13/12/2009 - Imperial Theatre - Francavilla Fontana
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Our first national conference takes place in a historical and political significance of extraordinary and exceptional. I want to outline three examples of how reality and points of reference for those who are involved in politics today are radically changed over the century we left behind.
The President of the Western nation most of the world is an African-American who despite being in the same time the head of the largest army in the world, receives Oslo at the Nobel Prize for Peace. Recognition is only apparently contradictory because in the few months of administration, Obama has made a clear departure from the current military policy of his predecessor and that, above all, has given new hope and confidence to people in countries who are waiting too long to develop and free themselves from debt and widespread poverty.
In this week then will be held in Copenhagen, the summit of all nations to discuss climate change in the world and their effects on the planet and thus on future generations. We realize, perhaps belatedly, the need to reduce or convert the industrial and manufacturing processes so far undertaken without limitation, nella consapevolezza, ci auguriamo, di considerare l’economia e lo sviluppo indissolubilmente legati alla tutela dell’ambiente ed anzi ad essa strettamente connessa, come dimostrano i richiami sempre più incisivi dei governi progressisti, Obama in testa, alla “green economy”, all’abbandono della dipendenza dal petrolio, ed alla sostenibilità della crescita nel nostro pianeta.
Infine voglio indicare un tema che reputo di decisiva importanza per il futuro delle nostre popolazioni che, si lega fortemente al precedente, anche se con caratteristiche del tutto nuove e inquietanti. Parlo della privatizzazione dell’acqua, bene comune e di uso pubblico per eccellenza, che mai nessuno avrebbe potuto immaginare potesse become subject to appetites of corporations that would profit commodified according to the logic of neo-liberalism that must be fought at every level in every way from the regions and municipalities.
on these issues, however, the center-right government has already started worrying and negative signals, such as resistors, with a view to puzzling as anachronistic neo-protectionism, policies to reduce CO2 emissions or the announcement of the resumption of heavy energy policies, with the use of nuclear energy policies and lack of investment in renewables. Then the water has already decided to proceed with its privatization. And this is the only liberalization, however, in the sense centralist and authoritarian, as implemented in the center-right government that strongly opposed the forgotten, the true liberalization of the sector in favor of citizens and consumers against monopolies and privileges of caste, the center-left governments and the then minister Bersani, in recent years.
In fact there are many issues we'd like to discuss with the citizens and on which the government has shown its limits. So we've organized the initiative that has seen players on days 11 and 12 December 1000 called piazzas across Italy for the alternative. Unfortunately
Berlusconi does everything and does it with science, in my opinion, to divert e mitigare l’attenzione dei cittadini da temi scottanti ed epocali come quelli di cui ho fatto cenno spostando l’attenzione dei media e della politica sui suoi problemi personali, assumendo un atteggiamento vittimistico ed artificioso tutto volto a soddisfare i suoi molteplici interessi e a risolvere i suoi problemi personali.
Questo non è più accettabile.
L’attuale situazione politica e istituzionale del Paese è sicuramente tra le più difficili e controverse che la storia repubblicana abbia mai vissuto.
L’attacco virulento da parte del ns. premier agli assetti, agli organi ed alle garanzie costituzionali, la minaccia continua alla libertà di informazione, le spinte separatiste, antimeridionalistiche ed antieuropeistiche, soprattutto della Lega Nord, la teorizzazione di politiche xenofobe, sono motivo di seria preoccupazione per le forze progressiste e riformiste del Paese e non sembra azzardato paventare una pericolosa deriva autoritaria della nostra democrazia.
Inoltre si tenta con programmi i tipo populista e demagogico di porre mano a riforme nel campo della scuola con un attacco senza precedenti all’istruzione pubblica ed alla ricerca, o in quello della giustizia, con il tentativo di ridimensionare significativamente il ruolo di garanzia e di terzietà della magistratura e con interventi “ad personam” utili solo a garantire l’impunità di alcuni o di un solo potente.
Per non parlare del tema della “sicurezza Citizens' instrumentally brandished like a club to tackle local government and the center-left Prodi government, unless it is shown, proof of the facts as they are operated to full-bodied cut in resources of law enforcement while the phenomena of petty crime and degradation citizen not at all seem to have weakened and even in some cases even worse. Also in the current budget law is to introduce the sale of property confiscated from the Mafia, that would not lead to a different conclusion than that of allowing the mafia to repossess it.
These are some examples of how the government operates that autoincensa defining their own, as a policy of doing.
