Santa Claus, or rather as we know Santa Claus was not to his roots vestito con i classici colori Rosso e bianco....
Si dice che l'immagine moderna di Babbo Natale (Santa Claus), ovvero quella del panciuto e barbuto omone dal vestito rosso, sia stata creata dai pubblicitari della Coca-Cola. La motivazione addotta di questa voce risiede proprio dressed in Santa Claus, red and white are also the same colors of the company of famous and not bevanda.Ma 'exact, already' towards the early 900, you can see pictures of Santa Claus in red and white.
As for Santa Claus Coca Cola-we get to 1930, when the company was looking for an effective advertising campaign to increase sales in the period winter. It was' asked the illustrator Haddon Sundblom, who created a series of memorable drawings that associated the Coca-Cola in a Santa Claus dressed in red and white. From that point on became a habit for the company to advertise the drink during winter, associated with Santa Claus, because it was directed especially to a young target. Although the beginning was the figure of Santa Claus dressed in different colors, was in the 20s that was firmed and confirmed as unique version of the color red and white. 10 years before the Coca-Cola plan to use it. Certainly helped the Coca-Cola Santa Claus to appear as we know it now.
Buon Natale e felice anno nuovo a tutti!!
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