Friday, January 29, 2010

Tri-fold Mirror Full Length Dressing

Less crime .....

B. Yesterday, the beloved ... (Expensive for the state coffers), he came up with another of his jokes: Less immigrants less delinquency.
Well then I think to cool a bit ' memory to the memory of those like him apparently have it very short.
Dear Chairman of the Board has more do not know how many processes including some pending for corruption, but the ' Italy is indeed a strange country the only country in the world where we as a premier extra .
A Dell 'Utri was sentenced to 6 years of collusion with the Mafia and also here a extra the Italian Parliament.
then we Cosentino for which it was granted 'permission to proceed (fortunately the Supreme Court remedied by giving the order to stop this extra-white) but both he and Dell 'Utri are in the south and for many of belonging PD L sa non although not considered Italian.
So given the position of the League at noon D ' Italy I must give credit to Berlusconi is true not least mafia crime. To those on the government to give Italian citizenship so be saved.
Then I read a blurb IL Tirreno newspaper group Tuscan Espresso
that Senators Charles Sarro (Caserta) and Vincenzo Nespoli (Naples) presented emendation (the so-called law milleproroghe Constitutional Affairs Committee in the Senate ) with yet another building amnesty.
Now I know that amnesty is being done to legalize the houses of all the laborers hired by the Mafia non outside the EU? or need to save those houses built in the Mafia in the nation in the South?
Or better yet to forgive those works that some extra-parliamentary ( naturalized Italian) is perhaps Built in spite of the royal laws of the new Empire of northern Italy? If removing the non
removing the crime to go to certain places even MILANESE you need a passport?

And I wanted to rage not denouncing those and non-payment or non-EU minors who attended certain parties in a foreign land. Already
but that's all a plot finally uncovered by Panorama

Recipe the Post

of sliced \u200b\u200bmeat and Strogonoff (Maybe we can get Russian dish without being accused of delinquency extra-) Serves 4 people

800 g of beef or pork meat.
400 g of
mushrooms 3 onions blondes

250 g cream 2 tablespoons of mustard.
two cups of broth. A splash of vodka

Sauté thinly sliced \u200b\u200bonions, add the mushrooms too 'they
Add the sliced \u200b\u200bmeat cut into strips and sprinkled with flour, pour in the Vodka add the cream and mustard. pour the broth and finish cooking. serve with rice boiled.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Healthiest Greek Yogurt

And who can go on vacation there?

morning listening to the radio I heard the announcer say that the site of el Foreign Ministry there are photos of private travel by the Minister Frattini.
Now I say anything contrary Frattini as a man who wants to show you how to ski or knows how photogenic incidentally human vanity has no limits, but must show their official web site of the Ministry? That does not exist
facebook style social networking ?
Beautiful photos of a Frattini around the eagle with a 500 cabrio but I would be afraid if there was a guy pissed because the earthquake destroyed the home and if he had flown a tile? If Frattini like so much because the risk not going to see what happens in Haiti's first to disassociate what he said Bertolasi ? Then
Frattini in Greenland with a nice little dog, why not take pictures with the teachers and temporary workers who have been out of work for the cuts that the government has done and that the Greenland if they can only dream of? I do not want to condemn a minister because go on holiday around the world, but at least a 'moment of decency in using channels Information institutions, a site should inform the ministry and yet I know that every channel ' information is used to show how good and beautiful as any minister of any judge is dishonest. A worker may never
when afford so many trips? Already not available many days of leave and let alone the money.
So dear minister not to ill-feeling normal food to those who earn 1000 (Media) € a month at least try some photos to make them less public because also possible if that beautiful dog in Greenland was so much of Italian hand it to him of biting
I can advise facebook so will put all his photos in the closet and show them only to those who deserve it.
I would do so to see photo 1 photo 3 reviews 5 1 vote ..... and the money gets put them into the coffers of the state so you may make a collection for the children of Haiti and portaglieli yourself with the 500 heavenly.

Recipe dl Day
timbale of rice wine with velvety barolo broccoli and sausage

For 4 people 400 g of rice or carnaroli vialone nano.
300 g broccoli shallot

a sausage
a potato.
olive oil salt and pepper to taste

Make a risotto alla parmigiana substituting white wine to moisten the rice with plenty of wine or other red wine Barolo 's important that a full-bodied wine.

Butter the molds, cream caramel and then wipe them with the bread crumbs to fill them with creamed rice well and transfer to oven in a bain marie 180 degrees for about 20 min .