All of the above in an international and national economic crisis that has further highlighted the failure of government forces to give concrete and effective answers to the thousands of families in difficulty, or to redundant workers in the IGC, the precarious, pensioners, the hundreds small and medium enterprises that are increasingly made away prospects for development and growth of their business, while the government's confidence in shots (less than 27 since the beginning of the legislature) passed a law and inadequate financial weakness in solving problems country, giving up the sacred law of parliamentary confrontation on the budget.
You try even to make money using the TFR allocated by companies in recent years, or to create through hoards of real amnesty in disguise, such as that of the so-called "tax shelter", essentially penalizing the weak and workers and rewards the clever, or the same prime minister who is also an entrepreneur and that is a member of one of the leading banks which today are among the most pledging, incidentally, to offer assistance to those who return to the capital from abroad.
All of the above, albeit briefly and schematically shown, makes it even more meaningful and decisive role as a major political force which is ours.
The difficult challenge to release at this stage is to build an opposition in parliament and the country that knows how to curb the acts of government power and make, at the same time, visible and concrete alternative to the right and the Lega Nord, in the defense of the fundamental principles of the Constitution, to ensure greater efficiency and equity in the action of State to protect the most vulnerable categories and classes of our country, promoting and supporting the development of the South, without ever yielding to the temptation of tailings moved, to demonize political opponents, or worse, easy populist proclamations and inconclusive.
In particular, the South of Italy will be increasingly considered a strategic perspective not only national, but European and world that looks to the Mediterranean and the countries surrounding it, to create synergies and opportunities for mutual development.
policies of the South, Southern Italy on a pact to defend the prerogatives of the South, today opened a real ground for discussion and dialectic with the forces that oppose it, even from within the center-right, a government that has shone antimeridionalismo from its team of government consists of ministers who, as D'Alema pointed out some time ago also in Francavilla, is made for an estimated 80% of ministers even come by the green and on which the League exercises that you define a "golden-share", ie the ability to determine and continuously influence the political agenda of the executive.
decisive will, therefore, in future, bringing about the widest possible alliances with those who are now the opposition center-right government but also with those who do not recognize the most illiberal in the center and subversive fielded by Knight, both in Parliament and in company to open a new era of political alternative to the right.
In this direction the party has shown a willingness to march with more fluency and confidence in his leadership by choosing a man as Pierluigi Bersani, and abandoning the idea of \u200b\u200bcalling a majority party that has appeared, at present, unrealistic and impractical. The
organizational and political process initiated by the primaries and the election of the secretary of national and regional secretaries gave the first positive response to these needs, and today we can say that the objective of the alternative is possible, especially if we are able to provide continuity for moments of extraordinary democratic participation, which were the primary, comparing the party firmly with the territory and giving more and more spatial structures of real organizational and political autonomy, in the sense truly federal.
also allow the primary elections, except for some rare and regrettable exceptions, to create conditions for greater cohesion and amalgamation of feelings and experiences different in our internal, reducing if not eliminating altogether, the phenomena of conflict and struggle from which, perhaps, too many times we were enveloped with serious negative outcomes and even crippling for the action of the party. The primary
however, if we want to be a key tool for participation in the choices of the party, should be governed by rules more certain, such as the establishment of a register of supporters of the Democratic Party and a delimitation of the charges for which you can make use of them.
He must, in my opinion, establish the obligatory nature of the primaries for the selection of candidates for Parliament, at least until once in force at the present time, but never too much, insulted the electoral law for parliamentary elections.
For our city is well to remember that this party, which has reached and exceeded, however, the remarkable figure of the 200 enrolled as of 21/07/2009, has been, from its birth until today, some real jerks and earthquakes.
What to say about it? It is believed to be able to say that the spaces of political freedom and respect for divergent views were never denied to anyone. It 'seemed to prevail, however, a low sense of belonging to the party which also had all helped to create, to serve foreign interests and the party, and indeed assumed that its weakness. Never showed up an alternative line and uniform than that of the secretariat, but only one part vetoes and even worse, tentative agreement on the other unnatural and adventurous. Have appeared in our discussion so many confused and contradictory as well as politically incorrect. Just read today
countless positions of the so-called dissidents, appeared widely in the press, to ensure that their myopia and inadequacy.
The party has delivered a clear line that has appeared since its inception on the municipal and provincial level and the events that follow for some time at the regional level is demonstrated. The President of the Region Nichi Vendola, made no secret of having the goal di allargare l’alleanza contro il centrodestra aprendo all’UDC e ad altre forze con il chiaro intento di allargare il fronte e battere Fitto.
Queste riflessioni servono a meglio comprendere quello che accaduto e ci convincono che si è aperta una nuova fase per il centrosinistra e per il nostro Partito.
