Rolex Submariner ref 6538A
Rolex Submariner ref. 6540
Rolex Submariner ref.A 6540
Courtesy Philipp
Rolex Submariner ref. 6538 A , ref. 6540 ,ref A6538
1957, siamo nel periodo piu' prolifico di modelli e versioni che la storia di Rolex ci racconta.
Dall'inizio degli anni 50 e per i prossimi 10 anni assistiamo alla presentazione e sviluppo di : Explorer,Turn'o'graph, Submariner and GMT.
The Submariner was born with the ref and then evolve
6204 with ref 6205, 6536, 6536 / 1, etc. 6538.
Propio ref.6538 the Submariner, the Rolex more 'stock performance, nicknamed "Coroncione for adoption of the crown Brevet 8mm, was' subject to further development in 1957 to increase the strength and impermeability'.
1957, we are in The Most Prolific period for models and versions That tells us the history of Rolex.
From the beginning of the 1950's and for the next 10 years we are witnesses to the development and presentation of the: Explorer, Turn'o'graph, Submariner and GMT.
Was Born With The Submariner ref 6204 to then evolves with refs 6205, 6536, 6536 / 1, etc. 6538. Specifically this ref.6538
Submariner, Rolex performing the best available, nicknamed the "Big Crown" for ITS Brevet 8mm crown, Was subject to additional Developments in 1957 to INCREASE it's robustness and to make it more impermeable to water.
This development was' taken for a thoroughly professional, as the references we're going to talk about is the destination for military use.
In this article I have some data and some that are the result of study and supposition and as'
very difficult to make an exact series with only 3 of these rare watches available, and with little documentation available. Starting from the reference
6538 A, up to about 2001 Rolex
questioning by his office and Heritage Documentation was possible to confirm the membership of a freshman at a given clock and the exact year of production. This development
Was Undertaken for an Extremely professional use, as the references will speak about That We Were Destined for military use.
In this article I have some information Which Is Certain, and Others That Are fruit of study and supposition as it is very Difficult to make an exact case with only 3 of These Extremely rare watches available and two to the Lack of documentation.
We start with reference 6538A, up until about 2001, by consulting Rolex through ITS Documentation and Assets office Was it possible to confirm That A serial number belonged to a specific watch and the exact year of production.
This watch is the product 17/05/1957 Assigned military use.
Going to check various parts catalogs original period, I can say that the changes were aimed with glass, its housing fund, which rose from tropic to tropic 17 19, and its seal to the bottom. This resulted
watch as Being and produced 17/05/1957 Was Destined for military use. Going through the replacement part Various catalogs of the time, I can affirm That Were the changes related to the crystal, to the homes in ITS housing, Which the passes from the tropic to tropic 17 19, back to the gasket and to the ITS.
Weighing the bottoms of a ref 6538 compared to that of 6538A, both in normal wear, we see a difference di peso di quasi mezzo grammo in piu' a favore di quest'ultimo .
Weighing the back of a ref 6538 compared to that of the 6538A, both in a normal state of use, we see a difference in weight of almost a half a gram more in favor of the latter.
Evidente era intenzione di sovradimensionare il modello esistente per renderlo piu' resistente.
Il quadrante era nella versione denominata "black out"
cioe' senza nessuna indicazione ad ore 6 , sopratutto quella
della profondita'.
Nella "presunzione" di voler cercare una spiegazione al perche'Rolex non volle indicare la profondita' , sono andato a cercare lo strumento che usava Rolex all'epoca per testare l'impermeabilita' dei Submariner: la ref 1004 chiamata Fathometer.
The intention to oversize the existing model to make it more resistant is evident. The dial was part of the version called the “black out” in other words there was no indication at 6 o’clock, specifically that for depth resistance.
In the “presumption’ to want to find an explanation for why Rolex did not want to indicate the depth resistance, I searched out the instrument that Rolex used at the time to test the impermeability of the Submariners: the ref 1004 named the Fathometer.
