The word custom means an artifact, a device or component, designed and tailored according to the needs of the buyer or the specific function to be performed.
The term Indicates a custom handmade article, a device or component designed and tailor-made According To the buyer's needs or to the specific function That It Will Perform.
The word has now entered a part of everyday language in the world, taking its origin from the meanings of the Anglo-American.
custom work: lavoro su misura
Today the word has become part of worldwide common language, taking its meaning from the Anglo-American words: custom work.
Il Custom è un'attidudine, un modo di vivere caratterizzato anzitutto dalla propensione a trasformare un oggetto in modo da farlo diventare un qualcosa di unico.
Custom work is an attitude, a way of life characterized above all by the propensity to transform an object in such a way as to make it become something unique.
Molti , ma molti anni fa' mi capito' di comprare dei movimenti Rolex, tra cui
un A296 (movimento da ovettone con data) in condizioni di nuovo ancora nel
suo portamovimento.
realizate latter was a brass cylinder whose somita 'were installed two beautiful curved plexi glass that left the movement and admire her walk.
Many years ago I Happened to Buy Some Rolex Movements, Among Which
an A296 (Bubbleback movement with date) in new condition still in original ITS cover.
The cover consisted of a brass cylinder with two beautiful pieces of plexi-glass dished
installed on Each Side That allowed the movement and Its function to be Admired.
this Propio Casing was the function of this walk and check it and had a pin on one side
you going to fix a machine that rotates the braccieti, simulating the behavior of the clock on your wrist and kept him in office, the machine is called
final tester.
This Was Exactly the purpose of this case, to see and control the working movement;
on one side it HAD to pin That Could Be That device connected to a simulated the behavior of the wrist keeping it on a watch wound by turning Some small arms, this machine is Called the final meters.
This object fascinated me to the point that I never had the courage to separate from the movement.
For this reason, and 'remained in my safe for over two decades.
This object fascinated me to the point That I Never Had the courage to separate it from the movement and this is why it stayed in my safe for More Than Two Years.
The desire to feel on a subject so 'fascinating led me to think of wearing it in some way, without upsetting, preserving both the container and the movement as' come to me after over 60 years of life. The
Such A fascinating object of desire led me to think of a way to wear it without changing ITS beauty, Maintaining Both the movement and the cover as They Came to me after over 60 years of life. So was born the desire to create my custom watch.
Nacque cosi' il desiderio di creare il mio Custom watch.
Mi sono rivolto ad un amico, Giancarlo Martini, definirlo orologiaio non e' esatto;
un artista e' il termine adatto ,persona dotata di creativita' e buon gusto, capace ed attrezzato;gli mostrai l'oggetto e bastarono due parole per scatenare la sua fantasia...
..."Giancarlo, vorrei creare una gabbia per poter indossare al polso questo...."
Due schizzi su un pezzo di carta e la fantasia di Giancarlo volava , stimolata dal fascino che solo un oggetto di altri tempi puo' emanare.
Abbiamo montato un calendario roulette ed un quadrante sacrificabile per poter fare degli esperimenti.
I turn to a friend, Giancarlo Martini, who to define as a simple watchmaker would not be exact; an artist is the more suitable term, a person blessed with creativity and good taste, capable and with the right tools; I showed him the object and it only took a couple of words to spark his imagination.
"Giancarlo , I would like to create a cage to be able to wear it on my wrist..."
a couple of sketches on a piece of paper and Giancarlo's imagination took wing, stimulated by the charm that only an object from another time can emanate.
We assembled a calendar wheel and an expendable face, to be able to experiment.
Il quadrante e' stato pazientemente scavato , scheletrato per far vedere il piu' possibile il datario bicolore ed il movimento.
Dopodiche' argentato , lucidato e ritriziato, un tocco di rosso alla lancetta dei secondi.. et voila' il quadrante e' pronto.
The dial was patiently hollowed out to reveal as much as possible of the bicolored date wheel and movement.
After that, it was silver plated, polished and ritriziato , a touch of red on the second hand......and voilà the face is ready
The dial and 'have been patiently excavated skeleton to show the most' possible date two-tone and movement. Afterwards
'silver, polished and ritriziato, a touch of red to the second hand .. et voila 'the dial and' ready.
Machined from solid steel with a lathe, he patiently created the winding crown, custom made Obviously, I know That It Could Be Easily operated.
Then the chest, two rings that fit in the glass top and bottom
held by two steel cylinders which have the dual function of retaining movement between the two rings with screws, and fastening two lugs that attach to the strap.
Then the houses, two rings That fit in the upper and lower glass, Held in place by two steel cylinders That Have The double function of keeping the movement Between the two rings with screws, and the attachment of the two movable loops That connect to the watch band.
Not satisfied, Giancarlo has accomplished a great deployant buckle, comfortable and practical, mounted with a sturdy leather strap and an aggressive look .
Not satisfied, Giancarlo created a splendid fold Fastening buckle, comfortable and Practical, assembled with a strong leather watch band with an aggressive look.
The result is 'a clock by modern forms, but the retro', with no commercial use, exercise only to my use and pleasure .... and frankly, and 'was for me a great satisfaction.
Thanks Giancarlo.
The final result is a watch with a modern shape with a retro flavor But, with no commercial purpose, But only for my use and pleasure ..... and frankly it has Been a great pleasure for me. Thank you Giancarlo
Stefano Mazzariol

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