the late 70's, I think Rolex 'to match al mondo delle regate il cronografo che aveva in catalogo.
Il progetto si sviluppo' con la referenza 6242 e riguardava cambiamenti di quadrante e ghiera la quale era con il design tipo la ref.6241 cioe' in "bachelite" ma di colore bianco.Il contatore dei minuti nella versione definitiva era corredato da una lancetta che copriva l'intero diametro interamente di color rosso, la cui punta rivolta verso il basso faceva riferimento al settore delle bandiere.
Questa e' un intrepretazione grafica di come presumibilmente era stato pensato:
La reale volonta' di metterlo in produzione e' provata dalla realizzazione di fondelli punzonati 6242 che troviamo regolarmente montati su diversi esemplari Daytona circa dal 1969 onwards.
They know only two quadrants Cosmograph Yacht-Master in both Italy and successfully held in major collections, while the original prototype is in the safe of the Rolex.
Let's make a virtual tour and peripatetic on this extraordinary and historic prototype proceeding from the edge toward the center.
The dial and 'made on white opaque, 5 minutes on each spacing and' an index of form similar to those known and seen on the faces "Newman" but slightly more 'moved to the outer edge and the size and shape different.
The writing SWISS generally at 6 and 'absent and this, perhaps, to testify during the study phase.
proceed with the analysis we find the perimeter secondiera in red with printed indexes division every 5 seconds of a given length different from that of the second scan which is shorter;
Finally, the fifth of a second scan is represented by a indent still shorter than the other two showing in such a way as, in this quadrant, they are three different lengths to articulate the various times.
The counters are made of circular thread starters to finish from the edge and appear to be excavated to the plane of the quadrant possess, finally, a different design than continuous seconds and indeed has
hours chrono dials are made in the style of "Newman", while the minute counter, stopwatch, and 'printed with graphics very similar to that of standard quadrants.
On the outer edge of the latter, at the stroke of 15 to 20 minute chronograph, 5 minutes are divided in areas of red and white with the last green.
Questi colori rappresentavano la bandiera di regata detta "Inteligenza" che, a sua volta, serviva a mostrare il momento in cui le barche da regata dovessero schierarsi per prepararsi alla procedura di partenza.
Il regolamento velico dell'epoca legato a barche da match race con la maneggevolezza tipica degli scafi anni 70 stabiliva che la procedura di partenza durasse 5 minuti e a 4 minuti allo scadere di quest'ultimo minuto venisse ammainata la bandiera rossa e bianca (inteligenza) per il via.
Quindi il settore verde stampato aveva il significato di pronti al via.
Continuando la nostra passeggiata are virtual, at 12, the house logo with the classical and mythical crown with 5 points, below, written Cosmograph Rolex Yacht-Master.
This unique clock, or more precisely the dial, it 's never been produced in large number even if the intentions were very strong and decided, therefore, went very close to mass production.
The reason, perhaps, lie so much in his limited impermeability 'as in changing the rules of racing that made several times to meet. However
and to end the anti Daytona
for excellence and 'remained an unfulfilled dream by Rolex and a story that is worth listening to.
Thank you, finally, the lucky owner and Pucci Papaleo ( for the photographic material kindly given me the exclusive.
Rolex register 'Yacht-Master name but I use' only in the early 90's.
time pairing 'the Submariner to the world of sailing competitions:

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