pairs of the famous television history, not just the TV is full of them. Already in My childhood was couples to lord it on TV and the movies. I remember
Persuaders 2
a TV show with Tony Curtis and Roger Moore .. Two rich who happen to be on the side of justice and the law without having to ricorree no decree to enforce it.
Then at 13 on Saturday to see Laurel and Hardy were
two great comedians who could make people understand their humor even in children as I was .. Crescendo changed
couples including those of the fantastic variety and after Ugo Tognazzi and Raimondo Vianello couples came to a little less effect. .Ric e Gian , Mario e Pippo Santanastaso
, COCHI e RENATO (questo scatch deve averlo scritto CORONA) .ecc
(Secondo me il premier prende spunto da questi duetti per i suoi discorsi ....)
Al cinema invece nascevano Bud Spencer e Terence Hill
Una coppia dove di solito c'è un buono e un cattivo , ma poi alla fine anche il disonesto si scopre dalla parte del piu debole e della giustizia...
Cosi tra Drivin e i vari varietà siamo arrived at 2010 and still the couples are part of my life and yours.
Maybe change some scenarios, but the game remains the same pair of comedy, and so we still have some variety with talented actors like Ale and Franz
Ficarra and Picone
comedies and other couples.
the movies we have not more comic couples able to make people laugh without words or nonsense on TV and the couples have been replaced by reality shows, that the only effect they have on people with more than one neuron is to make them cry, but they have gone also learn to make my dog \u200b\u200bhow to use the remote to change channels.
But we have other venues where they were formed pairs still able to laugh and move the Italians. We have a couple
Berlusconi Alfano.
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(Actually Berlusconi is a really great, can do as a director, Shoulder and comic itself and not just Alfano , but also with other politicians.)
A fantastic couple While Laurel and Hardy try singing to believe that a platoon of the Foreign Legion and donkeys fly without red bull , Be A manage to believe not only that millions of Italians donkeys fly, but even they are honest and laws that do are in favor of all honest.
Then we Brunetta and Gelmini another couple of political stage, we could compare them to Vianello and Sbirulino , the fact is that neither of them could do Vianello, but both certainly Sbirulino . The problem is that the Italians as a prompt to write the jokes they used a block with the stamp of the ministry where you should write cuts and economic reforms school and so for all this mess, the Italian students from next year will have little to laugh about, but certainly enough to cry.
Another couple are definitely Bersani and D 'Alema , think two of them Tito you ta dyed ....
But which of them would know ritingere a roof of red? and that their father would say the poor Enrico Berlinguer ?
Surely nothing but a lightning strike while on the roof to paint it to him certainly throws.
But the pair of couples and they of course PUPO PRINCE EMANUELE. that after the San Remo are ready for a new adventure on TV was the same as the TV and I Italians pay the annual fee blessed, our money and what they do? Maybe to buy the champions league of good movies? . nno! for what we pay to pay TV and the same for the Olympics, and for good movies. Our money need to pay one of several islands of the famous, but who are famous? Or see people who learn to dance at my own expense and to learn are also paid. But what the hell I even know how to dance, but if I want to learn I have to pay a school and I bet no one will see me as I learn (luckily for me). But I have the money to the school year I have not even because I have given them to pay for RAI PUPO and Emanuel, the new couple on television.
But rightly so after a patriotic song at the festival as they could not help but make them run a broadcast on Italian TV.
But you remember the look of love Pupo against Emanuele? (do not call more prince from us because the nobility was abolished and shame that someone has tried to make it back through the window)
was a look of love full of passion that if there was still life in Michelangelo sculpted a new have mercy ... I guess the statue .... L ' Italian and all Italians who invoke the mercy of home free them from that duo .... From what I look
arose a doubt as Pupo worked together and Malgioglio and who goes with the lame learns how to limp ....... It is not that well bigamist blown baby ...... Okay
too 'I want to compose a Duo or rather a complex ... I would like to put together all the Gods of the sky God, Manitu. Allah, Buddha , Zeus and all gods, and when you are meeting them please remove the fuck all those clowns who you hear Dii .... For
luck that we are their revenge (I'll just but a YouTube is full)
Gemelli with mascarpone and orange

For 6 pax
Peel an orange being careful not to remove too white, cut the peel into strips thin, then dip x 1 minute in boiling water.
Melt in a pan a knob of butter you put in the orange peel with a spoon broth without the orange and brown juice 1 / 4 of orange, add 125 g of mascarpone jump in and let it melt 500 g cooked and drained of twins.
A nice match.

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