Delegates Assembly
regional and national Democratic Party
Subject: Request for Primary
the undersigned leaders of the Coordination of Circle of Francavilla Fontana, driven by the dramatic and in some ways, contradictory vicissitudes of the Democratic Party Puglia in selecting the candidate for President of the Puglia Region, have the attention of delegates to the Assembly regional and national considerations, in view of the next Regional Assembly, convened for 16 January 2010:
1. has been lacking a serious reflection on the experience of five years of government Vendola, of which the Democratic Party has been a decisive force: the analysis of positive and critical, involving the same Democratic Party, would lead to a glossy reflection also on the search for alliances and candidates for the upcoming regional
2. the Democratic Party, also born to give reality to the individual protagonist territoriali, interpretando un’idea forte e innovativa di partito “federale”, ha in realtà operato con scelte che sono apparse del tutto verticistiche e sganciate dalle esigenze e dalla storia del territorio;
3. quanto sopra ha avuto ripercussioni negative sul nostro elettorato di simpatizzanti e militanti, che attualmente è innegabilmente attraversato da sentimenti di scoramento e disaffezione verso il Partito e la politica in generale;
4. al punto in cui ci troviamo, riteniamo l’Assemblea di giorno 16 decisiva per ridare fiato alle speranze riposte nel progetto di costruzione di un Partito alternativa di governo a cui abbiamo aderito con entusiasmo e passione, e ridare identità ad un Partito che sembra ancora “in Search of an Author;
5. We appeal, therefore, delegates to Brindisi, which has contributed to the October 25 election in the primaries, to express to the method of the primaries as a solution to offer a way out of complying with the real identity of the base, to avoid ruinous fissures and allow to dissolve the complex tangle of alliances.
Francavilla Fontana, January 14, 2010 Best regards
Antonio Romano
Anna Maria Padula
Giorgio Red
Carlo Tatara
Cosimo Cosimo Cosimo Torino
Fabio Zecchino
Giovanni Francesco Giuseppe Carlucci
Ilaria Leone Brindisi Luciana
Marcello Cafueri
Michael Tardio
Nicola Salerno Nicola Santoro
Thomas remains
Valentina Paciulli
Antonio Chianura
Garganese Vincent
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