Rolex Submariner ref. OMAN
1680 -8 1975: The 'Swiss watch industry is'
will decrease by 25% on exports over the previous year, this due to the increase of the Swiss franc against the dollar and the economic crisis.
In countries where the economy is' linked to U.S. dollar prices of imported goods Switzerland also increased by 40%. Nevertheless
'Rolex produces around 253000 orologi, compresi tra le matricole 3.862.*** e 4.115.***.
1975: The Swiss watch making industry records a 25% drop in exports from the previous year due to the rise in the Swiss Franc compared to the dollar and the economic crisis.
In countries where the economy is directly tied to the United States currency, the prices of imported Swiss products show an increase of up to 40%. Regardless, Rolex produces approximately 253,000 watches, included between the serial numbers 3.862.*** and 4.115.***.
Uno tra questi e' il Submariner ref. 1680 -8 matricola 4.111.*** commisionato dal Sultanato dell'Oman e che per ovvie ragioni non risente assolutamente of events on the world stage.
One Of These Is The Submariner ref. -8 4111 1680 serial number .*** commissioned by the Sultan of Oman for Obvious Reasons That Was not at all affected by worldwide events.
The warranty of these models and typical '"blank" with no indication of the dealer
of origin, which I understand to be in this case Khimji Ramdas, official agent 539 Sultanate of Oman.
The typical guarantee of this model is 'blank', with no Indication of the original vendor, Which Appears to me in this case to be Khimji Ramdas official agent 539 Sultanate of Oman.
The clock, as usual, has the logo of Oman, the Kanijr, placed in a novel way this time, for nine hours on the dial.
The watch, as per tradition, Oman has the logo, the Kanijr, this time unedited Positioned at the nine o'clock position of the dial.
The dial and 'Lemrich and reports produced by the back devoted to the classic numbers as shown In the analogous model realizate in blue with the signature of Sultan Qaboos ibn Sa'id.
Was produced by The dial bears the classic Lemrich and dedicated numeration on the back as illustrated in the similar model created in blue with the signature of the Sultan Qaboos ibn Sa'id.
details black dial with logo "swords"
Particulars of the black dial with the "sword" logo
The dial and 'matte black, has the gold indexes as well as the Rolex logo.
The dial is black with an opaque indexes and Rolex logo in gold. All written
are made of a porous gold paint and the logo of the swords e'direttamente printed red on black, characteristic of the quadrants Lemerich products, contrary to what we saw on other quadrants realizate by other contractors (Beyeler, singer) for other models, the latter used to print the first white and then red in the logo of the swords to give more 'brightness' to the color red.
All Writings Have Been Created with a porous gold colored paint Whereas the sword logo is printed Directly red on black, characteristic of the dials created by Lemrich, Contrary To That created dials seen on by other third parties (Beheler, Singer) for other models. These last two printed first in The Sword logo in red white and successively in order to make the brighter red color.
Comparisons quadrants Beyeler 1665 1680-8, 1675 Lemrich, and Singer 6265:
Comparision dials Between 1665 Beyeler 1680-8, 1675 Lemrich, and Singer 6265:
clock, despite his 35 years, has no significant sign of wear, evidence of probable "imprisonment" in a safe for all these years.
The watch, it Despi Being 35 years old, shows no signs of use Significant, in testament to the probability That It Was "imprisoned" in Some Safe for All These Years.
The stikers the bottom, sticker showing the number of reference clock, located on the back and 'still legible.
The stickers on the back, an adhesive That Carries the reference number of the watch, Placed on the back is still legible.
At that time, Rolex introduced the new crown Triplock 701, still more 'powerful and secure than the previous Twinlock.
In That period Rolex winding crown Triplock Introduced the new 701, with even better performance and more reliable with RESPECT to the previous Twinlock.
That 'realizate easily recognizable by the three dots under the Rolex crown.
This Is Easily recognizable by the three dots added below the Rolex crown.
glass original one, called tropic 127, has a structure different from that achieved in the years 80. The gleaning
side was much more 'intensified and made more' sweet and simple aesthetic impact of the glass while maintaining the usual height of the built later.
The original glass at the time, tropic Called 127, has a different shape from That created in the 80's. The side
Was gleaning much more accentuated and made the esthetic look of the glass softer and more sober examination while still Maintaining the height of the one created later.
Comparison with glass supply later.
Comparison Subsequently Provided with glass.
The bracelet ref.929080 realizate for this watch was the first sweater and a bracelet with the final wild thought for an athlete (solid end link).
The band ref. 929080 Was created for this watch the first heavy mesh band with the final links designed for a sportsman (solid end link).
bracelets are characteristic of the first mesh removable pins than screws realizare few years later. The tape closure and 'very special, and
' was realized on paper without the unghiatura that facilitates the opening of the detention of sicurezza, come nei modelli ref.9315 in acciaio con maglia ripiegata, inoltre il logo Rolex della corona a cinque punte e' posto all'estremita' invece che
come vedremo in seguito centralmente in rilievo.
A characteristic of the first bands are the removable holding pins of the links compared to the screws which were used a few years later. Even the closure clasp is very unique, it was created without the channel that made opening the safety clasp easier as in models ref 9315 in steel with a folded link, in addition the Rolex logo with the five pointed crown was placed on the edge instead of raised in the center as we see later.
Movement and 'a cal 1575 but appointed in 1570, as reported in technical catalogs all original, from 19,800 a / h and 26 rubies.
The movement is a cal 1575, Called to 1570 as listed in the original technical catalogs from 19,800 a / h and 26 Rubies.
The back-house punches back gold Rolex and trademarks, compared to previous models and there is no 'clock the serial number engraved inside.
The back has the gold punches brand and the Rolex Compared to previous models there is no watch serial number engraved on the inside.
Submariner born
A rare and precious by the exceptional conditions which we can hardly find.
Submariner Which Was Born A rare and made more precious by the Exceptional Condition That Would Be Elsewhere difficult to find.
Stefano Mazzariol

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