Day-Date was the flagship of the Rolex production, produced only in precious metals, white gold, yellow and platinum.
For the Day-Date have been devoted to the Maison a variety 'of dials that no other Rolex watch at home can' boast.
Bracelets, special processing, diamond rings, you could set it really almost tailor-made.
For these reasons we find so special and unusual patterns that maximize
exponentially the beauty of the watch.
In 1974, Rolex watches produced about 295,000 in total between them and Oyster and classic number 'with the serial numbers from 3567 to 3862 *** ***'s very own this year and' build up the Day-Date 1807 reference number 36570 * *.
The reference 1807, 'referring to a special process called "bark" of
ring and bracelet.
This watch comes with other tailor the famous swords with the kanji symbol of Oman, in the rare green color.
At the time the marketing for that territory was entrusted to Asprey & Co. one of the most prestigious jewelers in the world,
official supplier to the English royal house for almost two centuries
counts among its customers, emirs, sultans and sheikhs.
Asprey Very often marked on the back the clocks, but not in this case. Witness
it came from the English are the hallmarks caratteristici di quel mercato, anzi , devo dire che quest'orologio e' iper punzonato, sul lato
della cassetta di chiusura e sulle lamine del bracciale,l'interno del fondello con incisa addirittura tutta la matricola per intero .
The charm that only time sa 'design is manifested in this watch in white gold that time has lost a bit' of rhodium, giving it a pale almost d ' ivory, is' in contrast to a dial in perfect condition, but made it ripe and in perfect synergy, a light brown color of the luminous material (tritium) site indices and hands.
All accompanied by the unusual and charming logo of "green sword", without a doubt smentita il logo piu' affascinante e ricercato dai collezionisti di tutto il mondo.
Come se non bastasse , fa' da cornice un datario completo in lingua araba, incompresibile ai piu' ma intrigante per tutti.
La rifinitura a corteccia (bark)che riduce la brillantezza delle superfici, ghiera e parte centrale del bracciale, di solito rifinite lucide, rende a mio avviso ancora piu' affascinate quest'orologio ed anche molto piu' esclusivo in quanto questa lavorazione veniva eseguita a mano.
Testimone di un tempo dove si fondevano interessi, cultura between the UK and Oman, this watch
of 36 years puo'vantare full of all the beauty dell'appelativo VINTAGE.
Stefano Mazzariol

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