Questo strumento era usato e consigliato per orologi subacquei fino a 200mt, quindi non potendo testare esattamente l'impermeabilita' del'modello evoluto 6538A fu' montato un quadrante senza nessuna indicazione di profondita' raggiungibile ma presumibilmente maggiore ai 200 mt del suo predecessore 6538, grazie come gia' scritto al sovradimensionamento di alcune parti.
This instrument was used and suggested for underwater watches resistant at up to 200mt, therefore not being able to test the exact impermeability of the evolved model 6538A, a dial was mounted with no indication of the reachable depth, but which would have been expected to be greater than the 200mt of its predecessor 6538 thanks to the aforementioned over-sizing of some parts.
Analizando i punzoni presenti all'interno del fondello del 6538A possiamo notare la matricola incisa con un carattere , ritengo, troppo "moderno" per l'epoca.
Una plausibile spiegazione puo' essere che durante un service ufficiale, come da "modus operandi" visto su altri orologi speciali, veniva incisa la matricola per non sostituire il fondello con uno simile in fase di rimontaggio.
La A aggiunta alla referenza, dalla documentazione ed esperienza raccolata in questi anni, riguarda sempre orologi modificati per militari Inglesi, a suggellare questa ipotesi possiamo trovare l'indicazione della referenza dell'orologio di questa scatola Rolex con stampato 5517/a.
Analyzing the punches present on the inside of the back of the 6538A we note that the serial number engraved in characters that I deem to be too “modern” for the time. One plausible explanation could be that during an official servicing, as per “modus operandi” seen on other such special watches, the serial number was engraved so the back would not be substituted with a similar one during reassembly.
The A added to the reference, from the documentation and experience gathered in these years, always regards watches modified for the English military. To confirm this hypothesis, we find the reference of the Indication of this Rolex watch box stamped with 5517 / a
This box was part of a lot that I bought in England, a few dollars, many years ago ', without any added value for its rare tenant.
many doubts 'were raised in the discussion forum on its membership of a 5517, but the question is,' cause Rolex added an A? ... and who knew nothing of the significance of this speech at the time? ... if it were added to the adhesive 5517 chicchesia, who was put to add the A?
At this point, the answers may be hypothetical:
1) Why ' and 'watch a military target English, both the 6538A, which A6538 to 5517, and apparently was scored inside with a.
2) They were marked with the A's watches of the changes from the original design.
3) The
A shows a continuum of models intended for special military nomenclature, the letter A could mean Army.
4) This is a 'to indicate the metal (acier) and it' s just a coincidence.
Personally I am inclined to the romantic theory of technical change but I can not exclude that it is only directed to the metal watch.
This box Was part of a lot That I bought in England, just for a bit of spare change many years ago without any added value for its rare tenant.
Much confusion was shown in discussion forums about it belonging to a 5517, ma the questions are, why did Rolex add an A?.. and who knew something about the significance of this vowel at the time?.. if the 5517 sticker was added by whomever, then who decided to add the A? At this point the hypothetical answers can be:
1) Because it is a military watch with an English destination, both the 6538A, the A6538 and the 5517, and was evidently cataloged internally with an A.
2) Watches with modifications compared to the original project were marked with the A.
3) The A indicates a continuation of a nomenclature Specially designated for military models, the letter A for Army Could Be short.
4) The A + indicates the metal (acier) and is only a coincidence.
Personally I'm more romantically inclined to prefer the technical modification theory, But I cannnot exclude That It May Merely address the metal of the watch.
Also in August in August of 1957 was further developed with reference to the 6538A in 6540 produced 130 specimens, of personal information collected, are planned for the British Navy.
Still in August 1957 of the 6538A Was Further Developed with the reference in 6540 produced 130 examples that from information personally gathered, seemed to be destined for the English Navy.
A disposizione ne ho uno "civile" cioe' senza nessuna assegnazione che pero' ha, la modifica del vetro,come nel 6538A, inoltre presenta come documentato negli R
una guarnizione di maggiore spessore e di fatto una cassa di un millimetro piu' spessa .
I have one “civilian” example available, meaning with no particular assignment, but it has the crystal modification as with the 6538A, in addition it presents as documented in the R, a thicker gasket and a case which is one milimeter thicker.
