And who can go on vacation there?
morning listening to the radio I heard the announcer say that the site of el Foreign Ministry there are photos of private travel by the Minister Frattini.
Now I say anything contrary Frattini as a man who wants to show you how to ski or knows how photogenic incidentally human vanity has no limits, but must show their official web site of the Ministry? That does not exist
facebook style social networking ?
Beautiful photos of a Frattini around the eagle with a 500 cabrio but I would be afraid if there was a guy pissed because the earthquake destroyed the home and if he had flown a tile? If Frattini like so much because the risk not going to see what happens in Haiti's first to disassociate what he said Bertolasi ? Then
Frattini in Greenland with a nice little dog, why not take pictures with the teachers and temporary workers who have been out of work for the cuts that the government has done and that the Greenland if they can only dream of? I do not want to condemn a minister because go on holiday around the world, but at least a 'moment of decency in using channels Information institutions, a site should inform the ministry and yet I know that every channel ' information is used to show how good and beautiful as any minister of any judge is dishonest. A worker may never
when afford so many trips? Already not available many days of leave and let alone the money.
So dear minister not to ill-feeling normal food to those who earn 1000 (Media) € a month at least try some photos to make them less public because also possible if that beautiful dog in Greenland was so much of Italian hand it to him of biting
I can advise facebook so will put all his photos in the closet and show them only to those who deserve it.
I would do so to see photo 1 photo 3 reviews 5 1 vote ..... and the money gets put them into the coffers of the state so you may make a collection for the children of Haiti and portaglieli yourself with the 500 heavenly.
Recipe dl Day
timbale of rice wine with velvety barolo broccoli and sausage
For 4 people 400 g of rice or carnaroli vialone nano.
300 g broccoli shallot
a sausage
a potato.
olive oil salt and pepper to taste
Make a risotto alla parmigiana substituting white wine to moisten the rice with plenty of wine or other red wine Barolo 's important that a full-bodied wine.
Butter the molds, cream caramel and then wipe them with the bread crumbs to fill them with creamed rice well and transfer to oven in a bain marie 180 degrees for about 20 min .
Meanwhile prepare the sauce by frying the broccoli in extra virgin olive oil with chopped scallion and potato add some vegetable broth to cover ingredients bring cooked. Remove
una parte di broccoli e passare tutto il resto al minipiner far tirare un po la vellutata fino a che non sia una crema al' occorrenza legarla leggerm ente con un po di farina mischiata all'olio.
Tritare i broccoli tolti in precedenza e la salsiccia al coltello e poi saltarli in padella con olio sfumarli con vino bianco e poi aggiungerli alla passata.
Sformare il timballo su di un piatto dove è stata versata prima un po di salsa ai broccoli e mettere un po di salsa sopra una parte di timballo.
Buon appetito questa ricetta può andare bene per un viaggio al freddo.
purtroppo non ho foto ma vi osso assicurare che oltre che buono è a dish as a good color effect.
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