The 7 Deadly Sins, already Arisotele in 300 BC called them the clothes of evil, then in the middle ages the church used them to ward off the people with the specter of hell, and so by dint of penance in which these vicious and depraved were condemned the Vatican is rich. I also thought because of who governs us by analizzrli and see who these vicious: (The definitions are taken from Wikipedia )

(desire to be messy superior to others, even to the contempt order and laws).
The Vatican says that this is the worst of vices, ( Lucifer, Adam and Eve were stain this vice) fact I think I've ever seen a homeless man proud? And a worker who does not reach the end of the month to be proud with his employer? or an immigrant who does not know where to sleep with someone who has to be super 7 Ville? I do not or at least I do not remember, but instead I saw Rich venerated by the church to treat human beings as slaves, and priests who give food to the homeless apostrophised making them feel even more down, heads of government who believe children God and the laws if they do not have contempt for. The Pope says that pride is il peggior peccato .... Ma io Caro papa non mi faccio chiamare Santo Padre o Eminenza e neppure mi faccio baciare l'anello da chi mi fa visita ...... Peccherò di superba modestia?
Gesù disse beati i poveri perché loro sarà il regno dei cieli..... porgo una domanda a tutti i miei lettori chi è Più superbo .. Il PAPA che si fa chiamare il Cristo in Terra o Berlusconi che è Unto dal Signore ? Bella lotta ...
PS il Pontefice era prefetto della Congregazione per la dottrina della fede , praticamente la derivazione dell' Catholic Inquisition
Avarice (disordered desire of temporal things)

Well and here is a mess, who is not stingy in its affairs? I think everyone who more or less, but we are all stingy in giving something, but have you ever known someone most miserly of the Church Vatican? Ratzinger certainly is not attached to worldly goods, in fact, the level of ermine he reintroduced (after Woitila had removed) and shoes prada not be regarded as immovable time, as well repair them from the rain and cold thunder will lightning will not cause the latter would cause them stoats certainly the poor who have been removed without the fur pride ...

Try to ask a priest to a bishop or a cardinal's refusal of the gold ornaments or ground to a poor patient who is dying because has no money for medical care ... the answer this time I give it to you "Brothers and THE WILL 'FOR GOD AND WE ARE ABOUT TO GO TO THE ABOVE WILL'?" It is true I am no one, but when you came to tell you that God is his will? and when he came to tell to ask the 8 per thousand because you can help the poor? god you did not say that 8 per thousand to build schools where you need them then the people must pay to send his son to school? and try to remove the state funding to private Catholic schools and parishes, and so you notice what is the meaning of greed ...
If we pass by the church to the rich in power to reach the Hum .. Newspapers in TV on the radio that there is nothing to hear famous people (players, actors, industrialists) to make appeals on behalf of earthquake victims, many sick, floods ... And they say please small donation so give a smile ... But are not you ashamed?
AHoooo the people when he is lucky to get a monthly salary of 1300 € ... Make it a gift ... if you a player, coach or industrialist donassero € 500,000 each, but how many children they would save ? I say with € 3 vaccine a child ... with the salary of a senator vaccinate all children in Africa and they thought I would have taken about how to invest this month .... But no
them ask me the money and if they do not tell me stingy gift to you is € 3 a day without coffee .... O shit for you is € 500,000 in less than a ferrari ....
the luxury show was una bara da 250,000 mila euro con tutto quello che c'era in quella fiera si risanava tutto l'Abruzzo
Lussuria (dedizione al piacere e al sesso).

