For many an object of worship, historic, full of passion and history of Italy, for others a fashion phenomenon.
For us fans and collectors, and certainly the first claim 'that quite fitting for a brand
with a strong reference to its history and a glorious Italian past, but step by step .....
1860, Florence, the cradle of civilta'e historical heritage of the young Kingdom of Italy, Giovanni Panerai (1825/1897) open ' attivita'di a small manufacturing high-precision machining and watch with the name "G. WATCHES PANERAI & C. "With the deck.
In the following years, with the death of Giovanni Panerai, grandson Guido (1873/1934) took the reins of the company headquarters moved in" historic "for excellence in Piazza S. John Battistero.L in front of the 'Swiss watch to become a dealer of the most' important Swiss watch brands
, first of all Rolex with which you create 'an exclusive and privileged to help' build the first Panerai watch.
Guido Panerai was a man of imagination, I attend 'the Academy of Fine Arts and was also a painter talented, is another activity 'the "Guido Panerai-workshop."
Together with his son Joseph in 1925 apri'la "Guido Panerai & SON" with trade name of precision tools and clock and watch "Joseph was a talented and full of inventiveness, a male fan of their work, invent ' patent and 'the most' diverse things, but the invention of the "turning point" was' one of the Radiomir.
was a procedure to make autoluminosi quadrants of tools, weapons sights and reticles for cannocchiali.Il process obtained using a mixture of phosphorus and radioactive material, in pasta, was introduced in cavities made in the material which forms the face of the instrument or the reticle of the telescope, or tubes of transparent material. The port
Radiomir 'attention to this NAVY azienda.Venne used for sighting systems for rifles and guns.
In the years following the activities 'of the company became totally influenced by the needs' of the Navy.
In 1936, the Navy requires an Officine Panerai wristwatch can face in the sea and offering visibility 'in deep waters and not clear, was born on the clock "Radiomir".
were obviously prepared prototypes, ref. 2553, with dial with index finger and points and first with dial ref 3646 Rolex California Dial inspiration that is the goal 'with higher numbers romani e la meta' inferiore con numeri arabi e poi con il celeberrimo e definitivo quadrante con cifre arabe ai punti cardinali e indici a barrette.
For many an object of worship, historical, soaked in passion and Italian history, for others a fashion phenomenon. For us as collectors and fans the first statement is surely the one that fits best for a brand with such a strong lure to its history and a glorious Italian past, but let us proceed by degrees….
1860, Florence, cradle of civility and heritage of a young Kingdom of Italy, Giovanni Panerai (1825/1897) opened a small business of high precision and mechanical manufacturing and watch making with the name “OROLOGERIA G. PANERAI & C.” on the “bridge of graces” (ponte delle Grazie)
In the following years, with the death of Giovanni Panerai, his grandson Guido (1873/1934) took the reigns of the company which had been relocated to the “historical” seat par excellence in Piazza S. Giovanni in front of the baptistery. The Swiss watchmaker became a dealer of the most important brands of Swiss watches, first of all Rolex with whom an exclusive and privileged relationship was created which helped to create the fist Panerai watches.
Guido Panerai was a man rich in inventiveness, he attended the academy of the beautiful arts and was also a talented painter and started another business the “Guido Panerai – mechanical workshop”.
Together with his son Giuseppe in 1925 he opened “GUIDO PANERAI & FUGLIO” with a trademark for precision instruments and watch dealer” Giuseppe was an ingenious and inventive man, a man who was passionate about his work. He invented and patented all kinds of things, but the invention that changed everything was the Radiomir.
It was a process for making instrument dials, aiming devices and telescope lattices auto-luminous. The process was obtained by using a mixture of phosphorous and radioactive material, in paste form placed in hollowed out areas of the material which constituted the instrument dial, or the lattice of the telescope, or in transparent tubes.
The Radiomir caught the attention of the Navy through this company. It was used in aiming devices for rifles and cannons.
