some days you see an advertisement for a book of photographs dedicated to Silvio Berlusconi .
The book's title is: WE LOVE ( written in black in white because it would not) SILVIO .
Meanwhile because use the tricolor ? The flag also represents me and I did not feel any represented by B. then why SILVIO in red? it's no accident that the color he hates most ? and fortunately !!!!( After Bersani and D 'Alema we needed more Berlusconi wanted a red). We love Berlusconi
us who?
U.S.! those ministers that due to such failure will not be More trial.
U.S.! Those who tax evaders through the tax amnesty in Italy we can bring back our money without paying taxes (in Italian laborer who pocket the tax deducted noi direttamente dalla loro busta, garanti cosi della loro onestà e della loro integrità morale).
NOI!! Quei mafiosi che grazie allo stesso scudo abbiamo potuto lavare i nostri soldi riportandoli in ITALIA legalmente.
NOI!! Che grazie ai vari condoni abbiamo costruito interi villaggi abusivi( Sempre gli stessi mafiosi)
NOI!! Che grazie al governo Berlusconi possiamo inneggiare al Nazismo senza aver paura di sanzioni come prevedrebbe la Costituzione .
NOI!! Che grazie al Governo B. Non abbiamo Più problemi con il, falso in bilancio , So we can create funds to pay bribes for blacks.
U.S.! those who receive bribes
U.S.! thanks to all who made laws for the various B. will never convicted (see which)
U.S.! (not all) we got a house after the earthquake, and we're sorry if some AQUILANI in Irpinia and Umbria are still in the containers and if VIAREGGIO for now was only a headed off to the dead of the train wreck 29/06 / 209 and those who have lost their homes do not know where she lives.
U.S.! we won the tender for the reconstruction Aquila after the hospital we had built with sea \u200b\u200bsand.
U.S.! What we voted Berlusconi after a long time because we see the Milan win league titles and Champions Cup.
WE ALL! that thanks to the laws of this government can avoid paying taxes, corrupt politicians and bribe us by lawyers of politicians without being punished, we can insult the flag and the state, insulting President of the Republic, beat non , assault with Unisto and then tried to see the same attacked ( MASS summer 2009).
U.S.! journalists from across Europe that we always have something to write about Italy in our beautiful pages of U.S. foreign policy
! journalists, satirists and comedians who in spite of ourselves we always new subjects

U.S.! Sellers statuettes of Milan's cathedral for the advertising had.
U.S.! hair specialists for such material to study.
U.S.! Peoples of Europe that we can always feel superior to the Italian populace.
's who are the ones who will buy this book and all together (except the last because they can not vote in ITALY) 52% that we need to nostro amato Silvio di governare anche voi che lo vorreste a governare una cella a S.Vittore.
A consolazione di tutto ciò metto un video che mostra come alcune foto di questo giornale siano state riadattate per far piacere al Berlusca stesso.
La ricetta del giorno
Saltimbocca alla Romana ( per voi che amate saltare tra una legge e l'altra).
Per 4 persone
8 fette di vitella sottile circa 70 g l'una 8 fette di prosciutto crudo 8 foglie di salvia a knob of butter seed oil a glass white wine broth.
Spread the meat to coat the slices raw ham and put on the leaves of sage. (If you believe all the stops with a toothpick )
Pass the slices in a little flour and place in frying pan where it was done, heat a drizzle of vegetable oil, brown on both sides, being careful not miss the sage and salt.
Discard the remaining oil and add a knob of butter. Sprinkle with white wine and let evaporate. add the broth and finish cooking until the stock has not reached a creamy density.

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