Unfortunately, the watch and 'come to the present day with reference number and almost completamenta abraded by
bracelet and I believe also likely to brush up with the engraving of the reference part, however, the measures and the features speak for themselves: Glass tropic 19, 6540 pad with dedicated seal and a thickness of 1 mm in more cash '. Unfortunately
this watch has arrived at our day with the serial and reference numbers almost completely worn away by the bracelet and personally I feel probably with the engraving of the reference number partially retraced, however the measurements and the characteristics speak for themselves: Tropic 19 crystal, 6540 back with dedicated gasket and a case which is 1mm thicker.
Siamo di fronte ad una nuova evoluzione.
Una sorta di supercoroncione.
Anche in questo caso il quadrante non ha l'indicazione della profondita' ma una scritta SUBMARINER direi inedita per questa referenza (qualcosa di simile si e' visto sulla ref 6204), quasi a voler supportare la mia precedente teoria
dell'impermeabilita' maggiore non testata.
We are faced with new evolution.
A sort of super “big crown”.
Even in this case, the dial does not have an indication of the depth resistance, but the writing SUBMARINER that I would say for this reference (something similar is seen on the ref 6204), almost as if to support my previous theory of the additional untested impermeability.
L'ulteriore domanda che sorge spontanea e':..130 orologi sono pochissimi , ma dovrebbero aver lasciato un'altra traccia oltre a quello a mia disposizione.
Analiziamo What we have:
1) an order of 130 clocks for the Royal Navy
2) the existence proven by various documents of both
6538A 6540 with that of the features described above
What other watch has benefited from these changes and although the original does not appear in any official catalog? A
The Submariner ref 6538.
It 'my opinion that other specimens of 6540 was rededicated in 6538, as more and bottoms mount 6540, almost always ripunzonati,
have the change of glass thickness and higher cash 1mm. A
something similar and 'seen after 70 years in the military between 5513 and 5517 (or 5514COMEX), evolution del primo ,cambio di referenza ma mai apparsi in nessun catalogo.
The other question that spontaneously arises is: 130 watches are very few, but they should have left another trace besides that which I have at my disposition.
Let us analyze what we have:
1) a commission of 130 watches for the English navy
2) proof from various documentation at the time for both the 6538A and the 6540 with the aforementioned characteristics
What other watch had the same modifications and although being an original, does not appear in any official catalog?
The Submariner A 6538.
It is my opinion that the other examples of the 6540 were renamed A 6538, inasmuch as they still mounted the 6540 back, almost always re-engraved, They Have The modification of the crystal and the 1mm thicker case.
Something similar is seen successively in the 1970's Between the 5513 and 5517 military (or 5514COMEX), evolution of the first, never changing the reference But Which Appeared In Any catalog.
Courtesy Jatuka
The information I collected to the British Navy
target coincides with the assignment on the back
since 0552 It is the code English assignment watches order of the Royal Navy.
The Information Gathered by me Destined For The Inglese navy coincides with the present assignment on the back inasmuch as 0552 is the code assigned for
Englisch watches by order of the Royal Navy.
Unfortunately, in 6538 have all been reissued by the
MOD (MOD: Ministry of Defence, UK Ministry of Defence, and 'the body that define the parameters for the Def-Stan military equipment, including watches), probably because 'not conforming to the rule of radioactivity' of luminescent material used for the indices and hands. Unfortunately the A
Were All REPRINTED 6538 by the MOD (MOD: British Ministry of Defence, and the body in charge of Def-Stan Defining the parameters for military equipment, Including wrist watches) Most Likely Because They did not meet the Regulations for Radioactivity of the luminescent material used for the hour markers and hands.
... remains an example of huge historical and collectible. In this article we are
truth 'and plausible assumptions supported by official documents designed to reconstruct the story of a legendary watch:
the Submariner
It is still however in a sample of Enormous collectable and historical interest. In this article there are
Both facts plausible suppositions and supported by official documentation Likely to reconstruct the history of a legendary watch: the Submariner.
Stefano Mazzariol

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