In the following years the activities of the business became completely conditioned by the needs of the Navy. In 1936 the Royal Navy asked the Panerai workshops to create a wrist watch which was able to handle sea diving and which offered visibility in deep murky waters, the “RADIOMIR” watch was born.
Some prototypes were obviously created, ref. 2553, containing a dial with barred and dotted hour indicators and the ref 3646 initially with a dial inspired by the Rolex California dial, that is with the top half using Roman numerals and the
bottom half with Arabic numbers and then with the famous and definitive dial with Arabic numbers at the cardinal points and with barred hour indicators.
In 1938 began the first supplies to the Royal Navy.
Were In 1938 the first supplies sent to the Italian Royal Navy
The dial was a sandwich that is' composed of two parts: the bottom was a "little box" that on his radio to the mix Internova was contained by a sheet of plexi and top with perforated numerals and indices. The dial
Was a sandwich style, Meaning made up of two parts: the lower Was a "box" that contained the radioactive mix internally held-in by a thin veil of Plexiglas and the upper part with the hollowed-out numbers and hour indicators.
Cash and 'pillow-shaped stainless steel handles with welded wire, crown and screw back by forging personal with opening by a special key multifaceted supply Rolex.
The case is steel wire in a cushion shape with welded lugs, personalized forged screw type crown and back with opening using a special key multifaceted Furnished by Rolex.
inside of the bottom punches of Rolex, the serial numbers and references.
On the inside the back of the Rolex stamps, serial and reference numbers.
The gauge and 'the Rolex-derived Cortebert 618, hand-wound 16 lines and 1 / 2 and 15 Gems, and then to 17 with more rifiniture.Il glass and 'a kind of plexi, called PERSPEX about 4 mm.
The caliber is the Rolex of 618 Cortebert origin, manual winding and 15 Rubies 16 ½ lines, 17 and later with additional refinements. The crystal is a type of plexiglass Called PERSPEX and is Approximately 4mm.
These watches are the wrist, during the 2nd World War Seamen of the media assault on the x-Mas Flotilla, part of the individual equipment.
were also awarded to soldiers of other nations, the Germans KAMPFSCHWIMMER of KM, which is trained by the GAMMA Xa Mas in CSR in Italy.
These watches were no words on the dial, anonymous, but to secure manufacture Panerai.
All straps were fitted to Panerai leather punched and lengths, with a buckle oppurtunatamente sized.
addition to watches Panerai provides other items such as compasses and wrist profondimetricon different scales for different uses, on-board instruments for SLC and MAS, watches and chronograph for submariners, these objects had a diameter of 70 mm, are much sought after by collectors. These watches
Were On The Wrists During the Second World War of the members of the naval assault team Xa Mas Flotilla as part of the individual equipment. They Were Also assigned to soldiers of other nations Such as the German KAMPFSCHWIMMER of the KM Who Were Trained by the RANGE of the Xa 'Mas in the CSR in Italy. These watches absent
Were Any of writing on the dial, anonymous But definitely made by Panerai.
All the bands mounted on Panerais Were long and made of punched Appropriately sized barbed leather with an clasp. In Addition to
watches, Panerai Furnished other objects like wrist and Compasses meters depth with different scales for different uses, onboard instruments for the SLC and MAS, watches and chronometers for divers, These objects Had a diameter of about 70mm and are highly Sought after by collectors.
During the conflict, the "machine shop Panerai G. & Son" to step up plans for the Marina, some better marketed or sold to the Navy others remained at the prototype stage , and that 'the case of the chronograph Mare Nostrum. Clock made from a couple of copies for the officers of the Navy, will see 'the market only in the distant future.
was developed especially Radiomir the project, the experience and the extended use in hostile environments highlight where action to improve: first
the wire loops were abandoned because they tend to unsolder / fold / tear so 'was born the reference 6152 with integrated handles the case, this' last increased in size while keeping the crown and screw back.