Meanwhile prepare the sauce by frying the broccoli in extra virgin olive oil with chopped scallion and potato add some vegetable broth to cover ingredients bring cooked. Remove
una parte di broccoli e passare tutto il resto al minipiner far tirare un po la vellutata fino a che non sia una crema al' occorrenza legarla leggerm ente con un po di farina mischiata all'olio.
Tritare i broccoli tolti in precedenza e la salsiccia al coltello e poi saltarli in padella con olio sfumarli con vino bianco e poi aggiungerli alla passata.
Sformare il timballo su di un piatto dove è stata versata prima un po di salsa ai broccoli e mettere un po di salsa sopra una parte di timballo.

Buon appetito questa ricetta può andare bene per un viaggio al freddo.
purtroppo non ho foto ma vi osso assicurare che oltre che buono è a dish as a good color effect.

Can I Takeflucloxacillin For A Chest Infection

There are those who appoint the candidate for President with formulas that seem to decree, issued by presidents or secretaries, with no comparison with the voters.
We prefer the Democratic Party primaries.

All together, now work for VENDOLA PRESIDENT .

Friday, January 22, 2010

Good Clean Fun 01yiff

the window ..... When

Hello I'm back after a long time to post on my blog.
I've been absent for two reasons, first, that the lack of comments on my post I am a little demoralized, but the second reason that most inportant is that I was at the window watching. .. And I've seen so many things in the political, social and economic order to the Italians who did not know what to write even more first, today I closed the window and I will try to bring order to what I face. I saw houses dates
recent earthquakes and earthquakes in the past several years living in container ; because to each other is not? The excuse is that past governments have not done what they had and then because he has not the all-powerful government today? perhaps because not be able to charm the Umbrian irpini or how he tried to do with children of 5 years in L'Aquila. I've seen fly
figurines with perfect sight (or almost), I saw lowered taxes and increased fees and then denied, but how good is to say everything and its opposite. I saw
processes that have long been shortened to become shorter (and woe to the person talking about laws to because as he said there are too many Gaspar people who wait for justice a long time) you can make a person to stretch the law to what is short? The son of God could do it and many users of Viagra would thank ii maximum patronage .... I have seen graduates
pseudo propose laws to return the universities in the hands of children of the rich trying to send the boys to work for 15 years so that young workers will workers with the famous motto is fine if you do not go to school to work. Well dear minister, I think that his arms are lifted to the world of work and the speed with which it is also a graduate of the laborers head removed (no offense to laborers who would have taught at least something). I saw
rehabilitate statesmen who have ruined the Bel Paese before with the ' rise in inflation, then economic inflating the political world having helped politicians awaiting trial to make a career.
I've seen give the name to Crazy Ways and statesman of that and I saw the statue of the same not be purchased by anyone (Fortunately, there is still a bit of common sense).
I've seen people accused of mafia to be performed by almost mafia boss who refused to testify and in return instead of a complaint for aiding have seen remove the harsh prison .. I saw this and many other things tuti you wrote and then I closed the window and I threw up, I threw up a bitterness left by a subsidiary Baffino behind the scenes and makes me regret Natta . (I'll remember?) I threw up sympathy for the launch of statuettes, I threw up for complicity laborers Calabresi that in addition to being beaten were locked in reception centers, where they work as slaves and are not passed through ovens but they are private human dignity. Becchi and beaten. I vomited for a governor under constant protection because went with a cross and we have a prime minister was even accused as a victim for going to bed with a minor, if I do I get arrested for pedophilia.
I threw up all these things, but hours I open the window and I agree with Di Pietro because at the moment is the only one who really tries to counter a political class in America that if he would be accused of Impeachment one day and the other would do well and at least 20 years in prison for tax evasion and even a missile defense system would protect them .

Son back and I opened the window but I'm not going to look more but I will be there screaming my refusal and my frustration ......
The next post will share the recipes with


It can go to Paris and in front of the Eiffel Tour get to speak ill of B with a Senegalese resident in Milan and laid off, so have to sell figurines in PARIS ?

I did ..... Tartaglia cost less than those of the cathedral.

Zeb Atlas & Mark Dalton

Stefano Mazzariol Custom Watch.

The word custom means an artifact, a device or component, designed and tailored according to the needs of the buyer or the specific function to be performed.

The term Indicates a custom handmade article, a device or component designed and tailor-made According To the buyer's needs or to the specific function That It Will Perform.

The word has now entered a part of everyday language in the world, taking its origin from the meanings of the Anglo-American.

custom work: lavoro su misura

Today the word has become part of worldwide common language, taking its meaning from the Anglo-American words: custom work.

Il Custom è un'attidudine, un modo di vivere caratterizzato anzitutto dalla propensione a trasformare un oggetto in modo da farlo diventare un qualcosa di unico.

Custom work is an attitude, a way of life characterized above all by the propensity to transform an object in such a way as to make it become something unique.

Molti , ma molti anni fa' mi capito' di comprare dei movimenti Rolex, tra cui
un A296 (movimento da ovettone con data) in condizioni di nuovo ancora nel
suo portamovimento.
realizate latter was a brass cylinder whose somita 'were installed two beautiful curved plexi glass that left the movement and admire her walk.

