Today is over Luxury Yacht & the luxury show in Verona.

Meanwhile, having regard to the global economic situation I think it is absurd to have a luxury show, but even more absurd and a disgrace to see what's inside in the national news. There are workers who earn € 800/900 per month, not to mention that there are those who do not earn at all, and does not know how feeding the family or pay rent, and they are here to see a bicycle with a seat from 35,000 € crocodile, sin can not give a shot at him or her every time we salt sopra.Io I hope that bike, to break the brakes just as the exhibitor is making a descent into the bottom of which there is a sewage treatment plant open and we end up inside, and that only the remains of the bicycle's seat of a crocodile, but crapped.
While Verona is the luxury show The GLAXO SMITHKLINE based in Verona is planning to lay off 400 researchers and not because it is a loss, but because they have earned 27% less than last year it won its ... , And the exhibition participants are discussing on the interiors of Ferrari spending up to 200,000 € to customize your car, we hope that with the other customizations there is a heated seat and break up the thermostat while they sat blocking the belts and thus prove a bit 'The feeling of being an unemployed obliged to travel (if you have money for gasoline) even with an old one left in a courtyard in the middle of summer while seeking employment.
In Verona there is a fair of luxury customers has proposed moving from Milan to Verona helicopter
. Petch not send them to be unemployed to take risks? We would put maybe 6 hours from Milan to Verona, but at least you feel even more masters with their slaves, and would have provided work for some people, for the richest to the risk with the whip and could provide a little extra 3 or 4 000 € a wheelchair chiusa con tutti i confort e escort per distrarsi durante la pedalata che sta facendo lo schiavo (una fatica per uno ).
A Verona c'è la fiera del lusso dove è stato venduto un collier di diamanti per prosciutto, A Verona ci sono dei bambini che non riescono neppure a mangiarlo il prosciutto perché i genitori non possono permetterselo.
A Verona c'è la fiera del lusso dove si vendono penne da 1 milione di € ,perché tempestate di diamanti e nel mondo ci sono milioni di bimbi che non possono comprarsi una penna da 50 cent.
A Verona c'è la fiera del lusso dove viene venduta una BARA d' ORO con cellulare annesso costo 250,000 €. while in the world there are thousands of people are still buried in mass graves because even with the boxes of fruit can be a coffin. But when
c. ... or if it is a gold coffin with a mobile phone? A cell phone numbers with 5000 pre-recorded worldwide. but what the hell are dead you learn all the languages \u200b\u200bof the world? And if I call my grandfather and I speak in Chinese from the other side who understands it? A coffin, so if you can afford solo i ricchi e i mafiosi ( ho aggiunto e i per non finire in galera per calunnia) , ma il cel gli serve per controllare i loro soldi anche da morti?
Ve lo immaginate il B ... che da lassù telefona a PS.B e gli dice " guarda cerca di Ghedini e digli che venga in su, perché qua c'è un anarchico con la barba e i capelli lunghi , che non mi vuole fare entrare perché dice che sono un bugiardo, e intorno ha tante persone con le tonache bianche , ma sono convinto che prima erano rosse. " e sussurando aggiunge " mi sembra un po scuro di carnagione vuoi vedere che è uno dei clandestini che abbiamo cacciato e ora si vuol vendicare?"
E PS.B al posto di Ghedini gli mette nella bara d'oro un Escort couple of words in Chinese because the Chinese knew it was only red cassocks.
I have always been contrary to the funeral, because I find it unfair to speculate about the pain of people and are of the opinion that all funerals should be state, and they throw me out of a coffin from € 250.000 This is not speculation, but a pure and stronzaggine I hope that if someone buys and uses it immediately becomes the victim of a robbery during tombe.Anche violators of the funeral would not be bad.
Today in Verona is over the luxury show and where seats have been sold to Marie Antoinette, King Louis
and a fireplace from the palace of the Tsar of Russia, and I will have to stop writing this post because I hurt my back on my stool and I'm dying from the cold because the radiators are turned off and the stack I have not turned on.
PS In Verona The clock will be displayed that the designer Francesco Basile
created for the chairmanship of the G8 in 2009 to 'Aquila. We hope that the meaning
The luxury show is over and the rich and powerful if netornano home thinking about how much money will escape and how many unemployed people do in order to come in the few who have spent spiccioi.
The show is fake and the world cntinuano to be millions of children dying of hunger,
migliaia di disoccupati che non sanno come pagare bollette o affitti, migliaia di onesti operai che si vedono portare via la casa da quei ricchi perchè non ce la fanno a pagare il mutuo, ma tutto questo non finisce sui TG perchè una notizia quotidiana non fa piu notizia, e perchè migliaia di persone preferisco guardare studio aperto o il Tg di rete 4 per vedere e sbavare dietro ai loro padroni che vanno a comperare alla fiera del Lusso
Non metterò nessuna ricetta, a Verona fanno il PANDORO e la Easter dove and because one is a Christmas cake and other body just post the link with Passover recipes with the hope that next year there are many more people to afford it.
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