Eccoci qua la lussuria che dire della lussuria... intanto io direi che Adamo , ed Eva non erano solo superbi , ma perfino parecchio lussuriosi... Pensate un po' da soli hanno creato tutto il genere umano e partendo poi da due figli Masch i ( e qui oltre alla lussuria e alla superbia , vedo anche il reato di incesto... ma si sa a quel tempo le leggi le faceva DIO e l'incesto lo ha depenalizzato a decree extraordinary , because there was opposition Lucifer has taken him around by sending him to hell and closing all transmission to be able to contact ... Now I understand why B.. Is anointed him) .
Now if the poor are lustful fuck and children ... But if they do not fucking have children and then have people pie, the pie is important that people then did not seek money to the church to keep their children, otherwise they become misfits of , then if the money they steal even unworthy of the people and intended to hell ... But at this
some priests have found a solution, in fact they are willing to 'accept the children of the poor in their monasteries provided any service say a bit ..... Dear Pope if I were you could take my lust by the deadly sins, otherwise they are sure to meet you all there, along with Lucifer and as I have a lustful homosexual but I fear to bend a bit to get some wood in your presence.
It 's true that the Pope has condemned the pedophile priests, but how come the state of Texas has investigated pedophile to have covered by diplomatic immunity and saved? (As Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, is author of De delictis gravioribus dated May 18 2001 and addressed to all bishops and other members of the hierarchy of the Catholic Church. Then , was quoted as alleged by the District Court of County Harris (Texas) , accused of "obstruction of justice" as a result of transmission of the epistle. According to the indictment, the document of the Congregation could have favored the coverage of clergy involved in sexual harassment cases in the U.S. (many of them on minors). The September 20 2005, however, the U.S. State Department has accepted the request to be granted to the Pope 's diplomatic immunity , as the head office of a sovereign state, by exempting factual pr ocesso [ 8] .)

Dear Pope to avoid the vice of lust in the convents the vow of chastity is not sufficient because fuck is in the nature all .... So I have two proposals The first is that priests and nuns coexist with each other and when a couple will not give up in chastity ai voti...
I conventi non si chiameranno più conventi ma SODOMA o GOMORRA.....
La seconda proposta è riservata ai preti che predicano la Castità , I romani e gli egiziani per proteggere le mogli dagli schiavi avevano inventato gli EUNUCHI , che ne dice di riproporli per proteggere i nostri figli che frequentano le varie parrocchie ? Chi si vuol far prete o frate lo tira fuori lo appoggia su un ceppo e Zac un colpo netto dato da un bimbo stuprato e il gioco è fatto.
E comunque un povero può essere solo lussurioso con la moglie o con autoerotismo perché avere delle amanti ha sicuramente un costo elevato.Ed ecco alte 2 Questions for readers ... Because if a woman normal mother, has an affair is a whore or worse, almost always ends in ruin, but a woman who has known more fans in one fell swoop is viewed with admiration and envy?
2 ° Why if a worker has extramarital relations is convicted of adultery and not can not participate in the communion of the child, but if he has a famous person is accepted by the Pope and became chairman of the board as a minimum?
. Envy (sadness for the good of others, perceived come male proprio)

Forse l'unico vizio di cui può essere condannato veramente un povero....
Ma siamo sicuri che sia una colpa del popolo? Perché devo essere condannato se desidero una casa quando nella mia parrocchia il prete ha un fior di villa dell'800?
Perché devo essere condannato per desiderare una macchina nuova mi basta una clio o una punto ... quando Gli statisti tutti girano con Fior di Macchine e per giunta pagate anche da me?
Perché devo essere condannato per desiderare di andare a mangiare una pizza quando i ministri in parlamento hanno un ristorante con menù rich and not even go there?
Why should I be condemned when I want a coat for shelter from the cold when running with priests and bishops and the Pope Pellicciotti with an ermine also paid by my x 8 thousand? (I NO)
GOD I turn to you I am envious of those who are better than me because this world leads us to want more and more and are not as poor as then may be condemned, but how can you condemn those people who are days you do not envy the one who eats and with a swollen belly rings and gold's going to take your word and tells you will see the kingdom of heaven ....
I am convinced that at that moment would not want the kingdom of heaven, but only the preacher's coat ....
End of bet I do not know what I wrote but I have written so .. I hope I was understandable and more soon will post the other three DEFECTS ... but not only then will touch the virtues
Tonight a recipe that can fit both for the rich to the poor ...
Rice in Cagnone
RICE Carnaroli :
500 g butter 100 g
garlic: 1 clove
SAGE: 6 leaves
Grated Parmesan cheese: 80 g
SALE: qb
Cook the rice al dente in salted water; Meanwhile crush the garlic and fry to light brown with butter and sage; Drain rice and place it on the plates, discarding the garlic and pour the sauce on the rice and grain, serve immediately.
This is the original recipe ... I advise you to skip the rice in butter and sage after removing the garlic and then sprinkle with wheat or with shaved pecorino.

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