Many years ago I Happened to Buy Some Rolex Movements, Among Which
an A296 (Bubbleback movement with date) in new condition still in original ITS cover.
The cover consisted of a brass cylinder with two beautiful pieces of plexi-glass dished
installed on Each Side That allowed the movement and Its function to be Admired.

this Propio Casing was the function of this walk and check it and had a pin on one side
you going to fix a machine that rotates the braccieti, simulating the behavior of the clock on your wrist and kept him in office, the machine is called
final tester.

This Was Exactly the purpose of this case, to see and control the working movement;
on one side it HAD to pin That Could Be That device connected to a simulated the behavior of the wrist keeping it on a watch wound by turning Some small arms, this machine is Called the final meters.

This object fascinated me to the point that I never had the courage to separate from the movement.
For this reason, and 'remained in my safe for over two decades.

This object fascinated me to the point That I Never Had the courage to separate it from the movement and this is why it stayed in my safe for More Than Two Years.

The desire to feel on a subject so 'fascinating led me to think of wearing it in some way, without upsetting, preserving both the container and the movement as' come to me after over 60 years of life. The

Such A fascinating object of desire led me to think of a way to wear it without changing ITS beauty, Maintaining Both the movement and the cover as They Came to me after over 60 years of life. So was born the desire to create my custom watch.

Nacque cosi' il desiderio di creare il mio Custom watch.
Mi sono rivolto ad un amico, Giancarlo Martini, definirlo orologiaio non e' esatto;
un artista e' il termine adatto ,persona dotata di creativita' e buon gusto, capace ed attrezzato;gli mostrai l'oggetto e bastarono due parole per scatenare la sua fantasia...
..."Giancarlo, vorrei creare una gabbia per poter indossare al polso questo...."
Due schizzi su un pezzo di carta e la fantasia di Giancarlo volava , stimolata dal fascino che solo un oggetto di altri tempi puo' emanare.
Abbiamo montato un calendario roulette ed un quadrante sacrificabile per poter fare degli esperimenti.

I turn to a friend, Giancarlo Martini, who to define as a simple watchmaker would not be exact; an artist is the more suitable term, a person blessed with creativity and good taste, capable and with the right tools; I showed him the object and it only took a couple of words to spark his imagination.
"Giancarlo , I would like to create a cage to be able to wear it on my wrist..."
a couple of sketches on a piece of paper and Giancarlo's imagination took wing, stimulated by the charm that only an object from another time can emanate.
We assembled a calendar wheel and an expendable face, to be able to experiment.

Il quadrante e' stato pazientemente scavato , scheletrato per far vedere il piu' possibile il datario bicolore ed il movimento.
Dopodiche' argentato , lucidato e ritriziato, un tocco di rosso alla lancetta dei secondi.. et voila' il quadrante e' pronto.

The dial was patiently hollowed out to reveal as much as possible of the bicolored date wheel and movement.
After that, it was silver plated, polished and ritriziato , a touch of red on the second hand......and voilà the face is ready

The dial and 'have been patiently excavated skeleton to show the most' possible date two-tone and movement. Afterwards
'silver, polished and ritriziato, a touch of red to the second hand .. et voila 'the dial and' ready.

Machined from solid steel with a lathe, he patiently created the winding crown, custom made Obviously, I know That It Could Be Easily operated.

Then the chest, two rings that fit in the glass top and bottom
held by two steel cylinders which have the dual function of retaining movement between the two rings with screws, and fastening two lugs that attach to the strap.

Then the houses, two rings That fit in the upper and lower glass, Held in place by two steel cylinders That Have The double function of keeping the movement Between the two rings with screws, and the attachment of the two movable loops That connect to the watch band.

Not satisfied, Giancarlo has accomplished a great deployant buckle, comfortable and practical, mounted with a sturdy leather strap and an aggressive look .

Not satisfied, Giancarlo created a splendid fold Fastening buckle, comfortable and Practical, assembled with a strong leather watch band with an aggressive look.

The result is 'a clock by modern forms, but the retro', with no commercial use, exercise only to my use and pleasure .... and frankly, and 'was for me a great satisfaction.
Thanks Giancarlo.

The final result is a watch with a modern shape with a retro flavor But, with no commercial purpose, But only for my use and pleasure ..... and frankly it has Been a great pleasure for me. Thank you Giancarlo

Stefano Mazzariol

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Vintage Cocktail Jewelry

PD orally: Journal

It is in the Francavilla Fontana Official committee, "The PD for Boccia" to support the candidacy of Francesco Boccia in Puglia in the primary on January 24, 2010.
The Committee meets at the headquarters of the Democratic Party in Francavilla, via Roma 17. The coordinator of the Committee is
Raffaele Pappadà (for info.: 338-3884255).

