's right € 23 000 per month is not enough, you got it right 23000.00. As might be enough for the great
Luca Barbareschi those who give him a few dollars in salary to the parliament? Then he did that only 53% of absences parliament should not to give more ? also because there are those who absence makes the most of soldi.Che and take the same world as bad policy, how do you force a person to be unable to attend the meetings of parliament because must do after work to supplement the few that give you 500 notes? Dear
Brunetta that mean? Mr. Luca Barbareschi can not consider a Wastrel because the absence making in parliament he needs to do his work as an actor, not like other state and maybe stay at home to go to help a sick relative or even go into making the kind of pleasant jobs laborer or dishwasher to round the highest salary and everything stolen.
How dare them not to make ends meet with their salary?
We can not think of making a good life? they just work and starve, whereas a parliamentary poor that breaks the back for a job so important ... Wait cos' and Barbary? ("Council for the study and ' investigation of possible initiatives aimed at promoting and enhancing tion of cultural and artistic heritage in the Italian territory thorium from the Board of Cooperation for the Arab States of the Gulf)
This task was entrusted to him by the Minister Bondi poor and struggles only un'incarico pronounce it like that.
and I are so difficult to understand what it means, but I did not even know if I can just imagine the state have a poor understanding parliamentary not get to the end month with € 23,000.
LUCA BARBARESCO Shame ..... Brunetta and you see between your file, including yourself, before giving the bum to others.
Congressman-actor Luca Barbareschi , blew the 52.3% of seats in Parliament.
Gian Antonio Stella
All fruits
Se a Barbareschi non basta lo stipendio
Il deputato-attore ha bucato il 52,3% di sedute in Parlamento. Troppi impegni extra-politici.
«Si immagini il nostro stupore, mettendoci se duti , nel vedere che decine di posti erano vuoti, che le tribune a sbalzo erano presso ché deserte e che nessuno di quei pochi si gnori presenti stava ascoltando il Presiden te. (...) I senatori parlavano fra di loro e al cellulare con estrema naturalezza, generando un fastidiosissimo brusio. (...) Molti altri entrano ed escono, leggono e scrivono, ci guardano e sorridono. (...) How can you govern a country well if you do not hardly ever sit in those stands? ".
busy to be an actor, director and a bunch of other things (Minister Bondi's engaged it more, "Councillor for the study and ' study of possible initiatives to promoting and enhancing tion of cultural and artistic heritage in the Italian territory thorium Council Cooperation for the Arab Gulf States) it is possible that the deputy Luca Barbareschi not have much time to read the newspapers. So probably not read the letter quoted on puzzlement of sent on 3 January at the head of state by a group of students from the Liceo Scientifico "XXV Aprile" of Pontedera published by La Stampa . But as: the teachers had brought them in one of the temples of democracy, the hall of the Senate, and what they saw? A kind of vicious disappointing x in line with an old joke now attributed to Guido Gonella now Attilio Piccioni, "Leisure without rest, without working hard ro."
not enough, the actor did not read what your probably Noh man cui riconosce lui stes so di dovere la carriera politica, Gianfranco Fini : «È impensabile che un deputato e un senatore pensino di lavorare da lunedì mattina a giovedì sera. Biso gna lavorare di più». Né ha avuto il tempo di soffermarsi sulle parole dette alla vigilia delle Europee da un altro lea der di cui afferma (a modo suo: «È uno statista di livello mondiale. L’ultimo ad avere altrettanta visibilità e rispetto era stato Mussolini») di avere stima, Berlusconi . Il quale at taccò i candidati avversari (« maleodoranti and badly dressed) of Cendo right that wanted to "renew the political class with people who are educated, prepared and ensure their presence in all the votes ...». Well oblivious to everything, Luca Barbareschi, not only does not deny (can not: the numbers are numbers) data in the absence theism in the classroom (52.3% of seats with holes in them) but the reporter from The Done that remembers as a gross salary of € 23 000 per month plus benefits should push to be more present, replied that there is no alternative: Commitment pregres you. And then, she confessed: "I can not do to go forward with only the salary politico». Tema: qual è il messaggio ai dipendenti pubblici che da mesi sono sotto scopa per tassi di assenteismo che sono quasi sempre molto, ma molto, ma molto più bassi?
Torta maccafame o torta putana dolce della tradizione veneta.
250 gr di pane casereccio raffermo
1/2 litro di latte
1 kg di mele renette o di pere abate.
1 bicchierino di grappa o di Rhum
100 gr di uvetta sultanina
4 uova
1/2 bustina di lievito per dolci non vanigliato
peel 1 / 2 orange and 1 / 2 lemon, finely chopped or grated
a knob of butter 20, 30 gr
icing sugar to taste a spoonful of cocoa bitter.
A tin of 32 cm for velarla butter and sugar.
Soak bread in milk intietiepidito (stale bread should be well 3 or 4 days) until it is well soaked.
Meanwhile, soak the raisins in the brandy, or rum
Peel apples, cut into chunks big enough, put them to soak in acidulated water and sugar.
Sauté the apples with the butter on low heat for five minutes.
Add the cinnamon and sugar.
Work with a wooden spoon the soup of bread and milk until it becomes a paste, then add one egg at a time, stirring constantly.
Combine apples, raisins, baking powder,
Then the orange peel and lemon.
Butter the pan and sprinkle with a little caster sugar, pour the mixture and bake at 180 ° C for 50 minutes.
Let cool and sprinkle with zucchero a velo.

Barbareschi è milanese però con i pochi soldi che guadagna sicuramente troverà del pane duro per poterla fare
Questa è la torta invece sicuramente preferita da certi personaggi della classe politica governante.
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