Hello I'm back after a long time to post on my blog.
I've been absent for two reasons, first, that the lack of comments on my post I am a little demoralized, but the second reason that most inportant is that I was at the window watching. .. And I've seen so many things in the political, social and economic order to the Italians who did not know what to write even more first, today I closed the window and I will try to bring order to what I face. I saw houses dates
recent earthquakes and earthquakes in the past several years living in container ; because to each other is not? The excuse is that past governments have not done what they had and then because he has not the all-powerful government today? perhaps because not be able to charm the Umbrian irpini or how he tried to do with children of 5 years in L'Aquila. I've seen fly
figurines with perfect sight (or almost), I saw lowered taxes and increased fees and then denied, but how good is to say everything and its opposite. I saw
processes that have long been shortened to become shorter (and woe to the person talking about laws to because as he said there are too many Gaspar people who wait for justice a long time) you can make a person to stretch the law to what is short? The son of God could do it and many users of Viagra would thank ii maximum patronage .... I have seen graduates
pseudo propose laws to return the universities in the hands of children of the rich trying to send the boys to work for 15 years so that young workers will workers with the famous motto is fine if you do not go to school to work. Well dear minister, I think that his arms are lifted to the world of work and the speed with which it is also a graduate of the laborers head removed (no offense to laborers who would have taught at least something). I saw
rehabilitate statesmen who have ruined the Bel Paese before with the ' rise in inflation, then economic inflating the political world having helped politicians awaiting trial to make a career.
I've seen give the name to Crazy Ways and statesman of that and I saw the statue of the same not be purchased by anyone (Fortunately, there is still a bit of common sense).
I've seen people accused of mafia to be performed by almost mafia boss who refused to testify and in return instead of a complaint for aiding have seen remove the harsh prison .. I saw this and many other things tuti you wrote and then I closed the window and I threw up, I threw up a bitterness left by a subsidiary Baffino behind the scenes and makes me regret Natta . (I'll remember?) I threw up sympathy for the launch of statuettes, I threw up for complicity laborers Calabresi that in addition to being beaten were locked in reception centers, where they work as slaves and are not passed through ovens but they are private human dignity. Becchi and beaten. I vomited for a governor under constant protection because went with a cross and we have a prime minister was even accused as a victim for going to bed with a minor, if I do I get arrested for pedophilia.
I threw up all these things, but hours I open the window and I agree with Di Pietro because at the moment is the only one who really tries to counter a political class in America that if he would be accused of Impeachment one day and the other would do well and at least 20 years in prison for tax evasion and even a missile defense system would protect them .
Son back and I opened the window but I'm not going to look more but I will be there screaming my refusal and my frustration ......
The next post will share the recipes with

It can go to Paris and in front of the Eiffel Tour get to speak ill of B with a Senegalese resident in Milan and laid off, so have to sell figurines in PARIS ?
I did ..... Tartaglia cost less than those of the cathedral.

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