il risultato finale.
Molti degli orologi pubblicati sono stati top lot di aste internazionali, come vedi il futuro del collezionismo vintage in genere e quale consiglio daresti a chi si ‘ammala’ di questa passione?
Il collezionismo orologiero vive una stagione di costante crescita da oltre un ventennio. In nessun altro ambito possiamo osservare un risultato di questo genere. Appare quindi evidente che anche il futuro non potrà che riservare delle interessanti sorprese ai tanti collezionisti sparsi in tutti il mondo. Inoltre lo spessore culturale è enormemente cresciuto in questi ultimi anni, e la globalizzazione del collezionismo orologiero su mercati un tempo sconosciuti, non possono che far ben sperare sul futuro dello stesso. A chi si ammala di questa passione posso dare i seguenti consigli: non scegliere mai in maniera affrettata, considerare bene non solo il prezzo di vendita ma anche il venditore, ma soprattutto puntare il più can be high, as the market will reward more and better pieces rare and of great quality.
The image of a 6264 meter gold with brown, ready for printing.
After all these great Daytona, there is still some clock that excites you?
The first love you never forget. And then snap the case of Rolex chronographs are always a source of emotion. More generally, the vintage, I am always fascinated by the beautiful and like new condition, regardless of the model or the intrinsic value.
stages of processing with the optical bench.
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Release Date?
April 2010 Number of pages? Over 600
Size and Weight?
The size of the book are 45 cm wide and 35 cm in height, its weight is about 12 kg. Inside its container will be sent well packed in a wooden box. Inside, you will also find also a thumbnail of the book, a perfect reproduction of the same, with a size of 16 cm wide and 12 cm in height. All for a weight of just over 20 kg.
binding and quality paper and printing?
keep intact over time a block paper so heavy, necessarily requires a binding glue and with special tricks that can only be accomplished with manual processing. Just as they were bound volumes one hundred years ago, before industrialization of systems construction.
The paper is a classic matte coated high quality 200 grams, on which there will be a 7-color printing, rather than the traditional 4.
printing technology is in high definition of the so-called 'stochastic'. The high photographic detail can be appreciated all the work that has been designed from the outset in 'high definition'. This means that each image file has been prepared at very high resolutions compared to standard, to contain the set of input information in addition, that only the high resolution printing can express. Ultimately, you can look at these images with the loupe, maintaining a clear and rich in more detail.
The container of the book was designed by Walter Sergiusti designer, who has been asked to create an object that can be placed in rooms with a contemporary décor, but also mixed formal languages.
The choice of using a high-quality material and at the same time 'technology', such as perspex, gives a high-tech look to an object whose lines suggest, strongly evokes deco.
The shape of this box can remind fans of vintage, the design of famous watches of the 40s. Moreover, even the structure looks like the case of a watch, with the tray support of the book and the container, which are assembled in a similar way to a back with his carrure.
In the project, it highlighted the total lack of mechanical parts serially produced, such as hinges, locks, or other mechanisms.
The box opens with a simple movement of rotation of the lateral bodies, which allows in a moment of lifting the lid, leaving the book on his tray, ready for consultation.
Watches described?
am the Daytona 136 well-illustrated in 4 pages each. The show opens with the extraordinary Cosmograph prototype model and variants of the subsequent 6239 'first wave', and ends with some special parts of actual production. That includes all the specimens representing each step in the evolution of the quadrant graphic, but also a large number of watches 'special' that will not leave indifferent the world of collecting. Suffice it to say that Paul Newman will be published 27 with as many different types of dials!
Number of photographs? Over 2,000
photographic technology?
Filming in the study were made in large format digital rooms (4 "x 5"). The equipment organized for this campaign consists of two sets of still-life, a set of documentation and fourth for the pictures under the microscope. Continuous light lamps and reflectors as blackout curtains and flags formed the woods shooting spied by computer players. Our photographers and Abbrescia Pino Fabio Santinelli, came to us after many decades of experience in shooting for the history of art and architecture, support Today, after more than 2 years of immersion in this work, the clock is the subject most difficult to portray. It is made of materials to the gradient and curved lines and rounded. The polished metal and scratched reject the claim and direct light caresses of reflections through the photo to reveal the personality of the subject. The need for different care has ensured that every watch has been treated as they were unique.
The microscope images are been carried out to reveal hidden details or refer to signs personalizing the subject.
Rough estimate of time to work? We gave
started work in December 2006. Summing up the processing times of people who have contributed in recent years to the creation of 'Ultimate Rolex Daytona', I would say well over the 30,000 hours.
People who attended?
For a team of professionals in the publishing field have been joined by leading experts in the world 'Rolex', who contributed with their specific knowledge to define the history of over 40 years of commercial life of the famous chronograph. Some of them have long since become a reference point for the Internet audience and its industry forums, sharing their experience and their studies, with the result of having high general level di informazione sul collezionismo orologiero. Altri sono esperti, dealer e collezionisti più distanti dal mondo internet, ma altrettanto impegnati nella ricerca storica e nell’organizzazione delle informazioni sulla produzione Daytona.
Ad elaborare il materiale raccolto, e a far sì che tanti frammenti possano essere letti come un interessante racconto, la penna storica di Paolo Gobbi.
Cesare Maria Mannucci, giornalista ben noto agli appassionati di Formula Uno, ha curato i servizi dedicati alla storia del circuito motoristico del ‘Daytona International Speedway’, e del suo legame con Rolex.
La creatività di Tom Bolt ci ha pazientemente condotti verso un taglio editoriale mirato ad una platea internazionale.
The photograph is
Face2Face Studio Abbrescia and Santinelli, who have shifted their attention from art and architecture to engage in still-life industry.
prepare images for printing was entrusted to the painstaking technique of Gino La Bella.
The English version of the text was edited by Naomi Ornstein.
A constant and important support of technical advice was given to us by you and I thank you publicly.
And here before I take this opportunity to do so from the pages of the book thanks to the valuable contribution received, Luciano (Cortez.Ramon), Marcello (Marcello Pisani), Simone (Silverello), Conrad (Puianello) Taimoor (Brevetplus) Dodi Giussani, Gianni, Auro, Silvano, Yadarys, Caramel, Max, Luke, Jeff and Osvaldo.
For more info 'details: www.ultimaterolexdaytona.com