Per questo occorre continuare l’azione di rilancio del Partito avviata dopo le elezioni amministrative in un “clima nuovo” e svelenito da rancori personali e pregiudizi politici, attraverso innanzitutto un impegno organizzativo in cui vengano utilizzate al massimo tutte le risorse materiali ed umane che il partito ha a disposizione e che sono emerse con l’esperienza dell’ultima campagna elettorale e delle primarie, without preconceived closure to those who did not share our journey but looking with attention and commitment to the youth, that is, to our future, not sparing anything in the provision of space and resources to those, the new generations, who will be the new ruling class the party.
encouraging and in this sense, the efforts by the Young Democrats organization initiatives such as the 1st Democratic Party last September and the second edition of the Culture Week in the coming days.
This is even more significant in a city that over the years has not been able to invest in itself and its future: it has involved young people in their planning, non ne ha ascoltato le esigenze di incontro, di cultura, di lavoro, di aggiornamento. Una città di cui i giovani, lentamente, si sono disamorati, allontanandosi dalla politica, chiudendosi nelle case e nelle proprie cose.
Certo comprendiamo il senso di frustrazione e di impotenza che molti giovani manifestano. Ma se è vero che la politica oggi non ha grande capacità e potere di attrazione esiste però una fitta rete di associazioni, di esperienze di contatti che consentono ai giovani di esprimersi.
Il PD di Francavilla vuole aprirsi sempre di più al mondo giovanile e alle nuove forme di espressione e di dibattito politico, quali i blog ed i social networks. Per questo ci siamo dotati proprio in questi giorni, nel nostro circolo, an ADSL connection, while we have a long time we update our website continuously and through which we inform our members and leaders of the Party and that allows for continuous updating and deepening on specific issues affecting the youth and politics in general.
In our party, then you can not do without a larger number of women qualifying and able to contribute with originality and diversity in policy that only women can provide. Unfortunately, on this side of obvious signs of late that we must strive to bridge and overcome in a party that shows itself today in FF revamped in men and ideas and therefore can not be in the politics of equal opportunities and gender representation that can not be only statements of principle.
Basic will then be the role of guidance and consultation of members of the Assembly to be convened regularly and diligently for all the essential choices that the party should take, valuing and enhancing the role of the membership as a way of accession to the active and purposeful life Party.
Not that this puts at odds with the character in dialogue and broadening the party should keep its doors open to contributions from voters, sympathizers, the world's intellectuals widespread of all the trade unions, associations, Social and Cultural Rights which includes the city.
It also makes it necessary in our leaders, focused attention and prompt a more diligent and constructive, while respecting the specificity and independent features, within those worlds representative of society - beginning with the trade unions - cultural sports and the city, we saw too often distracted or even absent.
also to meet this need, the party has decided to organize an initiative during the festive season for charity in favor of AISLA (soccer tournament and conference).
Another objective to be pursued and build on the training manager within the organization of thematic forums, study, analysis and proposal on the most burning issues affecting the political and administrative life of the territory and the city.
This represents a need to effectively fight the inevitable francavillese center, its methods of government and political party interest that this advocates clearly in breach of the community.
necessary and therefore create moments of consultation and subsequent decisions are shared between the council group leader and the body on the choices to be performed within the institutions in the City Council and Board committees.
Never before at this stage of our representatives in city council needs the contribution of the whole party in the difficult task of an intransigent opposition but always with a positive, in support of their efforts, however, that must be expressed at the highest level, without exception, the presence ensures accountability constant and vigilant at all council meetings and committee and a timely and effective information to members and the citizenship of the activity.
Representation Board, in fact, shrunk dramatically in number for the mechanism of the prize-majority required by electoral law and for the first time applied to municipal francavillesi Assizes, is the result choices which, as mentioned earlier, we consider coherent and far-sighted, albeit painful, to be completed before and during the election administration, however, inspired by a strict ethical policy which increasingly needs and the outcome was still awarded the PD as evidenced by the considerable number of votes cast in favor of one symbol, the number of preferences given by our candidate for mayor, expressed enthusiasm after the election, by nearly all of the candidates in the list, remember, has bravely chosen to run alone. Percentages did not reach consensus at all in line with those achieved by the party at the provincial level. Despite
is claimed inevitability and consistency of decisions made at the time, but we are convinced that today opened a new season, which will see the PD looking for the broadest possible alliances that can create the conditions in the future to face and defeat the PDL and its power system, while ensuring strong discontinuity in the methods of governance and attention to legality, transparency of administrative and territorial development.
A Francavilla, this is an undeniable fact, the last election, however, given that historically has been a major influence in the near future of city politics.
has shattered that block that is social, which consists primarily of interest patronage, favoritism by, by personal gain or power groups, which for years has been the real backbone of the power center.