Friday, January 15, 2010

Black And Yellow Dongle Safenet

Appeals Committee for Regional Primary

Delegates Assembly

regional and national Democratic Party

Subject: Request for Primary

the undersigned leaders of the Coordination of Circle of Francavilla Fontana, driven by the dramatic and in some ways, contradictory vicissitudes of the Democratic Party Puglia in selecting the candidate for President of the Puglia Region, have the attention of delegates to the Assembly regional and national considerations, in view of the next Regional Assembly, convened for 16 January 2010:
1. has been lacking a serious reflection on the experience of five years of government Vendola, of which the Democratic Party has been a decisive force: the analysis of positive and critical, involving the same Democratic Party, would lead to a glossy reflection also on the search for alliances and candidates for the upcoming regional
2. the Democratic Party, also born to give reality to the individual protagonist territoriali, interpretando un’idea forte e innovativa di partito “federale”, ha in realtà operato con scelte che sono apparse del tutto verticistiche e sganciate dalle esigenze e dalla storia del territorio;
3. quanto sopra ha avuto ripercussioni negative sul nostro elettorato di simpatizzanti e militanti, che attualmente è innegabilmente attraversato da sentimenti di scoramento e disaffezione verso il Partito e la politica in generale;
4. al punto in cui ci troviamo, riteniamo l’Assemblea di giorno 16 decisiva per ridare fiato alle speranze riposte nel progetto di costruzione di un Partito alternativa di governo a cui abbiamo aderito con entusiasmo e passione, e ridare identità ad un Partito che sembra ancora “in Search of an Author;
5. We appeal, therefore, delegates to Brindisi, which has contributed to the October 25 election in the primaries, to express to the method of the primaries as a solution to offer a way out of complying with the real identity of the base, to avoid ruinous fissures and allow to dissolve the complex tangle of alliances.

Francavilla Fontana, January 14, 2010 Best regards

Antonio Romano
Anna Maria Padula
Giorgio Red
Carlo Tatara
Cosimo Cosimo Cosimo Torino
Fabio Zecchino
Giovanni Francesco Giuseppe Carlucci

Ilaria Leone Brindisi Luciana
Marcello Cafueri
Michael Tardio
Nicola Salerno Nicola Santoro
Thomas remains
Valentina Paciulli
Antonio Chianura
Garganese Vincent

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Sutton Spoons On Sales

Rolex Day-Date 1807, un Inglese in veste Araba

Day-Date was the flagship of the Rolex production, produced only in precious metals, white gold, yellow and platinum.
For the Day-Date have been devoted to the Maison a variety 'of dials that no other Rolex watch at home can' boast.
Bracelets, special processing, diamond rings, you could set it really almost tailor-made.
For these reasons we find so special and unusual patterns that maximize
exponentially the beauty of the watch.
In 1974, Rolex watches produced about 295,000 in total between them and Oyster and classic number 'with the serial numbers from 3567 to 3862 *** ***'s very own this year and' build up the Day-Date 1807 reference number 36570 * *.

The reference 1807, 'referring to a special process called "bark" of
ring and bracelet.

This watch comes with other tailor the famous swords with the kanji symbol of Oman, in the rare green color.
At the time the marketing for that territory was entrusted to Asprey & Co. one of the most prestigious jewelers in the world,

official supplier to the English royal house for almost two centuries

counts among its customers, emirs, sultans and sheikhs.

Asprey Very often marked on the back the clocks, but not in this case. Witness
it came from the English are the hallmarks caratteristici di quel mercato, anzi , devo dire che quest'orologio e' iper punzonato, sul lato
della cassetta di chiusura e sulle lamine del bracciale,l'interno del fondello con incisa addirittura tutta la matricola per intero .

The charm that only time sa 'design is manifested in this watch in white gold that time has lost a bit' of rhodium, giving it a pale almost d ' ivory, is' in contrast to a dial in perfect condition, but made it ripe and in perfect synergy, a light brown color of the luminous material (tritium) site indices and hands.

All accompanied by the unusual and charming logo of "green sword", without a doubt smentita il logo piu' affascinante e ricercato dai collezionisti di tutto il mondo.

Come se non bastasse , fa' da cornice un datario completo in lingua araba, incompresibile ai piu' ma intrigante per tutti.

La rifinitura a corteccia (bark)che riduce la brillantezza delle superfici, ghiera e parte centrale del bracciale, di solito rifinite lucide, rende a mio avviso ancora piu' affascinate quest'orologio ed anche molto piu' esclusivo in quanto questa lavorazione veniva eseguita a mano.

Testimone di un tempo dove si fondevano interessi, cultura between the UK and Oman, this watch
of 36 years puo'vantare full of all the beauty dell'appelativo VINTAGE.

Stefano Mazzariol