tonight Hello I'm looking for an 'argument to carry me to recipes for Valentine's Day, but do not really know where to start too much news these days chasing ... What
more serious is the ' uranium enrichment by Iran and we know that in Italy really important news for any of the newspapers which we know to pull out the ridiculousness and thus the' only way to talk about what is to be felt for at least 30 times the threats Berlusconi Frattini and Iran have made (you know that fear can have the government sanctions Iranian Threat Italian?).
Another news is that the government supports Berlusconi Israeli and cries all 'inadmissible an armed struggle on behalf of Israel ...
I am opposed to all war and cry too 'me against the attacks on Israel and even cry against the massacres made by Israel. I am against the
behavior of the people Israel do, but I would not dream of an alliance with political parties that in the past have helped to exterminate these people by helping the Germans to deport him in the various fields of concentration , and instead those two last week shouting indignation against the enemies of Israel as their allies these parties. But look at that case the Israelis have forgotten who are the allies of Berlusconi (SOCIAL ACTION Alessandra Mussolini)

perhaps a raised right can make him remember.

Another news is the removal of Berlusconi From Villa Arcore ( who do not know how you acquired villa Arcore can read the book Inquiry into Mr TV G. Ruggeri and M. Guarino ) at Villa Gernetto cost only 35 million of € But indeed for all papers and a house maid by 350,000 square meters seems to me that it takes. so do not meet with any third wife.

And what about the fact that today Arcore lunch were all 5 children? a family meal? but! you had to discuss the division of assets of € 8 billion, but say that I have problems?
If there are problems on the commas if they can share a 5-to-head so that we would die of hunger is not the same and the other three Italians pay for all damage done by their father. But look
case what is the news which is discussed in less telegiornali ?
Forse non tutti gli italiani sanno che quell'immunità fu abrogata nel 93 nel corso delle indagini dette mani pulite (che portò Craxi all'esilio volontario per non finire in galera e costrinse Berlusconi a mettersi in politica per non fare la stessa fine) da un referendum popolare cioè per volere degli italiani votanti, ora mi domando, i politici del PDL che invocano qualsiasi legge approvata a colpi di fiducia come volere degli italiani , perché gli italiani li hanno rated, because parliamentary immunity the will of the Italians has more? Maybe in 1993 we were less of Italians now? Why and a government can afford to overturn the will of the Italians when it suits them? And because the TG all Italian newspapers and not cry this scandal?
There is only one answer and we gave it several years ago Licio Gelli "the real power lies in the hands of the owners of the media"
menu for Valentine's Day ... not put recipes, but the menu of the restaurant where I work if a dish you curious ask and you publish the recipe.
Bis octopus carpaccio and swordfish.
Baked sea bream with fresh tomatoes
scallops stuffed and baked.
Plate Tuscan salami
Bundle of dried beef with ricotta flavored with basil.
artichoke flan with cream and Parmesan cheese.
crepes with shrimp sauce and asparagus lasagne
to trabaccolara . leg of pork.
puff pastry cake with cream white to pink.

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