That led over the past years the occupation of the administrative machinery, and choking her, a situation that has led to an early dissolution of the CC, along with a commissioner, the paralysis of the administration of which have so often denounced the existence and whose negative influence on the development of the city is under the eyes of all. We
state of total abandonment of intermodal load center, the disappearance of the Fair View, the failure of the subsidiary Multiservizi, the unfinished public works, the deterioration of the old town and the suburbs.
Not to mention the social ancestral absence of sports facilities, the lack of useable space for cultural activity, the shortcomings of school, of inefficiency in local municipal schools and kindergartens.
on these issues in our city applies the total immobility, or if something moves, it moves with huge delays compared to the reality surrounding us even minor.
But if it is true that the conservative bloc has Francavilla is broken, need to gear up for this and think seriously about a new season that opens and that may allow the our city to carve out the role it deserves.
A new season will then lead to new convergences with other forces to the center-right alternative from the City Council where the PD has promoted the formation of a consulting room between all the opposition forces to better coordinate and maximize the impact 'action of the opposition.
must be said that we met again by the forces present in the City Council mistrust and resistance that we hope will disappear in the future.
E'dell'altro days to call a press conference leader of the PD-UDC-IDV in the House to publicly denounce the abuse of trust on voting in parliament and it is incomprehensible that such initiatives may not be possible at the municipal level where he often numbers are also important in order to provoke the opposition of City Council meetings and prevent the majority occupy all positions including those of warranty (think so for example the College of Auditors).
However we hope that can open a table and a comparison with the forces of opposition even on matters of policy planning.
The provincial elections of June 2009 have shown that you can create a real alternative to the PDL in a project of new alliances can involve those who had been placed, from left, as an alternative the current President of the Province.
why we believe that we need to maximize our experience within the Provincial Administration that we are engaged in first person with a representative francavillese in a department of vital importance that has already been able to demonstrate strong relationship with the territory , a proactive approach and concrete results and we are convinced, will operate with greater effectiveness in the future.
The commitment and the work of our assessor should be regarded as the patrimony of the whole Party.
soon organize an initiative with the citizens of Francavilla to give information on the activities of the provincial government and projects that affect our city.
Finally, the policy initiative of the Party should aim to have the next date of regional elections a suitable and qualified candidate able to represent and enhance the ns. territory and the untapped potential of the city.
In this regard, it reiterates that you can not passively accept decisions fell from above and not shared, given the important role that our city holds in the provincial election and the potential of our party, already proven by the outcome of policies of 2008 (with nearly 30% of the votes), third in the province after the capital and the city of Mesa in the end of marks and taking into account the multiple nominations already announced that the regional center-right is going to put in place.
Allow me to reflect on this topic today is taking the regional, not always so peaceful and quiet, many of our leaders, members and supporters.
I think a basic rule of politics is to submit the final assessment of those who have taken the lead in a coalition government experience when that experience reaches its natural end.
And if that is positive about the trial can not be thought not to reconfirm that experience and then submit it to the opinion of voters. This is normal and has yet to be more to our party that that experience was the main engine.
This is to behave in a serious manner and without fear, because you should never fear the opinion of voters if you did your job conscientiously, selflessness and efficiency.
This can not be set aside to promote improbable alchemy, or worse still to submit to political positions ambiguous trasformistiche and expediency. Francavilla
We want to participate with enthusiasm and conviction to the next elections and we must therefore start with the right foot in the choices you make at the regional level, to give our activists the right reasons. Even
per questo si chiede, sin da ora, alla nostra rappresentanza che verrà eletta in seno all’assemblea provinciale di far valere le ragioni forti di un protagonismo che il Partito nella nostra città pretende di avere, non come semplice rivendicazione di carattere localistico ma come base essenziale per arginare e sconfiggere le destre in tutta la realtà provinciale e dare un contributo di spessore alla battaglia per le regionali che ci apprestiamo ad affrontare con il convincimento che si possa continuare l’esperienza esaltante e non priva di originalità, di progettualità e di risultati, avviata dall’attuale Governo Regionale e dal suo Presidente.
La dirigenza che andremo ad eleggere, la segreteria che verrà nominata I hope by the manager who wants to share these difficult tasks and essential growth targets we have set.
All together we feel the commitment with renewed enthusiasm and spirit of sacrifice to make operational the programmatic intent outlined here, knowing that the commitment should be to all and will have to take priority in the formation of a new ruling class of a new party, as well as we wanted since the beginning of this fantastic experience of PD, a force able to take a fresh look and passion crystalline future challenges that lie ahead for the democratic transformation of our. Common ns. and our territories. our country.
the candidate for the position of Coordinator of Club
Marcello CAFUERI
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