Posso dire solo un po' di giustizia finalmente....
Ieri qualcuno ha aperto gli occhi e il lodo alfano è stato giudicato anticostituzionale e forse è il momento that our dear men called left them open with your brain and begin to think how to govern this dear Italy ...
But now I want the citizens of my dear Massa open their eyes and began to wonder how it is possible that a roundabout has a cost of 300,000 € 300,000 € you say right, but I say as you make the accounts and competitions contract?
I'm ignorant on the subject, but if they give me the measures and € 100,000 it to him I build the roundabout and hand, then if I'm wrong I put the remainder of the cost of my own pocket to sell the house.
I do not know how much can cost curbs for discussions, but if cost More than 1000 € per square meter, then it seems a bit a robbery. And how can cost cement and fill for the discussion on this I can express my views ...
For my garden I ordered a truckload of earth, and I spent 300 € for that round to want to do a hill it takes three times as much land so € 900. The cement and sand to fix curbs can cost € 3,000 to exaggerate and say we are in 3900 ... Now even if the building blocks for curbs cost 1000 € (and certainly would be denounced those who sells) the one I do not think there should be more of 50/70 to 75000 and we would then want to overdo it and put about 5000 of flowers we are at 80,000, and 220,000 others what they do?
I assume that the center of the rotunda is being called a statue,

I GRILLI candidate with the Masses ballot I gave my trust, because I thought of two evils is always chooses the child and because had made promises I realize now worth berlusconi ... The mega
BMW with massaging seats is still available the mayor (but perhaps as old age approaches a massage is best done is perhaps best done by a chair BMW that the hands of a Escort not that of the Ford as is fashionable among some politicians ...) even though he had promised to auction, and I think that also came to dinner in his honor 20 € buttati.Ma at a time of crisis like this was really necessary to replace the traffic lights that has been there for 50 years and always played the your work? And then we who come from Mirteto were also used to stop and hope for a round, though now this round brick of gold we hope what we put it? Only that his term ends soon ....? Given the current performance is a legitimate hope.
Now I understand the Italian public debt are being replaced by all parties to the traffic lights with roundabouts, if all the Italian people round that cost more than we spend in the round in the research against cancer caused by traffic ....... Well we are just in Italy, the country's brain drain, the problem is that big than that of politicians is the first to flee .... But
parks instead of the round not to put the antennas and make WiFi Massa Bologna and Trento ? certainly useful as or more a round because citizens could save some money earmarked for telephone companies?
Or there would be plenty of ways to improve the lives of people with € 500,000 spent on those two roundabouts then they are not used to using us is likely to be the dizzy and not only ...
Today's recipe
As I speak today to round reproduce a recipe that I had already posted is round and Massa came
The ciorchiello
( Serves 6)
wheat flour 500 g Yeast 250 g Pasta
Yeast 10 g
eggs 2 egg yolks 500g sugar 4
Butter 70 g
250 g Sultanas
anise seeds 40 g pine nuts 125 g
a pinch Salt to taste Water
process steps
Beat eggs
Soften butter
Soften the raisins in warm water and salt
Dissolve yeast in warm water Place the
flour on work surface and gradually add all other ingredients
Knead until a smooth mixture
Divide the dough into equal portions and form into rings weighing about 500-600 grams
Place donuts obtained on a previously sprinkled with flour of maize, in a dry and warm
Cover the bagels with a kitchen towel over which you have a blanket to keep warm summer
not need to cover only takes 6 hours to rise
Let rise for at least 12 hours
Brush the surface with egg yolk
Bake at 200 ° C for about 30 minutes
cooked, remove from oven and place the donuts on a table, taking care to cover with a cotton cloth and a light wool blanket until cool
I do not know if it is given the original recipe because kept in a secret by housewives of the village of houses, but the result is almost the same. Thanks

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