Egr. Mr. Mayor
Dear Sirs Dear fellow members of the Executive
Municipal Councillors of the Municipality of Francavilla Fontana
location: motion inherent in the "establishment of the Registry of the elect."
In a time when the rampant anti-politics greater the investment risk of indiscriminate attacks to hit well regardless who does his duty and work per restituirle dignità.
Si impone sempre più la necessità di rispondere, a tutti i livelli, con segnali contrari a quelli che purtroppo sempre più spesso giungono da più parti, negando risposte serie ai cittadini ansiosi di esercitare il doveroso controllo sull’attività dei propri eletti affermando così un principio di trasparenza dell’azione amministrativa degna di uno Stato liberale e realmente democratico che si apre al controllo popolare.
Per questa ragione, i sottoscritti Consiglieri del Partito Democratico, ritenuto di condividere il suggerimento propositivo giunto dagli amici del Partito Radicale; rilevata la necessità di invogliare il cittadino all’impegno civico; di help lay the groundwork for the construction of a new relationship based on respect for politics as res publica; reconstruct a clear relationship seriously and constructively with those who will ask the opinion of citizens and their constituents,
We set up the registry of those elected at the municipal level on the basis of which create a monitoring and publication of all activities of the directors and municipal councilors.
§ TUEL approved by the Legislative Decree no. August 18, 2000, No 267, art. 10, reads: "Right of access and information", paragraph 1 mentions: "All acts of the administration are public, except those reserved for explicit guidance ... "and at the same art. 10 Section 2 claims are identified to ensure that right of access and information to special regulation, however, leaving the mode of operation;
it is also technically appropriate and necessary to facilitate the right of access and information of the directors as a prerequisite to ensuring transparency and good administration of the institution, based in the premise;
the growing desire on the part of the citizen to receive detailed information on the activities and deliberative management of the municipal administration;
The City Council acting
on the site of the City of Francavilla Fontana are available:
1) of each Councillor the following data:
• Name, date and place of birth
• The tax identification number as identification in order to have of a register of elected members of each, the time covered elective office;
• Refunds and / or attendance fees received for any reason by the City
• Declaration of the funds received by the elected and / or gifts, benefits or other comparable, in the exercise of the mandate
• Acts presented with process until the end
• The panel of admissions to the work of the institution to which it belongs, and votes in the acts adopted by the same
2) of the Mayor and each member of the following data come
• Name, date and place of birth
• The tax identification number as identification in order to have a register of elected members of each, the elective office held in the time
• Salary, reimbursement, and / or attendance fees received for any reason by the City
• Statement by the Mayor and each member of the junta of funds received and / or gifts, or other similar benefits, in the exercise function,
• Register of charges including expenses for staff, office expenses, travel costs include those of the staff, computer equipment and telephone charges and miscellaneous charges
3) the annual budget, the multi-annual budget, the Forecasting and Planning Report, the investment plan, the plan's executive management and financial planning document, including all attachments, and in particular the list of the suppliers and consulting
4) The resolutions approved, divided by year , topic, presenter, procedures, resolutions must be traced either with the advanced search, search is free with the text. Each resolution should be included on the website within 15 days of its approval
5) the archive of other acts of the Municipality approved or, for queries and questions, with process concluded, motions, agendas, presenter, iter, all acts must be is traced with the advanced search, search is free with the text. Each measure must be placed on the site subject to the availability dell'incaricato to manage the site and no later than 15 days after its approval.
6) calls and the outcome of the race.
8) a list of activities on the entire outside assignments (assignments, studies, designs, fixed-term contracts ...) for each task should be evenly the following items: office proponent, assignee, the assignment type (study, design, performance, fixed-term contract), accorded monetary amount, date of award and date of expiry in the case of new assignment, otherwise the renewal date if the grantee has previously received an assignment of the administration, including the powers currently held or assigned by this Administration, required to declare whether the consultants consulting relationship with the companies controlled or owned by common and to what extent, the obligation to declare that the consultants do not have conditions incompatible (Such as employees of public entities by law or regulation set out certain inconsistencies between the public service and self-employment).
9) for each company controlled by the municipality (including those controlled by a subsidiary) the Company, the basic details of the budget, the names of directors and their emoluments.
All above information must be accessible and in an open standard format (XML)
Francavilla Fontana 14.12.2009
local councilors of PD
Thomas Resta, parent
Maurizio Bruno, director James
Gallone, counselor.
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