During the conflict, the "Mechanical workshop G. Panerai & Figlio" Intensified Their projects for the Navy, Some Were Rather commercialized or sold to the Navy, others Remained at the prototype stage, this was the case of the chronograph MARE NOSTRUM. Only a couple samples of this watch destined for Navy officers were made and it would only be commercialized in a distant future.
Above all the Radiomir project was advanced. Experience and prolonged use in hostile environments evidenced areas to improve:
First of all the wire welded lugs were abandoned as the weld tended to break, or they would bend or snap, so the ref 6152 was born with lugs that were integrated into the case which was increased in dimensions while maintaining the same crown and screw type back.
The daily use of the crown (the Rolex cal 618 had to be recharged every day) wear the Seal of the estate and does not ensure the water resistance 'request then highlight' another point for improvement.
This problem was solved by Panerai CONUN patent which is still 'the trademark Panerai: the bridge protecting the crown half-moon.
The daily use of the winding crown (the Rolex caliber 618 HAD to be wound daily) Wore out the seal and did not guarantee the required level of impermeability, Therefore Was Another area for improvement evidenced.
Was This problem resolved with a patent by Panerai That is still today the Panerai trademarks: Protecting the half moon winding crown bridge.
Un'idea semplice ed efficace,una mezzaluna in acciaio con una leva eccentrica che serra la corona sempre nella stessa posizione e quindi non serra in maniera diversa la guarnizione di tenuta.
Brevetto che consente una tenuta stagna fino a 20 atm/200m.
Questo dispositivo verra' brevettato solo nella seconda meta' degli anni 50 ,ma il suo utilizzo e' in opera da circa un decennio.
Altro intervento fu nella meccanica, fu' abbandonato il Rolex 618 e fu' montato l'Angelus240, 16 linee e 15 rubini , questo aveva una riserva di carica di 8 giorni.
A simple and efficient idea, a steel half-moon with an eccentric lever which holds the crown in the same position and therefore does not press on the holding seal in a different way.
A patent that allows watertight up to 20atm/200m.
This device would not be patented until the second half of the 50’s but was in use for about a decade.
Another intervention was in the mechanics, the Rolex 618 was abandoned and the Angelus 240, 16 lines and 15 rubies was used, this had a winding reserve of 8 days.
Il quadrante venne modificato, fu' inserito un contasecondi ad ore 9, queste modifiche portarono alla nascita della ref.6152 1.
The dial was modified, a second counter was inserted at 9 o’clock, these modifications brought to light ref. 6152 1.
Nel dopoguerra la collaborazione Panerai con la neonata Marina Militare Italiana continuo', vennero richieste nuove forniture da affidare ai propri reparti speciali,tuttavia un elemento distintivo degli orologi Panerai non poteva piu' essere usato perche' considerato nocivo:il Radiomir.
venne cosi' studiata una miscela a base di trizio che venne chiamata LUMINOR che sostitui anche la dicitura sui quadranti stessi.
Il LUMINOR e' l'orologio Panerai del dopoguerra.
After the war the collaboration between Panerai with the newly created Marina Militare Italiana (Italian Military Navy) continued, new supplies were requested to assign to their special departments, however a distinctive element of the Panerai watches could no longer be used because it was considered noxious: the Radiomir.
Therefore a mixture with a tritium base was studied that was called LUMINOR which also substituted the writing on the dial itself.
The LUMINOR is the post-war Panerai watch.
I quadranti di questo periodo potevano avere diverse diciture:LUMINOR PANERAI, MARINA MILITARE ,oppure entrambe le diciture.
Non solo ma MM italiana si servi' di Panerai,nella prima meta' deglia anni 50, fu' l'Egitto a chiedere una fornitura speciale di orologi.
Panerai crea la ref.6154,simile al 6152 ma di spessore inferiore e inferiore anche l'impermeabilita'10 atm/100mt, questo utilizza solo il movimento Rolex.
Vennero prodotti circa 30 esemplari,I collezionisti lo ribattezzano l'Egiziano piccolo.
