Strange title right? This title is due to visit two Jehovah's Witnesses came to sound the bell of my gate. I kindly agreed to talk to everyone with equal courtesy and notice the two religions that do not interest me as completely atheist. But
know Jehovah's Witnesses are known for their insistence and then inform me that God (to everyone) has established its own government and there has already started to eliminate its enemies ...

At this point I asked but they are witnesses of Jehovah's Witnesses or B. ...?
And if they are Jehovah's Witnesses and God has set up a government in heaven to destroy enemies, I wonder as well, but paradise is in heaven, or is in Europe under the name of Italy? Third hypothesis
We are confident that a B.. has been anointed by the Lord, or is the corresponding the Lord on earth?
And if the B. .. was one of the rivals? Already I imagine that God has told his foreign minister, "Go down about that country that looks like paradise and try to convince that B.. That should not behave like God because otherwise I fall a shower of about Italy frogs ... "The foreign minister of the Paradise came down and went by B. ... as soon as they saw him he called his lawyer and did prepare a suitcase full of € asked the foreign minister to remain in his team that just puts him a seat in government, or else the could find a place without portfolio and has made him an intermediary with hell

God begins to rain frogs, but the B.. sighted as he let deforestation throughout southern Italy, and so with the sludge produced by landslides has found the ideal environment for frogs ... and the Italians have thanked him happy. (the inhabitants of the south are were less happy, but they are not Italian are the South)
Then God sent down an angel, but the B. .. called in aid to its ally and on earth has arrived a demon named Tarantinum he brought back the demon in the form of Dariosam escort, and the angel who was the love he found himself embroiled in a scandal and has lost credibility in heaven where they asked his resignation and is now directing traffic escort villas of the famous (ah took the name of Brendonium and provides trans used to bribe politicians uncomfortable.)

God impatient and Seek Allies in Italy, has investigated between ii and opposition politicians after they are screened for good invents the circus without animals, but only by a clown.
was now arrived at more black despair: you want to see that really fails to eliminate all his enemies?
Then that liar's doing over there believe anyone to be sent by God and no one denies that many also believe that ....
E 'at this point that's got the' IDEA one of those ideas that only a God can come true, he called his minister for communication and did invent the BLOG ....( and so we arrived at this) And from the blog starts
messages to all the people, find the people who have their eyes wide open (no matter if they do not believe in him, but certainly do not believe impostor) and puts them on the road of its bloggers, one to see how can create a blog and write a post and then leaves them free to act as they see fit. The
Mr B. .. The proof of all to stop these human with a bit ' of civic freedoms and calls his allies, and various demons come from hell and good at leggiferare against the means of mass communication and try to various laws to stop the grapevine of the Network, for now succeeded.
Meanwhile, the war between the two DII moves on other fronts, the land God has enemies who have studied law and know how to stop it, thankfully that the God of heaven has managed to infiltrate one of its presidency of the room and now I can slow down the enemy to impunity and for now still holding the tablets written by the prophets of perhaps 50 years ago that the provision ' escalation of a new dictator to have written really well so some of the celestial allies fail to halt the rules that otherwise would land won by the government. The god
Celeste has also tried to infiltrate some of the rallies, but unfortunately some demon is aware of it and managed to turn a thunderbolt hurled statue in the cathedral,
smoothing out the peaks a bit too so it would not so much about evil.
La guerra sta continuando tutt 'oggi ma io ci scommetto che prima o poi i due DII si troveranno faccia a faccia e quello terreno si alleerà con quello celeste e con qualche imbroglio diventerà il premier del paradiso per la felicità di tutti i lussuriosi,gli evasori e i ladri che sono all'inferno che si ritroveranno in paradiso.

E noi blogger? noi tutti schiavi a scrivere inni sul nuovo Dio e a far da camerieri negli alberghi dell'inferno trasformato in villaggio turistico termale.
Mi scuso se questo post possa avere urtato la sensibilità di qualcuno, ma spero che venga preso solo per quello che è: solo una c.... ta per scrivere qualcosa.....
La ricetta del giorno.
300 g di zucchero semolato,
300 g di burro, 150 g di farina, 150 g di fecola di patate, 150 g di zucchero al velo, 6 uova, 1 limone.
Preparazione :
Mettete il burro ammorbidito in una terrina e lavoratelo bene finché sarà soffice e ben montato. Unite la scorza grattugiata del limone, i tuorli uova, aggiungendoli uno alla volta, non mettendo the next, if the former has not been well blended. Then, add the sugar and stirring constantly, flour and starch making them fall from a sieve. When the mixture is well blended, add up to 6 egg whites until stiff, stirring gently not to dismantle them. Grease and flour a baking pan with high sides, pour the mixture and bake at 170 degrees for about 50 minutes or until cooked. Remove from the oven, let cool on a wire rack and sprinkle with powdered sugar.
Council staff add half a bag of baking powder is used to stop the cake during cooking.

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