Nel 1956, sempre la Marina Egiziana richiede un'altra fornitura alla Panerai con specifiche increased holding and use of the bridge proteggicorona and with the addition of a scroll wheel in steps of 5 min in 5 min (patent pending) for the calculation of immersion time, the basin was tightened by screws
antimagnetic production Panerai the size of the Angelus carica.Nacque res 240 8 days so the ref GPF 2 / 56, produced in about sixty specimens including prototypes and 50 allocated to the Egyptian Navy
The dials of this period Could Have different writings: LUMINOR PANERAI, RN, or both.
Not only did the Italian Navy, Panerai use, But in the first half of the 50's, Egypt Requested a special supply of watches.
Panerai created the ref. 6154, 6152 But similar to the thinner and with an inferior impermeability 10 atm/100mt, this uses only the Rolex movement.
Approximately 30 examples were produced, collectors re-baptized them as the little Egyptian.
In 1956, the Egyptian Navy once again requested another supply from Panerai with higher waterproof specifications and the use of the crown protecting bridge and with the addition of a revolving bezel with 5 minute intervals (patented) for calculating immersion times, the back was closed with antimagnetic screws produced by Panerai, the caliber was the Angelus 240 8 day winding charge. So was born the ref GPF 2/56, about 60 examples were produced including the prototypes and the 50 assigned to the Egyptian Navy.
It 'interesting that in the 60 also calls for the Israeli Navy to supply Panerai (remember that the two countries were at loggerheads with each other and that both of the special forces commandos were training at the Italian using the same techniques and supplies).
was studied for the Israelis a prototype double-deck, where the second proteggicorona serves to lock the ring was the Rolex cal girevole.Il 618. This project is only in prototype form.
supplies to the Italian Navy continued for decades under military secret, were provided in addition to watches bushes of different models (with compass rose cone to calotta trasparente , oppure oscurato per un utilizzo a traguardo) profondimetri con diverse scale, torcie subaquee ed altri oggetti quali orologi da cruscotto e congegni meccanici per mine ed altro ancora.
It is curious to know that in the 60’s even the Israeli Navy asked Panerai for supplies (we should remember that the two countries were not on good terms and that the special forces for both were trained by the Italian raiders using the same techniques and supplies.)
For the Israelis a prototype with a double bridge was studied, where the second crown protector is used to block the rotating bezel. The caliber was the Rolex 618. This project never made it out of the prototype stage.
The supplies to the Italian Military Navy continued for decades under military secret, besides watches, different models of compasses (with a truncated cone compass card in a transparent canopy, or darkened for directional view) depth
meters with different scales, underwater flashlights and other objects like dashboard clocks and mechanical devices for mines and much more.
Nel 1972 muore Giuseppe Panerai e la denominazione diventa OFFICINE PANERAI.
Nella seconda meta' 80's was 'a watch designed for large depth', waterproof to 1000m, in titanium with automatic ETA movement.
The newness' was still a new patent called autoluminescenza TRAZER were micro vials containing gas trizio.Questo clock was only as a prototype.
implementing the TRAZER Panerai engineers were inspired by their famous 1 st patent: the RADIOMIR. in the vials was then the mixture of radio, now of tritium gas ... as you see in the end everything comes back, the myth and the legend continues Panerai .... but this is' another story.
In 1972 Joseph died and the official name Panerai Became OFFICINE PANERAI.
In the second half of the 80's to watch Was designed for the great depths, waterproof to 1000mt, in titanium with automatic ETA movement. The innovation was another patent for auto-luminescence called TRAZER, they are micro ampoules containing tritium gas. This watch remained only as a prototype.
To create the TRAZER, the Panerai technicians found inspiration in their first famous patent: the RADIOMIR. Previously in the ampoules there was a radioactive mix, now tritium gas.. as we can see everything makes sense, the myth and the legend Panerai continue.. but that’s another story.
---------------------------------FINE PRIMA PARTE------------------------------------
Stefano Mazzariol

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